Any Employee who violates this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

There are also sanctions under State law [Official Code of Georgia Section 45-10-28] as described in the following paragraphs.

Any appointed public official or Employee who violates Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 45-10-23 ("Full-time employees prohibited from transacting business with own state agency; exception to prohibition for Board of Regents employees"), Section 45-10-24 ("Part-time public officials with state-wide powers prohibited from transacting business with any state agency; part-time employees prohibited from transacting business with own state agency; exceptions to prohibitions"), or Section 45-10-26 ("Public officials and employees to file yearly disclosure statements concerning business transactions with state; statements to be public records") shall be subject to:

  • Removal from office or employment;
  • A civil fine not to exceed $10,000.00; and
  • Restitution to the state of any pecuniary benefit received as a result of such violation.

Any business which violates Code Section 45-10-23, 45-10-24, or 45-10-26 shall be subject to:

  • A civil fine not to exceed $10,000.00; and
  • Restitution to the state of any pecuniary benefit received as a result of such violation.