Employment srodriguez31Compensation and Payroll
Compensation and Payroll jgastley3Compensation
Compensation jgastley3Extra Compensation
Extra CompensationInstitute personnel, to include staff, academic faculty, and research faculty, may be paid extra compensation for performing certain duties in addition to their normal job responsibilities. This Policy is intended to augment applicable Board of Regents (BOR) Policy and Procedures and 1) describes when extra compensation from Georgia Tech may be allowable, 2) establishes a consistent approach to setting compensation for additional duties, and 3) sets limits so such activities do not interfere with the normal work of the employee.
Extra compensation for certain activities may be paid in accordance with the criteria described in the BOR Business Procedures Manual, Section 5.3.2, Extra Compensation.
In accordance with Board of Regents policy, and absent special program approval granted by the BOR, extra compensation may be paid to employees for tasks performed (services rendered) outside their normal business hours for duties not included in the employee’s normal job responsibilities, provided the following three criteria are met:
- The task(s) must be outside of the employee’s regular department. See FAQ section.
- The Extra Compensation Departmental Agreement Form must be completed and routed for signatures by the appropriate department heads prior to commencement of activities of the employee.
- The employee must meet at least one of the following criteria (from the Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 45-10-25):
- Chaplain
- Firefighter
- Dentist
- Certified Oral or Manual Interpreter for Deaf Persons
- Registered Nurse
- Licensed Practical Nurse
- Licensed Physician
- Psychologist
- Teacher or Instructor of an evening or night course or program (see additional rules applicable to Professional Education Courses included below)
- Professional holding a doctoral or master’s degree from an accredited college or university
- Part-time employee
An employee meeting all three criteria listed above may be paid extra compensation for a task providing:
- The task is not part of their normal job responsibilities;
- The task is outside their department;
- The task is not during their normal job hours or if the task is during their normal job hours and the employee takes annual leave for the portion of time being used for the task receiving extra compensation.
Also, an employee meeting all three criteria listed above may be paid extra compensation for a task for another department during normal job hours if the task is not part of the employee’s normal job responsibilities, and the employee takes annual leave for the portion of time that is being used for the task receiving extra compensation.
Employees that have been determined by the institution to be non-exempt, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and are performing extra duties qualify for overtime pay. Please consult the SSC regarding clarification of overtime pay requirements. Non-exempt employees should be paid at least the overtime rate or more.
Under no circumstances should an employee receive extra compensation for a task while receiving normal compensation for the same time period. Extra compensation does not add to earnings used for retirement calculations, and no retirement deductions are taken from extra compensation pay.
Classified staff and employees who accrue annual leave are not permitted to take consulting leave. Only faculty who do not accrue annual leave may report their leave as consulting for time spent on approved outside professional activities. For more information on Consulting, refer to Georgia Tech Policy 5.6.5 Consulting and 5.4 Conflict of Interest
Employees receiving extra compensation shall be paid said extra compensation through the institutional payroll. Such compensation shall be subject to existing federal and state regulations as to taxability and/or withholding taxes. No compensation, as defined above and paid to employees who are on the institutional payroll, shall be paid as per diem and fees or as stipends.
Cross-school instruction and work for research centers/institutes, when outside one’s home department, typically involves tasks considered part of an individual’s normal job responsibilities and therefore would not qualify for extra compensation. Based on the criteria above, instances where extra compensation for staff is allowable for performing different tasks are not common. Whenever there is uncertainty by the providing department as to whether tasks qualify for extra compensation, the supervisor should seek guidance from their School/unit’s leadership, appropriate Vice President/Provost, Faculty Affairs, or Georgia Tech Human Resources’ Payroll and Total Rewards Department.
Extra compensation does not add to earnings used for retirement calculations, and no retirement deductions are taken from extra compensation pay. Employees receiving extra compensation are paid through the Institute’s payroll. Such compensation is subject to existing IRS regulations as to taxability and/or withholding taxes. No compensation, as defined above and paid to employees who are on the institutional payroll, shall be paid as per diem and fees or as stipends.
University System of Georgia (USG) Dual Employment Agreements are subject to the same general rules governing extra compensation. In these agreements, extra compensation is paid by the providing institution (employee home) to the employee and reimbursed to the providing institution by the institution requiring the service (the host institution). Payment for the performance of an employee’s normal job duties is typically reimbursed to the home institution by the host institution using the employee’s standard base rate of pay plus applicable fringe benefits. Not all Dual Employment agreements involve extra compensation.
Compensation Rates
In order to ensure additional duties do not interfere with the performance of normal job responsibilities, total extra compensation for both sponsored and non-sponsored activities shall typically not exceed 30% of the employee’s expected regular annualized compensation. In unusual cases when extra compensation is anticipated to exceed the 30% threshold in a fiscal year, additional justification and advance approval by the Provost or appropriate Executive Vice President depending upon the employee’s home department/unit is required. Compensation paid for sponsored activities must be consistent with applicable external rules, regulations, and award terms and conditions.
Additional Requirements - Professional Education Courses
Professional education activities should be in compliance with the Faculty Handbook: Section 4.6, Georgia Tech Professional Education. GTPE is the Requesting Department for all professional education activities, and compensation paid for professional education activities shall be established based on the following criteria:
- Compensation paid for a sponsored activity must be consistent with the terms and conditions of the award and Federal or other rules applicable to the sponsoring agency or organization.
- Absent sponsor restrictions, compensation rates should be in line with salaries paid to faculty in the discipline being taught.
- Rates may be adjusted based on the type of course (e.g., non-credit courses vs. professional masters).
- Rates should be expressed as a lump-sum payment for the course being taught rather than as an hourly rate.
- Extra compensation may neither be contingent on a program’s revenues nor based on a percentage of income generated by the activity.
- Prior to extra compensation being paid, the appropriate department head must complete, sign, and return the Departmental Agreement Form (DAF) to GTPE. See the Flow Chart for DAF process guidelines. The department head is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy in terms of allowableness, individual amounts, and rates.
This policy applies to Institute personnel to include staff, academic faculty, and research faculty, who, by virtue of their education, training or experience are selected to perform additional duties and in accordance with other BOR applicable policies.
This policy does not address additional or specific policies related to Summer Salary Arrangements, External Consulting by Faculty, Dual Appointments (formerly Joint Staffing), Moonlighting, Temporary Assignments, or Acting/Interim Title pay adjustments. For purposes of this policy, prizes and awards received are not considered extra compensation and are not considered part of an individual’s regular annual salary. Those matters are governed by separate policies and rules. See Section 10 – Related Information.
This policy does not apply to Overloads for Academic Faculty. Board of Regents Academic and Student Affairs Handbook: Section 4.10 Faculty Overloads and Instructional Staff Responsibilities discourages the payment of extra compensation for overloads. The policy advises that when possible, workload adjustments should be made to encompass the additional duties. If the school and college determine that a workload adjustment cannot be made, a request to pay overload compensation should be submitted to the Office of Faculty Affairs. Full-time faculty members with academic status, who are budgeted at 100% time for the full year may qualify for overload compensation. Approval must be obtained from the School Chair, Dean, Provost, and President prior to the start of the assignment
Normal Job Responsibilities | The duties outlined in the job description or work statement of a position currently held by an individual (employee). |
Professional Education Activities | The instruction, laboratory supervision, design, marketing, coordination, evaluation, and other effort that faculty and administrators participate in to conduct Professional Education (GTPE) programs. |
Requesting Department | The academic department or non-academic unit desiring to obtain or facilitate the services of an individual. If the details of the instance are known by the requesting department, it can describe why the services of the individual are needed on the Departmental Agreement Form. The requesting department may also describe why the instance is in the best interest of the Institute on the DAF. |
Providing Department | The academic department or non-academic unit employing the individual. When an individual initiates the instance with extra compensation, the individual/providing department should complete the part of the DAF describing the details of and the reason why the services are needed. The supervisor of the individual being requested must provide a written statement that the individual is available to provide the desired services and the performance of the services will not detract from the individual’s normal job responsibilities. |
Moonlighting | Employees may pursue a variety of endeavors for financial gain that are not directly related to the person’s field or discipline. These efforts are part of the non-faculty member’s private life and do not come under Institute regulation for this policy. Such endeavors may be pursued only after the primary commitment to the Institute has been fulfilled. |
Departmental Agreement Form | The Departmental Agreement Form (DAF) should be completed for each instance creating the need for extra compensation by the employee’s home department (Providing Department) and the department receiving the services (Requesting Department) of the employee prior to provision of any services by the employee. Providing Department typically initiates the DAF process. If additional approval is required for an instance causing an individual’s total extra compensation to exceed the 30% threshold in a fiscal year (July 1 through June 30), advance approval from the Provost or appropriate Executive Vice President shall be obtained and noted by signature at the bottom of the DAF. If similar instances, creating the need for extra compensation, are expected to occur over a period of time, a DAF may be completed for a period of time, rather than each instance (up to quarterly or a three-month period). For example, multiple short courses are going to be taught. |
Frequently Asked Questions:
May I receive extra compensation for services performed outside my normal working hours for Georgia Tech affiliates that are separate 501(c)(3) organizations, such as the Athletic Association?
Yes, faculty and staff may work outside their normal working hours for Georgia Tech affiliates such as the Athletic Association and receive compensation for those services. This type of compensation is generally considered a type of “moonlighting”, is allowable, and would not count towards the 30% threshold.
Are there exceptions to the three criteria above with regards to qualifying for extra compensation?
There are a few situations where extra compensation is allowable even though the three criteria above have not been met. For example, some academic programs are allowed to pay faculty for instruction even though the faculty member may be performing the additional duties for their department. Examples include the Executive MBA, Evening MBA, GTPE Professional Master’s, and the Online Master’s Science – Computer Science. In these cases, the program has received approval from an authoritative body for extra compensation, the work is carried out in addition to a normal full load, the program generates sufficient tuition/fees in direct support making it self-sufficient and the additional duties are not so heavy to interfere with an individual’s regular duties.
Can I perform work for another Georgia Tech department and receive extra compensation if the funding source is a non-Georgia Tech funding source, such as the Georgia Tech Foundation?
Only if the three criteria mentioned above are met. The funding source is not typically a determining factor on whether extra compensation is allowable.
Do retirees classified as “Retired but Working” qualify for extra compensation?
Pay rates for Retired but Working (RBW) employees should be established and approved based on specific duties to be performed during the stated period. For this reason, RBW employees are not eligible for extra compensation. For additional information about RBW reemployment, please visit the Retirees reference data on the GTHR website at: http://ohr.gatech.edu/employment/hiringtalent/retirees
8.1. The Providing Department is responsible for initiating and completing their part of the Departmental Agreement Form.
8.2. Working with the Georgia Tech Human Resources as necessary, the Providing Department is responsible for ensuring the employee’s extra compensation does not exceed the 30% threshold defined in this policy in any single fiscal year without additional approval as indicated below, point 8.3.
8.3. The Providing Department is responsible for attaching additional justification with the DAF and seeking advance signature approval by the Provost or appropriate Executive Vice President to exceed 30% of the employee’s annual, regular compensation.
Employees who receive extra compensation contrary to this policy may be in violation of O.C.G.A. Section 45-10-23 relating to unlawful conflicts of interest. Employees authorizing or receiving extra compensation in violation of this policy may be subject to discipline as provided in the Faculty Handbook and the Administrative Policies of the Institute.
The Institute’s Payroll Office along with the Division of Administration and Finance will periodically monitor extra compensation activity to ensure compliance in terms of allowableness, administration, and amounts/rates.
To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:
Revision Date | Author | Description |
08/15/2018 | Office of Human Resources | Clarify Policy |
12/2/2016 | Office of Human resources | New Policy |
Hours of Work
Hours of WorkGeorgia Tech has established a standard workweek of forty (40) hours for regular full-time Classified (biweekly) personnel. Biweekly full-time employees are allowed to work overtime with supervisory approval. Employees described above are covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act in this manual under Compensation Administration, Section 4.0, Fair Labor Standards Act (Overtime for Employees), Procedure No. 4.9.
Research Faculty Compensation Administration
Research Faculty Compensation AdministrationThe Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to a Compensation Program for research faculty employees that is externally competitive, internally equitable, promotes retention of good performers and encourages exceptional performance. To this end, the program has been designed to attract and retain the quality and quantity of research faculty personnel required to collectively meet Institute objectives.
Compensation Administration Responsibilities
The Research Faculty Employment unit of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) will be responsible for:
- Developing and administering compensation policy and procedures applicable to research faculty personnel.
- Monitoring and reporting on external markets relative to internal compensation practices.
- Reviewing pay related transactions for research faculty personnel to ensure consistency with published policy.
- Researching and analyzing published compensation survey data to ensure that proposed salary offers to candidates for open research positions as well as the pay practices for current research faculty are reasonable.
Starting Pay Rates
Education and Job Related Direct Experience
Each open research faculty position is posted with specific requirements for level of education and the number of years of direct job related experience.
Assessment of an individual's qualifications begins with a review of the resume and application to determine the appropriateness of the proposed title and to determine if job qualifications are met.
The results of an assessment of an individual's education, skills and experience as well as job responsibilities ultimately determine the pay rate that will be offered upon employment.
Hiring Range
In determining the appropriateness of a salary offer, data from the most recent Watson Wyatt Survey Reports is referenced. These reports cover professional, middle and top management compensation paid in various markets., The data is compared to the proposed candidate’s degree level, degree major, and years since first degree, experience, knowledge, and responsibilities of the position being filled.
Starting pay rates for new employees as well as those being promoted to a new position are normally set between the 25th percentile, and 75th percentile of survey data reported based on that individual employee’s credentials. The positioning within that range is dependent upon the amount of directly related job experience beyond the basic job requirements that the incumbent brings to the job, as well as market demand for that individual's expertise and credentials.
Processing Offer Rates
A candidate's proposed offer rate will be included in the hiring package when it is forwarded by the hiring department/HR Representative to OHR. The offer rate will be reviewed by OHR – Research Faculty Employment. This review will determine whether the offer is within the hiring range as defined in this policy and appropriate to the candidate’s education and experience or if it exceeds those guidelines.
If OHR – Research Faculty Employment determines that the offer rate is within the guidelines, the hiring package is routed to the Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies for approval. If not, the hiring package is forwarded to OHR - Compensation for further review.
OHR – Compensation will conduct an analysis of the offer relative to guidelines and special circumstances, usually including a discussion with the hiring department. OHR - Compensation will then document the analysis and forward to OHR – Research Faculty Employment with recommendation for approval or disapproval.
OHR – Research Faculty Employment notifies the hiring department that either an exception is in order or that there appears to be no justification for the rate exceeding guidelines. Any appeals from the hiring department are routed to the Associate Vice President - Human Resources for disposition with the department and the Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies.
Offers should not be extended until all required approvals have been obtained. Every effort will be taken to ensure the review process occurs in a timely manner.
Monitoring Competitiveness
Participating in and analyzing the results of compensation surveys is the primary means of monitoring the competitiveness of pay rates for research faculty personnel. Through this process, pay rates of research faculty personnel are systematically compared to appropriate external markets on an annual basis. The purpose of these comparisons is to ensure that the Institute’s pay practice is maintained at competitive levels and where this is determined not to be the case, to take corrective action as appropriate.
Job Mapping
Compensation comparisons are accomplished through a process of job mapping. Research faculty employees whose job assignments in terms of discipline, educational level, work experience and work assignment are similar to or essential the same as those contained in external survey organizational models and job descriptions are matched up or mapped. This process can apply to several research faculty personnel being mapped to a single survey job description or an single employee’s job duties mapped to a single survey job description.
Compensation Comparison
As these matches are made, the pay rates of Institute research personnel are compared to the median of the survey job match within an appropriate market and differences noted. In this process, care is taken to ensure, to the extent possible, the appropriateness of the market to which comparison is made. Given that the source for attracting new and experienced research personnel may cover multiple geographic areas and organizational types, the national market for all survey participants is generally referenced for comparison purposes. Additionally, the compensation comparison process may include supplemental analyses related to additional cash compensation and benefits values associated with research personnel relative to comparable external market data. The results of the comparison process is summarized in tabular and report form and incorporated in the written report on Institute compensation referenced in Section 4.2 – Compensation Program Review and Approval.
Pay Adjustments
A promotion normally occurs during the annual research faculty peer reviewed promotion process. The annual promotion process is scheduled in conjunction with the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1). In any case, an established set of hiring or promotion criteria determines the research faculty title category, i.e., research engineer/scientist/technologist/associate, and level, i.e., I/II/Senior/Principal, to which the faculty member may be elevated.
Merit Adjustments
A merit adjustment may occur as a result of the demonstration of performance relative to job expectations as determined through an annual evaluation. The merit adjustment funding is a result of the actions of the General Assembly and Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Merit adjustments are awarded on an annual basis following legislative and Board of Regents approval. There are no strict guidelines regarding the amount of merit increase that should be associated with a given level of performance. However, it is strongly encouraged that significant differences in performance should yield significant differences in reward.
Lateral Transfers
A lateral transfer occurs when an employee is moved to a research faculty position with the same level as the one previously assigned. The reasons for such action are: 1) a simple transfer from one position to another of the same level, particularly when funding ceases to exist in the position previously assigned, 2) the employee has bid for a research faculty position of the same level they currently occupy but in a different department 3) placement in a temporary assignment. Any requests for lateral pay adjustments should be referred to the Office of Human Resources prior to completing a PSF.
Normally pay adjustments are not made as a result of a lateral transfer. Only in cases of extenuating circumstances will an adjustment be considered.
Other Pay Adjustments
Other pay adjustments include those for market equity, increased responsibilities and interim assignments. Requests for these type adjustments should be made in memo form to the Office of Human Resources and include an explanation of why the adjustment is necessary and, in the case of market equity, comparable survey titles matching the position in question.
Processing Pay Adjustments
Processing Pay Adjustments (other than annual merit)
Pay adjustments other than merit adjustments include transfers to interim positions, market adjustments, or acceptance of additional responsibilities and duties, etc.
For these pay adjustments a Personal Services Form (PSF) and justification letter should be completed by the individual's supervisor, approved by appropriate unit management and routed to OHR – Research Faculty Employment.
OHR- Research Faculty Employment will conduct an analysis of the requested adjustment relative to job responsibilities, market and internal equity and may require review by OHR – Compensation. Approval is then sought from the Office of the President, notification sent to the Board of Regents and forwarded to Payroll for processing.
For pay adjustments that do not appear to be supported by market survey data, OHR- Research Faculty Employment or Compensation will contact the unit's Human Resources Representative and discuss the proposed adjustment. This will take in to account not only the market data but also the individual’s credentials and experience. Adjustments that can not be resolved at this stage require final resolution by the Associate Vice President of Human Resources and if necessary, the Vice-Provost for Research as designee for the President.
Pay adjustments are not to be discussed with the employee until all necessary approvals are obtained.
Processing Pay Adjustments (annual merit)
Annual merit adjustments are not processed using the PSF. The Budget Office is responsible for gathering, monitoring and routing documentation associated with these adjustments to Payroll.
Communicating Annual Merit Pay Adjustments
The supervisor should notify the employee in writing that the adjustment is forthcoming. This should occur no later than the effective date of the increase. A copy of the memo should be sent to OHR-Records for inclusion in the employee's personnel file.
Staff Compensation Administration Policy
Staff Compensation Administration PolicyGeorgia Tech's commitment to providing a competitive staff compensation program that will attract, retain, motivate, and reward a qualified, diverse workforce at all levels. This Policy is not a contract, express or implied, between any employee and Georgia Tech.
Georgia Tech strives to ensure that compensation decisions are made as objectively as possible without consideration of a person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. Employee compensation administration will be supported by reliable market data, internal equity reviews, and performance evaluations. Implementation of this Policy depends on availability of funds.
General Considerations for All Compensation Actions
Salary and wage adjustments will be awarded to employees at Georgia Tech:
- upon promotion to a higher level position,
- upon reclassification to a higher level position,
- when an equity, market or administrative adjustment is deemed necessary.
Any merit increase will be developed in conjunction with the University System of Georgia (USG) and in compliance with USG's guidance. Equity and market adjustments may also be developed in conjunction with the budget development process. For all compensation and Pay Grade changes, the unit Human Resources representative and department supervisor will collaborate to develop an appropriate salary recommendation, based on factors such as an employee's skill, knowledge, experience, and performance, criticality of the role, budget, and market data. All adjustments are contingent upon available funding and must be developed in consultation with the unit’s Human Resource representative and GTHR Compensation.
Communicating Compensation Adjustments
Supervisors must not commit to any change in salary or compensation of an employee without appropriate approval. Georgia Tech is not bound to any agreement made by a supervisor who has not obtained proper approvals.
Maximum Salary Administration
All Georgia Tech departments must adhere to the USG Maximum Salary Administration guidelines in all compensation actions.
Incentive Programs
Georgia Tech may establish incentive compensation programs consistent with state law, USG Policy, and applicable procedures. Any institutional incentive compensation programs must be reviewed and approved by the USG’s Office of Fiscal Affairs and GTHR before implementation.
Starting Compensation
Starting salaries for external hires are determined based on the applicant’s prior experience, skills, or education, directly compared to other employees that are similarly situated at Georgia Tech. For starting compensation purposes, external hires include transfers from other USG institutions. Temporary and student workers transitioning to a regular staff position will be subject to salary increase administration rules for current employees.
Starting salaries for Internal and External hires must be no less than the minimum salary of the Pay Grade for the position into which they have been hired.
Merit Adjustments
Georgia Tech’s compensation programs are designed to recognize, and reward staff members based on individual performance. Merit increases are typically authorized at the beginning of a fiscal year and are subject to salary limitations and guidelines established each fiscal year. Increases reflect each employee’s performance as evaluated by their supervisor and will be distributed around the average percentage increase determined by the USG.
Promotion or Reclassification Increases
Promotions may occur as a result of reclassification, reorganization, or through competitive recruitment. When an employee is promoted or reclassified to a position in a higher Pay Grade, the employee will normally be awarded a promotional or reclassification increase. Determination of the amount of the increase will consider relevant factors such as internal compensation equity, the respective unit's budget, and the individual’s qualifications and experience for the position.
Increased compensation may not exceed the new Pay Grade compensation range maximum.
Newly promoted or hired employees are ineligible for a subsequent promotion or a lateral move (unless within their own unit) until completion of one year of continuous service in that position. Exceptions to this include, but are not limited to:
- The individual’s current work is to be curtailed.
- All applicants or candidates with at least one year of service have been considered and rejected for the position.
- The leaders of two units agree to a transition for the benefit of Georgia Tech.
Other exceptions may be granted by the Sr. Director - Total Rewards in review with the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).
If the demotion is voluntary (e.g., applying to a job in a lower grade), and the employee’s current salary is within the new salary range, no salary change is necessary. If the current salary of an employee is more than the new position's maximum salary, their salary will be decreased to no more than the maximum salary for the new job on the effective date of the new job.
If the demotion is involuntary, and the employee’s salary is more the new position's maximum salary, the salary shall be immediately decreased to a level within the salary range of the new grade. Involuntary demotions can also occur when a job is reassigned to a new Pay Grade due to a reorganization. Responsibilities, internal equity, and budgetary considerations will be considered and may result in a salary placed lower in the new position's Pay Grade due to a reorganization. In these instances, the individual's salary may initially remain the same, but must be adjusted to conform to the Pay Grade of the new job within one (1) year.
Equity and Market-Based Salary Adjustments
Official Georgia Tech sanctioned salary survey data and the employee’s personnel record, experience, and credentials will be reviewed by GTHR Compensation. Rationales for considering an Equity and/or market adjustment include:
- Alignment between the salaries of similarly situated employees performing work at the same family, sub-family, career stream and career level, with similar levels of experience, background, and performance;
- Alignment between the salaries of a supervisor and their direct reports;
- Relationship between the salaries of existing employees and the relevant market. Any adjustment that is given to bring employees in line with the external market is subject to internal equity. Adjustments will not be made if differences are explainable based on qualifications, type or length of experience (both internal and external to the Georgia Tech), the work itself, and/or performance and productivity.
Administrative Adjustments
In order to correct an administrative oversight, and subject to funding availability, the AVP – Human Resources or their designee may approve an in-range adjustment to an employee’s rate of compensation.
Retention of Employees
Counteroffers from Georgia Tech should be rare, and in all cases, will require prior approval of the Vice Provost, Vice President, Dean, or higher (depending upon circumstance) and the AVP of Human Resources or their designee.
Internal Offer and Counteroffer:
- The employee's current unit has discretionary authority to make a counteroffer up to the hiring department's salary offer for a similar level role.
- Neither the employee's current department nor the hiring department can offer more than the hiring department's original salary offer.
External Offer and Counteroffer:
- Employee’s current Georgia Tech department, in consultation with GTHR, will determine if a counteroffer will be made following receipt of a signed offer letter or email from an authorized representative of the potential external employer.
- No counteroffer may exceed the amount of the external offer.
- No counteroffer may be made prior to written approval from GTHR.
- The current Georgia Tech department can negotiate with the individual, offering up to the amount approved by GTHR.
- If the external offer changes, the department must follow the same process for approval of salary rate described above.
Supplemental Compensation
For information regarding Supplemental Compensation, refer to the Georgia Tech Service Now Human Resources Knowledge Base.
Lateral transfers may require a pay adjustment to achieve internal equity. Otherwise, no compensation increase is necessary. Increases will be capped at the Pay Grade salary range maximum. The transfer of an employee from a position at one institution within USG to a position at another USG institution or to or from the University System Office is an external transfer. Since USG institutional compensation practices may differ due to market conditions, the transfer may be to a position at a different compensation range. For compensation purposes, the external transfer is considered an external hire. Additional Human Resources policies regarding external transfers may apply (see Section 10 for related policies).
Timing of Compensation Adjustments
No commitments regarding the effective date for compensation adjustments shall be made to employees until authorization is received from the appropriate department budget official and GTHR. All requests should be submitted and processed in advance of the effective hire date or status change date. In all cases, the required adjustment should be effective with the beginning of the next compensation period after written authorization has been received. Retroactive compensation adjustments impose significant risk and costs within Georgia Tech and USG. Retroactive adjustments in funding sources (which do not impact compensation rates or classifications) are not prohibited.
Additional compensation information can be found at Georgia Tech Human Resources Compensation website, and the Georgia Tech Service Now Human Resources Knowledge Base
This policy applies to all staff employees at Georgia Tech. This policy does not apply to academic faculty, research faculty, affiliates, or temporary employees.
Demotion |
A shift of an employee to a lower Pay Grade, rank, class, or position. |
Internal Equity |
Internal Equity exists when employees at an organization are being rewarded according to the relative value of their jobs. |
Market Adjustments |
Market Adjustments are salary adjustments for an employee or group of employees that have fallen behind in base salary as compared to similar positions on campus and/or in the external market. |
Merit | Any merit-based salary increase reflects each employee's performance as evaluated by their supervisor. Each year, the USG Office of Fiscal Affairs issues a salary administration statement that provides guidelines for awarding salary increases for that fiscal year. Merit increases are normally authorized at the beginning of a fiscal year and are subject to salary limitations and guidelines established each fiscal year. |
Pay Grade |
Georgia Tech groups jobs with similar external value in to Pay Grades. Within the Pay Grade there are compensation ranges and tiers that reflect the minimum and maximum pay. All salaries will be capped at the compensation range maximum. |
Promotion |
A Promotion is the elevation of an employee to a new position, with essential responsibilities that are significantly greater than the employee's current position, and a higher Pay Grade. |
Reclassifications |
A change in a role that results in the employee and/or position being assigned to a different job title and job code. |
VP – Human Resources
The VP – Human resources is responsible for guidance to management on application of this policy; ensuring that appropriate processes and Institute level policy are in place to facilitate fair and equitable evaluations of requests to extend offers above the minimum of a salary range; and ensuring requests are evaluated and administered in accordance with USG and GT policies and applicable federal and state laws.
GTHR Compensation Department
GTHR’s Compensation team is responsible for monitoring consistent application and interpretation of this policy, and ensures appropriate approvals are received in compliance with USG Policies and Human Resources Administrative Practice (HRAP) Manual.
Supervisors are responsible for seeking approval from unit Human Resources representatives and/or GTHR for all compensation adjustments. Supervisors may not make any offer to an employee or prospective employee without prior approval from GTHR.
Revision Date |
Author |
Description |
08/2023 | Human Resources | Updated policy to align with USG, remove reference to Supplemental Pay, updated requirements for salary increases, and pay equity. |
10/2020 | Human Resources | Editorial Updates |
07/2018 |
Human Resources |
Editorial Updates |
03/2011 |
Human Resources |
New Policy |
Payroll jgastley3Employee Awards and Prizes
Employee Awards and PrizesPrizes and awards (cash and non-cash) made to employees are considered wages. In accordance with the Internal Revenue Service regulations, awards and prizes are subject to FICA, FUTA, and federal and state income tax withholdings. All awards and prizes given to Georgia Tech employees must be paid and/or reported through the Georgia Tech Payroll Department, to ensure that taxes are properly withheld.
If sufficient funds are available, the employee taxes may be paid in addition to the dollar amount awarded to the employee.
Example: Employee Award to be paid (Net) $1,000.00 Employee Taxes (Fed 25% + State 2% + FICA 7.65%) $ 530.22 Employer Tax (FICA 7.65%) $ 117.06 Total Expense ($1,530.22 EE + 117.06 ER) $1,647.28 - If the employee will be responsible for paying the taxes:
Example: | |
Employee Award to be paid | $1,000.00 |
Employee Taxes **(award amount x 7.65% + Fed 25% + State 2%) | $ 346.50 |
Net Employee Award | $ 653.50 |
Employer FICA** | $ 76.50 |
Total Expense ($1,000 EE + 76.50 ER) | $1,076.50 |
**Note: If the employee has reached their social security annual maximum, there will only be 1.45% medicare tax charged.
Employee taxes are withheld as follows: | |
Federal 25.00% FICA (6.2% SS + 1.45% Medicare) | 7.65% |
State < $8,000 – 2% 8 – 10,000 – 3% 10 – 12,000 – 4% 12 - 15,000 – 5% > 15,000 - 6% |
All recipients (employee, student employee, and non-employee) should be submitted on the Awards and Prizes form. Forms may be obtained on line http://www.ohr.gatech.edu/; under Payroll (https://techworks.psguest.gatech.edu:5963/psp/paprodg/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/e). The Payroll Department will verify the employment status. If a recipient is not an employee, the initiating department will be notified to pay the recipient through AP. Prizes for non-employee recipients should be submitted on AP check request form.
A copy of the Awards and Prizes form is available as a reference for the following instructions. This sample form has numbers written on it which correspond to the numbers in the instructions below.
Instructions for completion of the Awards and Prizes form:
- Enter the name of the award/prize event.
- Enter the name and phone number of the award coordinator.
- The form must be signed and dated by an authorized department administrator.
- Enter the award/prize presentation date.
- Enter the name and phone number of the person responsible for check pick-up.
- Enter the date needed and if it is to be a check or deposited with their next payroll.
- Check the “Gross Up” box if the department wishes to absorb recipient’s taxes (approx. 34.65%)
- Enter the name of the award/prize recipient.
- Enter the recipient GT ID and Employee ID.
- List the purpose of the award/prize.
- Enter the $$$ amount of award payment
- Enter the estimated department’s total expense of the award including any employer portion of the FICA (7.65%), and the employeeportion of taxes if the department is willing to pay for them. (Please refer to the gross-up examples above for calculation).
- Enter GT peoplesoft project #/name. No State Fund is allowed.
- Enter GTF/GTRC Project # (Funding Source).
The department should submit the form to Accounting Services for review if the funding source is Georgia Tech Foundation. If the funding source is Georgia Tech Research Corporation, the form should be approved by Grants and Contracts. After the form is approved, it will be forwarded to Payroll for check processing.
Off-Cycle Payroll
Off-Cycle Payroll jgastley3The Institute follows the University System of Georgia’s policy for Off-Cycle Payroll Policy. The USG requirements can be found the Business Procedures Manual at: https://www.usg.edu/business_procedures_manual/section5/C1235/#p5.3.8_off_cycle_payroll_processing
For more information on Institute procedures head to ASC/HR ServiceNow knowledge base.
Regulations and Guidelines
Regulations and GuidelinesThis procedure provides information regarding Internal Revenue Service, State of Georgia, and Georgia Tech regulations.
Payment to Employees for Personal Services
According to Common Law Rule:
"Every individual who performs services subject to the will and control of employer, both as to what shall be done and how it shall be done, is an employee for purposes of all federal payroll taxes. It does not matter that employer permits employee considerable discretion and freedom of action, so long as employer has legal right to control both method and result of the services."
Refer to the Accounts Payable Procedure Consulting - Attachment C to review the 20 factors developed by the Internal Revenue Service to aid in determining whether there is an employer-employee relationship. Students receiving Fellowships that require them to perform services should be aware that this income may be taxable.
To ensure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, and laws of the State of Georgia, Georgia Tech will purchase services from employees only through the payroll system. This arrangement precludes any type of contractual agreements with any University employee for payment of services other than through established payroll procedures.
Payment for personal services will be made on regularly scheduled pay dates only. State regulations prohibit advance payments.
Standard Workweek
The standard workweek for non-administrative classified employees at Georgia Tech is 40 hours, from 12:01 a.m. Sunday through 12:00 midnight on Saturday. If it is necessary for an employee's workweek to exceed 40 hours, the overtime must be pre-approved by the department head.
Payment for Overtime
Any non-exempt classified employee of Georgia Tech (as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act) who is required to work more than 40 hours during a workweek will be paid at one and one-half times his/her standard rate for all work in excess of 40 hours, unless compensatory time is authorized. If an employee is paid on more than one account and the combined hour for the workweek exceed 40, the total pay will be prorated to each account based on the percentage of time reported per account to total time reported each workweek.
Compensatory Time
The Board of Regents Personnel Policies Handbook, Section II--Classified Employment states:
"In lieu of payment for approved overtime work, compensatory time may be granted at the rate of one and one-half hour of compensatory time for each hour of overtime work. Approved compensatory time is subject to a maximum accumulation of sixty (60) hours and must be expended by the end of the succeeding calendar quarter."
Participation in research projects (Human Subjects)
Payments under $75 per participant will be considered de minimis and not reported on a W2, 1042S nor 1099 Misc. Participants must pass the Selection of Human Subjects criteria:
- Full or part time employee of the Institute,
- Full or part time undergraduate student,
- Full or part time graduate student, provided the graduate student’s funding department agrees that the student may participate in the research.
- Students who are on financial aid assistance,
- Non-Institute affiliated individuals.
Social Security Coverage
Social Security Coverage jgastley3All regular employees of Georgia Tech, except those specifically excluded under an agreement with the Social Security Administration, have social security taxes taken out of their paycheck. To learn more about Social Security visit https://www.ssa.gov/
Student Pay Group
Student Pay GroupIn order to comply with federal Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) regulations, no Georgia Tech employee, student or non-student, shall be hired concurrently in both a monthly paid exempt status plus a bi-weekly paid non-exempt status.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. Covered nonexempt workers are entitled to a minimum wage of not less than $5.85 per hour effective July 24, 2007; $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008; and $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Overtime pay at a rate of not less than one and one-half times their regular rates of pay is required after 40 hours of work in a workweek.
In order to comply with federal Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) regulations, no Georgia Tech employee, student or non-student, shall be hired concurrently in both a monthly paid exempt status plus a bi-weekly paid non-exempt status. The Institute will derive the weighted-average pay rate based upon these concurrent hourly rates of pay and pay any overtime accordingly. If the student is paid as a monthly exempt employee, the percentage distribution will be utilized to allocate their time worked to the hiring department and the associated account number.
Exempt employees (student or non-student, full time or part time)
are paid monthly and are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and therefore not subject to overtime payments.
Non-Exempt employees (student or non-student, full time or part time)
are paid bi-weekly and are not exempted from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and therefore are subject to overtime payments for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per work week.
Our workweek is
Sunday through Saturday. Time worked does not include Holiday, Vacation or Sick pay.
All employees must be paid in only one pay group, either monthly or bi-weekly. For example: if a student is paid monthly and is hired into a concurrent job in a department that will pay them hourly on the bi-weekly payroll, the originating department will be notified by Payroll that the situation exists and the student will not be hired into the concurrent position until there is an agreement to make the student in one pay group, most likely hourly. When agreed upon, the Payroll Department will correct the PSF and process the transaction.
Time & Leave Reporting
Time & Leave ReportingIn compliance with the University System of Georgia (USG) and Georgia Tech policies, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Georgia Tech must maintain accurate daily work time records for all non-exempt employees and all part time employees.
Georgia Tech must also maintain records of all absences (whether paid or unpaid) on both non-exempt and exempt employees (including faculty).
Prohibited Activities
Misrepresenting working hours, falsifying signatures or timesheet information, recording time from an unauthorized Georgia Tech device or location or tampering with a Georgia Tech time clock/kiosk or another employee’s timesheet are extremely serious offenses. Employees found to have engaged in any of these prohibited activities will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Delegated Authority
Delegation enables one person to authorize another to serve as their representative (proxy) when managing time transactions. A manager can delegate their tasks of approving time and entering employee time to another person due to workload or their own absence from the office. Delegated authority can be upward, lateral, or downward within the reporting hierarchy. Once the delegation framework passes delegated authority over a transaction to a proxy, the proxy cannot delegate authority over that transaction to another person. Both parties maintain responsibility to ensure compliance with policies and procedures.
Exception Time Reporting
Exempt employees reporting process which requires an Exempt Employee to only report leave time used during a pay period (i.e., sick, vacation, jury duty, etc.). If the Exempt employee has no leave to report, the only action required is the employee and manager’s time sheet approval.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Federal act that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments.
Employees who do not meet any of the Fair Labor Standards Act exemption tests and are covered by wage and hour laws regarding minimum wage, overtime pay, and hours worked. Non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime compensation for any hours worked over 40 in an established workweek. Exempt: Employees who meet one of the FLSA exemptions (i.e. Executive, Administrative or Professional) and are not entitled to overtime.
Positive Time Reporting
Non-Exempt Employees Reporting process which requires a Non-Exempt Employee to submit a timesheet of hours worked in order to be paid. The timesheet includes regular time for all hours worked in addition to leave time taken within an established workweek.
An official document for recording the number of hours worked and/or leave taken by an employee in a work week or pay period. The timesheet can be in a form of electronic or paper documentation.
Employee Responsibilities:
Non-exempt Employee Responsibilities. Non-exempt employees must accurately report all hours worked and any leave taken during the established workweek. Such records must document hours actually worked, rather than hours scheduled to work. Each non-exempt employee is responsible for ensuring that all time worked and leave taken are accurately reflected on their timesheet, and the timesheet must be approved by the employee by the established payroll approval deadlines. Failure to approve the timesheet by the established deadline may jeopardize on-time processing and receipt of employee pay.
Exempt Employees Responsibilities:
Exempt employees (staff and faculty) only record exception time on the timesheet. The employee’s time sheet must be approved by the employee by the established payroll approval deadlines.
Part-time Faculty:
Generally, the ACA conversion chart will be utilized to determine weekly hours worked for part-time faculty. (See HRAP Employee Category – ACA Requirements.) If a part-time faculty member is working hours in excess of what is shown in the conversion chart, these hours must be recorded, approved by the supervisor, and entered on the employee’s timesheet for tracking for ACA purposes. If the conversion chart does not accurately reflect hours worked for a part-time faculty member, the part-time faculty member should track actual hours worked. If leave or time reported changes after approval is submitted, the employee is responsible for notifying their Primary Approver by submitting the required documentation to update the time and leave record. Continual neglect by an employee to approve time and/or leave in accordance with established policies and pay dates may result in disciplinary action.
Primary Approver Responsibilities
The Primary approver is typically the direct line supervisor with authority to approve or deny leave. The primary approver is responsible for ensuring that all time and leave records are current and accurate for their areas of responsibility. Managers with timesheet approval responsibilities are required to approve timesheets for their direct reports as required by the Institutions’ established payroll approval deadlines. If primary approvers are not available to approve timesheets in accordance with the established approval dates, their responsibility must be delegated to an authorized and approved proxy.
An individual who is reporting time should not be responsible for approving their own time or that of their peers.
If leave or time reported changes after approval is submitted, the employee is responsible for notifying their Primary Approver by submitting the required documentation and the Primary Approver is responsible for updating the time and leave record and submitting changes to the appropriate institutional office for recording and record retention.
Primary approvers who do not review, correct, and approve timesheets by the deadlines may be subject to disciplinary action. Departments may require a more rigorous process as deemed appropriate and documented in the departments time and leave approval procedures.
Types of Payrolls
Types of PayrollsThis procedure explains the various pay cycles and pay calculations.
Monthly Payroll
Faculty, administrative personnel, salaried Graduate Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Research Assistants, and employees exempt from coverage under the Fair Labor Standards Act (Wage and Hour Law) are paid on the monthly payroll.
Employees compensated on the monthly payroll are paid on the last workday or banking day of each month. If the last workday is an Institute or bank holiday, payment is made on the day before the holiday.
Payroll Calculations
- Full Month Compensation (other than those on an Academic Contract)
The amount of monthly compensation is equivalent to one-twelfth of the fiscal year annual salary.
- Partial Month Pay Calculation
The number of days worked in a month is divided by the total number of workdays to determine a percentage of compensation for that month. Partial pay is calculated by multiplying the monthly rate by the percentage of compensation.
- Vacation Pay Upon Termination
Terminating vacation pay is calculated by multiplying the daily rate by the total days of accrued vacation leave. The daily rate is computed by dividing the annual salary by 2,080 hours x 8. The maximum accrued leave that can be paid upon termination is 45 days.
- Academic Pay Cycle under the Semester System
Under Georgia Tech's semester system, individuals paid on the academic pay cycle receive 10 monthly payments during the regular academic year. The academic year salary is paid out over the 10 months of the academic contract year: 1/18 of academic year salary in August, 1/9 of academic year salary from September through April, and 1/18 of the academic year salary in May. In other words, the employee receives 1/2 of a months pay in May and August, and a full months pay the other 8 months. The summer session is handled separately during the four months from May through August, with the May and August summer salary payments being added to the employee's regular academic year monthly salary, if any. AMN, AMG, RWA will follow proration rule, effective 08/01/02.
While the above describes the general rule of pay for the academic pay cycle, other job events do have a bearing on a particular individual's pay: pay increases for the new Fiscal Year, terminations, retirements, and leave all affect pay. The following describes in detail the pay rules for August and May under Georgia Tech's semester pay system.
August Payment Rules
August Pay for 9-Month (Academic Cycle) Instructional and/or Research Faculty, Post Docs, and Graduate Students will be paid in compliance with the 10-payment plan described above. The August Pay will reflect the Last Payment for the Summer Session and First Payment for the Fall Semester. Payment rules that will be applied are:
- Instructional and/or Research Faculty with hired in August will be paid 1/2 of their monthly rate.
- Instructional and/or Research Faculty that are terminating, retiring, or on leave without pay effective the 1st day of the fall semester will be paid only the Summer Pay entered into the Summer Pay Panel or via pay.ask. If no Summer Pay has been entered or submitted via pay.ask, these employees will not be paid.
- Graduate Students pay is prorated according to the number of days worked.
The formula to calculate partial pay for August is:
____ # Days worked divided by Total # work Days in August = ____
% days worked ____ % Days worked times ____ Monthly Rate of Pay = _____August Partial Pay
EX: Jamie Dollar's appointment date is effective 8/21/2006 and the monthly rate of pay is $1500.00. As a result, he will be paid 9 of 23 workdays in August.
9 divided by 23 = .313182 times $1500.00 = $586.96
Please forward all questions to pay.ask@business.gatech.edu
Bi-weekly Staff and Student Payroll
Employees, including students, covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and hourly appointments for employees exempt from the FLSA are paid bi-weekly.
Hourly appointments of non-exempt staff assigned to a line budget position or a group budget position and hourly exempt staff are paid bi-weekly. Hourly appointments of Graduate Research Assistants, and Student Assistants also are paid bi-weekly. The annual salary is determined by multiplying the hourly rate x 2,080 hours. The gross amount of each check is determined by multiplying the hourly rate of pay by the number of hours reported on the bi-weekly time document.
Pay dates are normally 7 work days after the pay period ends. If the pay date falls on a holiday, including bank holidays, payment will be made on the preceding workday.
Employee Benefits & Services
Employee Benefits & Services jgastley3Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits jgastley3Awards Policy
Awards PolicyThe Georgia Institute of Technology supports recognition of outstanding employee contributions at all organizational levels. Awards recognize employees who perform "above and beyond" expectations. Awards must be paid from non-State funds and may be made in the form of cash payment, plaque, trophy, pin, certificate, meals or reception.
- All awards are designed for individual’s whose contributions demonstrate a benefit to the Institute or unit operations.
- All units shall have documented nomination/selection criteria for any award. If a unit chooses to have a selection committee, all members’ names should be documented.
- Nominations for awards are open to any regular, temporary, or student employee of the sponsoring unit.
- Nominations for all awards must be made to the designated official within each unit of the Institute.
- All nominees must be in good standing (no current disciplinary action and a minimum of fully successful/meets requirement performance level) with the Institute.
- All competitive awards must include a minimum of two (2)-qualified nominees. There may be up to three winners if there are multiple nominees or competitors. In no case will more than one half of the nominees be declared winners of awards.
- The names of all winners of Awards will be submitted to the Director of Grants and Contracts.
- All awards must comply with the State of Georgia and Board of Regents compensation policies.
- No award may represent extra compensation or overtime payment to the employee.
- All awards are subject to the appropriate federal, state and local taxes (see Employee Awards and Prizes).
Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits jgastley3Benefits eligible employees are provided benefits through the University System of Georgia. For information on USG benefits including eligibility, plans and programs for you and your eligible dependents visit https://hr.gatech.edu/benefits/health-welfare-benefits
Georgia Tech Foundation Flower Fund
Georgia Tech Foundation Flower FundThe Georgia Tech Faculty-Staff Flower Fund is available to pay for flowers or other expressions of concern to be sent:
- On the occasion of the death of a faculty or staff member or upon the death of a family member of such person (limited to spouse, children, parents, brother, sister or retired faculty/staff member).
- On the occasion of hospitalization for illness or accident of a faculty or staff member, or, the hospitalization for illness or accident of the faculty or staff member's spouse, children, parents, brother, sister or retired faculty/staff member.
In order to have flowers sent for an occasion mentioned above, the person/organization desiring such should contact the Georgia Tech Foundation, (404) 894-5072. The Foundation will order the flowers, with a card reading "From the President, Faculty, and Staff of the Georgia Institute of Technology," and pay for them from the flower fund.
Worker's Compensation
Worker's Compensation jgastley3All employees on the Institute's payroll are protected under Workers’ Compensation. For information on how to report an injury or illness under Workers Compensation go to https://careers.gatech.edu/workers-compensation
Flexwork Arrangements
Flexwork ArrangementsThe Georgia Institute of Technology provides a variety of flexible working arrangements, including Compressed Workweek, Flextime, and Telecommuting at the discretion of individual units to enable employees to serve students and customers, meet Institute and unit level goals, and balance professional and personal responsibilities. Participating in a flexible working arrangement is a privilege and not a right.
Flexwork in General
The University System of Georgia (USG) has approved flexible working arrangements for employees who work in positions that are eligible for telecommuting and/or flextime and approved by the designated authority. Exceptions may be granted to provide reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Requests for accommodations should be made through the Georgia Tech Human Resources, Employee Relations unit. Employees may find additional information about requesting a reasonable accommodation at: Human Resources Disability Services
Employees and supervisors should discuss the flexible work request; however, supervisors make the final decision and employees must maintain the agreed upon arrangement. Flexible working arrangements may be discontinued at any time. The employee and/or the supervisor may end the arrangement by providing written notice a minimum of 14 calendar days in advance. The Working@Tech Arrangements form should be reviewed on an annual basis and should be resubmitted whenever schedule and/or work location changes are requested.
Flexible working arrangements should not cause a non-exempt employee to work overtime or cause any employee to work on existing holidays or conflict with leave allocation practices. Exceptions should be approved in advance by the Georgia Tech Human Resources (GTHR). Occasionally, an adjustment to an employee's work schedule may be required on a short-term basis and such adjustments do not require updates to the flexible working arrangement. Employees who occasionally request to telework must get supervisor approval first, but do not need to update the Working@Tech Arrangement form.
Performance Expectations
While working under a flexible working arrangement, employees are expected to maintain satisfactory performance. This includes turning in assignments by applicable deadlines, producing a quality work product, attending meetings, and following proper leave procedures for time off. In addition, employees must follow established state laws and departmental policies and procedures. Failure to do so may subject the employee to revocation of the flexible working arrangement agreement and/or disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Retention of Agreement Forms
Supervisors are responsible for retaining the Working@Tech Arrangements form until superseded or obsolete.
Employees can learn more and request flexible working arrangements here.
This policy applies to all Georgia Institute of Technology employees.
Compressed Workweek
A compressed workweek is the scheduling of a traditional 40-hour week into fewer than five full days by adjusting the number of hours worked per day. An example of a compressed schedule is working four ten-hour days with one full day off each week.
A work schedule with variable arrival, departure and / or lunch times. It is typically designed to enable employees to come in earlier or leave later than the organization's normal hours of operation. This approach also enables the department to ensure necessary office coverage, customer service and staff interactions are maintained during the core business hours.
The performance of normal work duties at a location away from the conventional or main office. This off-site location is most often the employee's home, but can also be a satellite office or, if traveling, a virtual office. Telecommuting is a privilege and not a right for employees.
Supervisors are responsible for engaging in individual conversations with all team members to determine Institute, department, and employee needs prior to agreeing on the employee's flexible working arrangement.
Employees are responsible fro submitting accurate location and schedule information in compliance with this policy. In addition, employees must adhere to the Flexwork Arrangement Guidelines.
ParkingAll motor vehicles parked by faculty, staff, students, visitors, contractors/vendors of the Georgia Institute of Technology on Institute controlled parking areas must display a valid parking permit or be parked in designated visitor/metered parking areas. Parking permits may be purchased at the Office of Parking and Transportation Services (PTS), located at 828 West Peachtree Street N.W. Complying with the Institute's parking rules and regulations will help ensure an effective parking control program for the benefit of the entire campus community. Everyone's cooperation is essential. Penalties and fines have been established for violation of the campus parking regulations.
Carpooling, and using alternative transportation to single-occupancy vehicles, such as MARTA, Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, Cobb County Transit, and Gwinnett County Transportation are encouraged. Payroll deduction is available for some of the transit alternatives. Check with the PTS office at 404/385-RIDE (7433) for more information.
A parking permit may be obtained by bringing a copy of the vehicle registration and BuzzCard (or other photo identification) to the Office of Parking and Transportation Services. Full-time (benefits-eligible) faculty and staff may also choose payroll deduction as a payment option. Temporary employees are not eligible for this option, and must make payment in full at the time of purchase via cash, check, or charge.
Visitors may purchase temporary parking permits from the Office of Parking and Transportation Services, or park in designated visitor parking areas or at meters and pay the posted rate. Vehicle registration and a driver’s license are required to purchase visitor temporary permits.
Please visit Parking and Transportation Services' web page at: http://www.pts.gatech.edu to obtain a campus parking map, a complete set of parking rules and regulations, lot designations, parking rates, visitor and special event parking, and alternative transportation options.
Parking and Transportation Services’ telephone number is 404-385-PARK (7275).
Revision Date | Author | Description |
01-12-2015 | Parking and Transportation | Update to verbiage |
Service to the Institute
Service to the InstituteIt is important to provide clear guidance and support regarding the participation of employees.
Service to the Institute is valued and encouraged by Georgia Tech. Service to the Institute includes participation in Institute service programs or activities that are separate and in addition to the employee's ordinary job duties. Some examples include institutional governance, service as an advisor to one or more recognized student organizations, or participation in any other Institute service program. All such authorized activities shall be considered within the scope of the employee's employment.
Exempt and non-exempt employees
are defined in accordance with prevailing employment law. An exempt employee is generally salaried and not employed on an hourly basis.
Service to the Institute
Although employees usually contribute to the Institute primarily through their job responsibilities in their home and work departments, they may also contribute significantly to the development of Georgia Tech by offering appropriate services to the Institute in other parts of campus life. In the context of this policy, service to the Institute includes properly authorized activities outside one's home and work departments as documented in the records of the Institute.
Faculty members who provide services to the Institute may refer to the Faculty Handbook for applicable policies and guidelines.
Information regarding serving as an advisor to a student organization may be found at www.involvement.gatech.edu
Party | Responsibility |
Student Involvement Director | Ensure compliance with policy |
Student Affairs | Offer assistance with policy interpretation |
Training and Development
Training and Development jgastley3Staff Tuition Reimbursement Assistance Program (STRAP) Policy
Staff Tuition Reimbursement Assistance Program (STRAP) PolicyThis policy reinforces Georgia Tech’s Strategic Plan focus area: Leading by Example to develop a world-class workforce committed to enhancing employee skills and providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.
The Staff Tuition Reimbursement Assistance Program (STRAP) provides employees with an opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge needed for career development and advancement. This program supports the Institute's commitment to foster professional growth and development of its eligible employees. Course work must be applicable to a career at Georgia Tech.
Employees are encouraged to use the University System of Georgia’s (USG) Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) whenever possible. However, if an employee is pursuing an accredited program not offered within the USG they may be reimbursed through STRAP for course work taken from accredited private educational institutions or Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) vocational / technical colleges that lead to a degree. Employees attending USG institutions must use the USG TAP.
STRAP funds are limited. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to the approval of GTHR.
Benefits-eligible, full-time (1.0 FTE) staff (exempt and non-exempt) who have a minimum of one full year of employment with Georgia Tech by the STRAP application deadline date may apply for the program. Eligibility ends upon termination of employment at Georgia Tech. STRAP participants must be employed at Georgia Tech through the completion of the course in order to receive reimbursement. Eligible employees must submit a new application for consideration and approval by the deadline for each academic term. The deadline dates can be found at: http://ohr.gatech.edu/staff-tuition-reimbursement-assistance-program.
Work Schedule Arrangements
To the extent possible, employees should not take courses that would require them to be absent from work during regularly scheduled work hours. If attendance in an approved STRAP course requires that an employee be absent from their assigned workstation during normal work hours, various accommodations may be possible, depending upon the needs of the unit/department and of the employee. Supervisors are encouraged to make a reasonable effort to find an appropriate work schedule accommodation; however, alternate work arrangements are within the sole discretion of the immediate supervisor. The supervisor must ensure that the employee’s participation in STRAP will not adversely affect departmental services, or, result in undue hardship for other employees.
Acceptable Courses and Schools
STRAP provides partial reimbursement for classified Georgia Tech employees seeking a degree at any accredited private institution.
Employees not living in the State of Georgia
Institute employees who reside outside the State of Georgia who are pursuing accredited degree programs not offered within the USG as distance learning may be eligible for reimbursement if enrolled in a public accredited institution. Employees hired by the Institute who are in the process of relocating to the State of Georgia while currently enrolled in a program at a public institution outside of Georgia, may be eligible to complete their program with STRAP reimbursement provided the employee and their accredited classes are not transferable within the University System of Georgia.
Course Work (Applies to degree programs)
Course work must be taken for academic credit toward completion of a degree and must be related to a career field at Georgia Tech. Each employee must meet the admission requirements of the educational institution, acquire approval from their immediate supervisor and department head, submit application by the deadline date, and receive approval from GTHR for each course to be reimbursed. Non-credit continuing education courses, non-credit certificate programs, and Executive Programs are not eligible for reimbursement.
Please contact the Administrative Services Center (ASC) at (404) 385-1111 or submit a General HR Request at asc.gatech.edu.
For degree programs: Approved applicants may be reimbursed for their complete or partial tuition cost up to six (6) credit hours per semester. Upon completion of course work with a grade of C or better, the Institute will reimburse tuition costs up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours per semester. Please visit the STRAP website for the most up to date reimbursement amount.
The original tuition receipt showing a zero balance and an official transcript must be submitted via Workday for reimbursement. Expenses for fees, books, and other costs will not be reimbursed.
This policy applies to all staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology. Learn more about participation eligibility above.
Staff Tuition Reimbursement Assistance Program offered through the Georgia Institute of Technology. |
Tuition Assistance Program offered through the University System of Georgia. |
Workday |
System used to process tuition reimbursement requests. |
The STRAP online application may be accessed at: https://hr.gatech.edu/education-assistance. A complete application must be submitted before the published deadline date. Employees will be notified via e-mail of the approval or denial of their application.
Within thirty (30) days following the completion of course work, submit a Workday expense. Instructions can be found on the STRAP website. If there are any questions, please contact the Administrative Services Center (ASC) at (404) 385 - 1111 or submit a General HR Request at asc.gatech.edu.
Tuition Assistance Program Manager
The Tuition Assistance Program Manager is responsible for processing STRAP Applications.
Director, Benefits and Retirement
The Director, Benefits and Retirement is responsible for owning and maintaining the policy.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
August 2022 | Human Resources | Updated to remove professional certifications in compliance with USG policy and procedures. |
December 2021 | Human Resources | Updated Policy to include professional certifications. |
November 2018 | Human Resources | Updated Policy |
January 2004 | Human Resources | New Policy |
Training Programs
Training ProgramsThe Office of Organizational Development schedules job related training programs for regular employees during regular working hours (8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.). Eligible employees must obtain prior approval from their supervisors/department heads and submit a registration form through our on-line system. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. A training program schedule is available to all full-time employees via the web. Employees may attend training programs during regular working hours with no reduction in pay, and there is no need to make up time spent in class. For staff employees, time spent in required training programs is considered time worked.
Employees Working Shifts
Staff employees whose normal working schedules are not 8:00 to 5:00 p.m. are eligible to attend training programs providing they meet the same requirements and follow the same registration procedures as employees working regular hours. Such employees must be compensated for the time spent in class or may be granted compensatory time off within the same pay period, at the discretion of the immediate supervisor.
Georgia Tech follows the University System of Georgia (USG) procedures for employee training outlined in the Human Resources Administrative Practice (HRAP) Manual on General Criteria for Employment.
An employee who registers and is confirmed for any training program must notify the Office of Organizational Development of a cancellation no later than 5 working days prior to the program. The registration fee will not be refunded or credited for any cancellation after that time. Substitution of employees is encouraged in lieu of a cancellation. If 3 or more employees from a department cancel the same class, there must be at least 10 working days notice. Without 10 working days notice, the department will be charged the full fee. Training fees are charged to the employee's department for expenses incurred in the program (note the exception below).
If a supervisor or department head will not approve attendance in a training program, an employee may pay the course fee by personal check. If the class is scheduled during the employee's normal working hours, the employee will need supervisory approval to take vacation leave.
Tution Assistance Program (TAP) Policy
Tution Assistance Program (TAP) PolicyThis policy ensures alignment between University System of Georgia (USG) requirements for and Georgia Tech’s administration of the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).
Georgia Tech adheres to USG’s policy on the established assistance program, called TAP (Tuition Assistance Program), for eligible employees to develop and grow through education. Refer to the USG Human Resource Administrative Manual regarding Employee Continuing Education and Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).
Eligible employees are required to submit a new TAP application to the Tuition Assistance Coordinator by the deadline each semester in order to be eligible for reimbursement. TAP application deadline dates can be found here.
TAP applications received after the TAP application deadline will be denied. There is no exception or appeal to this requirement.
When extenuating circumstances such as hospitalization, death of an immediate family member, or other catastrophic events occur a one-time exception may be granted when documentation is provided to the Tuition Assistance Program Coordinator.
Employees that register for classes prior to the TAP registration period for the teaching institution that they are attending will not be eligible for TAP for that semester.
This policy applies to all regular, benefits-eligible, full-time (1.0 FTE) employees that have satisfactorily completed their six (6) month provisional period as of the date of the Tuition Assistance Application deadline.
Academic Certificate Program |
A program where a student takes academic courses and received academic credit and a letter grade towards an academic certificate program which does not include a professional certification or continuing education certification. |
Acceptable (Academic) Coursework | Certificates, diploma, or degree programs taken for academic credit. Must be related to a career field at Georgia Tech. Non-credit continuing education courses, non-credit certificate programs, and Executive Programs are not eligible for reimbursement. |
Staff Tuition Reimbursement Assistance Program (STRAP) | Program offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology. Provides reimbursement to eligible employees taking academic coursework at an accredited private (nonUSG) educational institution or Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) vocational/technical college. |
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) | Program offered through the University System of Georgia. Provides a waiver of tuition for eligible employees taking academic coursework at a USG institution. |
Each employee must:
- meet the admission requirements of the educational institution,
- acquire approval from their immediate supervisor and department head,
- submit the TAP application by the deadline date,
- and receive approval from GTHR each semester for each course to be reimbursed.
Supervisors are encouraged to make a reasonable effort to find appropriate work schedule accommodations; however, alternate work arrangements are within the sole discretion of the immediate supervisor. The supervisor should ensure that the employee’s participation in TAP will not adversely affect departmental services or result in undue hardship for other employees.
Supervisors’ approval is needed on TAP applications and tax waivers (if applicable). Please visit the TAP website for information on tax implications for TAP.
Employees and Supervisors should consult with their HR Business Partner or Coordinators for questions or concerns about alternative work arrangements.
Tuition Assistance Coordinator
The TAP Coordinator is responsible for processing TAP applications, approves participation, reviews documentation for extenuating/catastrophic events exception, and makes the final tax determination for evaluating tax treatment of tuition reimbursement.
Georgia Tech Chief HR Officer
The Chief HR Officer is responsible for supporting compliance to this Policy and reviewing appeal requests.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
3-2016 | Human Resources | Editorial Changes |
3-2024 | Human Resources | Updated to remove procedures, update verbiage, and outline exceptions for late applications. |
Employee Relations
Employee Relations jgastley3Discipline Appeals Policy
Discipline Appeals Policy jgastley3Demotion Appeals
Demotion Appeals jgastley3If you are seeking more information regarding demotions and/or the associated appeal process, please note that Georgia Tech complies with USG HRAP on Dismissals, Demotions, or Suspensions as well as the USG Grievance Policy. To learn more visit HRAP Dismissal, Demotions, or Suspensions Employment (usg.edu) and HRAP Grievance Employee Relations (usg.edu).
Impartial Board of Review Appeal Policy
Impartial Board of Review Appeal PolicyThe Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to the fair treatment of our employees. Accordingly, the Institute will appoint an Impartial Board of Review ("IBR") to hear termination appeals from regular employees, excluding those employed in provisional or temporary status, to ensure the proper processes and procedures have been followed in the event an employee has been terminated for cause.
The Impartial Board of Review process described herein may be used only in cases dealing with terminations for discipline or cause.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All classified employees of the Georgia Institute of Technology are covered by this policy.
Who Should Read This Policy
All classified employees within the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
Provisional Status
An employee hired to fill a regular position shall serve the first six (6) months of employment in the University System on a provisional basis. An employee may be terminated at any time during the provisional period without a right of appeal.
Temporary Status
Employees who are not employed as "regular" employees are "temporary" employees. Institutions may hire temporary employees directly or may elect to obtain the services of temporary employees through outside organizations that provide temporary services. Temporary employees generally shall be employed for a period no longer than six (6) calendar months.
Termination for Cause
The termination of employment for misconduct or other serious offense.
The policy is intended to explain the Impartial Board of Review and the appeal process when disputes cannot be resolved through normal administrative channels of the Institute.
According to the University System of Georgia's grievance policy, the following types of grievances are prohibited:
- Terminations or layoffs because of lack of work or elimination of position
- Investigations or decisions reached under the Institute's Harassment Policy
- Terminations that occurred during the six (6)-month provisional period
- Terminations due to a reorganization, program modification, or financial exigency (such employees may apply to the Board of Regents for review)
- The issue underlying the grievance is a charge of discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, disability or religion (see the Equal Opportunity Complaint Policy for more details).
- The issues being grieved have been previously heard by an administrative panel at the institution.
Request for Hearing
The grievant must follow the steps listed in their letter of termination if they wish to file an appeal. Failure to do so will constitute a waiver of the grievant's right to appeal.
The first level of appeal will be to the manager of the person who signed the termination letter. The grievant shall submit their appeal in writing indicating specifically why they believe the decision to terminate was improper and should be reversed. The manager may also meet with the employee if they believe it would be beneficial in their review of the matter.
If the manager decides to uphold the termination, they will provide written notification of that decision to the grievant to include information on who to contact in the event they wish to appeal to the Impartial Board of Review.
Should the grievant allege any form of race, age, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability discrimination as a basis for the grievance, the case will be immediately referred to an investigator within OWS for review. Upon written notification of a "no finding" disposition, OWS will automatically proceed with scheduling a hearing.
OWS will make every effort to schedule a hearing date within thirty (30) to forty-five (45) working days from the time that a grievant officially appeals to the IBR. Should extenuating circumstances exist for the grievant, s/he may submit a written request for the hearing to be scheduled beyond this period; however, no hearing for any reason will be scheduled later than sixty (60) working days from the time the grievant submits a written appeal. The grievant's failure to appear for a scheduled hearing will constitute a waiver of the right to appeal. A grievant shall not be harassed, intimidated, or otherwise penalized for filing an appeal.
Hearing Officer
OWS will provide the Hearing Officer with a copy of the grievant's hearing request and will notify both parties of the date, time, and place of the Hearing Officer's briefing and of the hearing.
IBR Board Member Selection
The Board will consist of three panel members selected from a standing committee of employees who will receive training on the hearing process. Members of the standing committee will serve a three year term. OHR will select the committee members to serve on the panel and will ensure that members of the committee who are in the same department as the grievant or may have a conflict of interest are not chosen as panel members for that case. Additionally, the grievant and management representative may object to any panel member who they believe, with reasonable cause, may be incapable of remaining impartial throughout the process. These concerns must be shared with the hearing officer prior to the hearing so that he/she can make a decision on the matter.
Witnesses and Evidence
Evidence shall be limited to witness testimony and documentation that is directly relevant to the employment action in dispute.
The Board is not bound by the strict legal rules of evidence and may receive any evidence of probative value in order to determine the issues involved; however, every effort is made to obtain the most reliable evidence available. All substantive matters related to the admissibility of evidence or procedural matters are decided by the presiding Hearing Officer.
Witnesses for the IBR hearing must be current employees of Georgia Tech, regular or temporary, in good standing. Former employees, students, and others may submit a relevant affidavit subject to the approval of the Hearing Officer. The following groups of individuals may not serve as witnesses:
- Students
- Members of the staff of the Office of the President (direct and indirect reports)
- Members of the staff of OHR
- Members of the staff of the Office of Legal Affairs
The Hearing Officer may approve an exception to this rule if such witnesses are directly relevant to the issues raised by the grievance.
Witnesses shall not be harassed, intimidated, or otherwise penalized for appearing at a hearing. The grievant and management representatives must obtain their own witnesses. Witnesses may elect not to participate.
A list of witnesses and a copy of any documentation must be submitted to OWS at least one (1) week in advance of the hearing date or at the Hearing Officer's briefing of the parties, whichever is later. Copies of the documentation are required at the hearing. Both parties are expected to provide copies of any approved documentation they intend to use at the hearing.
Each party shall have the opportunity to present approved documentation or other evidence which they deem appropriate and relevant to the grievance.
The grievant may have an advisor present at the hearing who can communicate only with the grievant during the hearing. The advisor must be a current Georgia Tech employee, regular or temporary in good standing. This advisor cannot be an attorney, a student, a member of the Office of the President, a member of the staff of OHR, or a member of the staff of the Office of Legal Affairs. Management ordinarily may not have an advisor during the hearing.
The grievant cannot have an attorney present during the hearing unless the grievant is being charged with a crime. If the grievant receives approval to have an attorney present because of pending criminal charges, then Georgia Tech will also have a legal representative at the hearing.
Public statements and publicity about the complaint shall be avoided and the confidentiality of the hearing shall be preserved to the greatest extent permitted by law.
Hearing Process
The parties involved will be required to attend a briefing no later than one (1) week prior to the hearing. The purpose of the briefing is to review the hearing protocol and answer any questions about the process. Failure to attend the briefing or any other scheduled meeting in support of the grievance process may result in immediate loss of appeal rights. The grievant may present any relevant evidence upon approval by the Hearing Officer, including up to three (3) witnesses. The committee may request any other evidence as well as interview any other employee at its discretion.
Report of the Board
The Board's report shall be based on evidence brought forth at the hearing and all information in the grievant's official personnel file to the date of the incident or event which brought about the grievance. The grievant's entire personnel file will be available to the Board if requested. The Board, after considering all relevant evidence, will make a recommendation in the form of a written report. This report will be submitted to the President for the final Institute decision. The grievant will be informed of the final Institute decision in writing and advised of any further right to appeal.
Suspension without Pay Appeal Policy
Suspension without Pay Appeal PolicyThe policy is intended to outline the process to follow when filing an appeal due to a suspension without pay.
This process may be used only in cases dealing with suspensions without pay.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All classified employees of the Georgia Institute of Technology are covered by this policy.
Who Should Read This Policy
All classified employees within the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
Provisional Status
An employee hired to fill a regular position shall serve the first six (6) months of employment in the University System on a provisional basis. An employee may be terminated at any time during the provisional period without a right of appeal.
Temporary Status
Employees who are not employed as "regular" employees are "temporary" employees. Institutions may hire temporary employees directly or may elect to obtain the services of temporary employees through outside organizations that provide temporary services. Temporary employees generally shall be employed for a period no longer than six (6) calendar months.
The policy is intended to explain the appeal process for suspensions without pay.
According to the University System of Georgia's grievance policy, the following types of grievances are prohibited:
- Investigations or decisions reached under the Institute's Harassment Policy
- The issue underlying the grievance is a charge of discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, disability or religion (see the Equal Opportunity Complaint Policy for more details).
- The issues being grieved have been previously heard by an administrative panel at the institution.
Request for Hearing
The grievant must first seek an acceptable administrative resolution in writing within five (5) working days of the incident through one administrative level above the level of the supervisor who took the original employment action. If a satisfactory resolution of the grievance is not achieved, the grievant, within five (5) working days of notification by next level management, may request an appeal. Georgia Tech has partnered with EthicsPoint, Inc. to provide an enterprise-wide solution by which members of the Georgia Tech community may make such requests. The request must be made by completing an online form or by calling 1.866.294.5565 and having a neutral third party from EthicsPoint, Inc. transcribe the information. After submitting the information, you can then upload the documented proof of the denial and other attachments. Failure to follow these steps will constitute a waiver of the grievant's right to appeal.
Mediation of the issue may be attempted by the Office of Performance and Talent Management (PTM) in order to resolve the dispute. If a resolution cannot be effected, PTM will move forward with the grievant's appeal.
Should the grievant allege any form of race, age, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability discrimination as a basis for the grievance the case will be immediately referred to an investigator within PTM for review. Upon written notification of a "no finding" disposition, PTM will automatically proceed with scheduling a hearing.
PTM will make every effort to schedule a hearing date within thirty (30) to forty-five (45) working days from the time that a grievant officially appeals to their office. Should extenuating circumstances exist for the grievant, s/he may submit a written request for the hearing to be scheduled beyond this period; however, no hearing for any reason will be scheduled later than sixty (60) working days from the time the grievant submits a written appeal to PTM. The grievant's failure to appear for a scheduled hearing within that time constitutes a waiver of the right to appeal. A grievant shall not be harassed, intimidated, or otherwise penalized for utilization of the appeal process.
Hearing Committee Selection
Hearing committee members are selected to hear only a single grievance. The committee will consist only of classified employees with at least six (6) months of service. The following employees may not serve on the committee:
- Members of the Office of the President (including both direct and indirect reports)
- Members of the staff of OHR
- Members of the staff of the Office of Legal Affairs
- Managers/Human Resources Representatives in the grievant's unit who may have a conflict of interest
The committee is composed of three (3) Georgia Tech employees. Two (2) employees are selected by PTM from a random computer generated pool of employees, similar in classification to the grievant. One (1) Human Resources Representative (HRR) is also selected by PTM. The HRR will serve as the Hearing Officer for the assigned case.
The Associate Vice President of Human Resources (AVP-OHR) will notify, in writing, the committee members who have been selected to serve and provide the hearing date, time, and place. Committee members may be excused from serving only if their request is sent to the PTM from the employee or the employee's supervisor and it is accompanied by a written statement of necessity of a bona fide illness or personal hardship.
Witnesses and Evidence
Evidence shall be limited to witness testimony and documentation that is directly relevant to the employment action in dispute.
The committee is not bound by the strict legal rules of evidence and may receive any evidence of probative value in order to determine the issues involved; however, every effort is made to obtain the most reliable evidence available. All substantive matters related to the admissibility of evidence or procedural matters are decided by the presiding Hearing Officer.
Witnesses for the hearing must be current employees of Georgia Tech, regular or temporary in good standing. Former employees, students, and others may submit a relevant affidavit subject to the approval of the Hearing Officer. The following groups of individuals may not serve as witnesses:
- Students
- Members of the staff of the Office of the President (direct and indirect reports)
- Members of the staff of OHR
- Members of the staff of the Office of Legal Affairs
The Hearing Officer may approve an exception to this rule if such witnesses are directly relevant to the issues raised by the grievance. Witnesses shall not be harassed, intimidated, or otherwise penalized for appearing at a hearing. The grievant and management representatives must obtain their own witnesses. Witnesses may elect not to participate.
A list of witnesses and a copy of any documentation must be submitted to PTM at least one (1) week in advance of the hearing date or at the Hearing Officer's briefing of the parties, whichever is later. Copies of the documentation are required at the hearing. Both parties are expected to provide copies of any approved documentation they intend to use at the hearing.
The grievant may have an advisor present at the hearing who can communicate only with the grievant during the hearing. The advisor must be a current Georgia Tech employee, regular or temporary in good standing. This advisor cannot be an attorney, a student, a member of the Office of the President, a member of the staff of OHR, or a member of the staff of the Office of Legal Affairs. Management ordinarily may not have an advisor during the hearing.
The grievant cannot have an attorney present during the hearing unless the grievant is being charged with a crime. If the grievant receives approval to have an attorney present because of pending criminal charges, then Georgia Tech will also have a legal representative at the hearing.
Public statements and publicity about the complaint shall be avoided and the confidentiality of the hearing shall be preserved to the greatest extent permitted by law.
Hearing Process
The parties involved will be required to attend a briefing no later than one (1) week prior to the hearing. The purpose of the briefing is to review the hearing protocol and answer any questions about the process. Failure to attend the briefing or any other scheduled meeting in support of the grievance process may result in immediate loss of appeal rights.
The grievant may present any relevant evidence upon approval by the Hearing Officer, including up to three (3) witnesses. The committee may request any other evidence, as well as interview any other employee, at its discretion.
Report of the Committee
The committee, after considering all relevant evidence, will make a recommendation in the form of a written report to the Chief Human Resources Officer for a final decision.
The committee's report shall be based on evidence brought forth at the hearing and all information in the grievant's official personnel file to the date of the incident or event which brought about the grievance. The grievant's entire personnel file will be available to the committee if requested.
The Chief Human Resources Officer will inform the grievant of the Institute decision in writing and advise the grievant of any further right to appeal.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with Suspensions without Pay are:
Party | Responsibility |
Office of Performance and Talent Management | Ensure compliance with policy and offer assistance with policy interpretation. |
Employee Dispute Resolution
Employee Dispute ResolutionThe purpose of the Employee Dispute Resolution policy is to increase employee options in addressing Institute-related disputes and to encourage voluntary resolution of problems at the earliest opportunity. Georgia Tech supports the goals of the Board of Regent's Policy on Dispute Resolution. Faculty, classified staff, and student employees are encouraged to seek equitable and satisfactory resolution of any conflict within the Institute through discussion with the persons and departments involved, preferably at the first indication of a problem. Employees are also encouraged to seek guidance from their department’s Human Resources Business Partner or Human Resources Representative concerning any workplace dispute. Faculty members may contact the Faculty Ombuds Office, and classified staff may contact the Classified Staff Ombuds, for confidential assistance with resolving conflict. Employees may also seek to resolve the dispute through the informal process described in this policy.
The Institute recognizes the benefits of resolving disputes through informal means that are designed to decrease the reliance on adversarial processes. All employees and departments are encouraged to resolve disputes effectively and fairly at the lowest possible level.
It is the policy of Georgia Tech that work-related disputes be addressed in a manner that encourages constructive resolution of conflict and provides the opportunity for productive learning and work relationships. The Institute encourages administrators, faculty, and staff to consider resolving their disputes through alternative, non-adversarial processes with the assistance of a neutral third party prior to filing formal grievances. Dispute resolution processes are not intended to and may not be used as an appeal mechanism after decisions have been resolved through more formal proceedings.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All faculty and staff at Georgia Tech are covered by this policy.
Who Should Read This Policy
All faculty and staff at Georgia Tech should be aware of this policy.
An individual who is trained or experienced in providing dispute resolution services. This individual has no stake in the dispute or controversy other than to assist the parties in reaching an agreement or resolution.
Dispute Resolution Processes
Any structured process in which a neutral assists parties to a dispute in reaching a voluntary settlement or resolution, such as mediation, facilitation, or negotiation.
To resolve conflicts at the earliest possible stage and to address problems with the least damage to future learning and working relationships, assistance through dispute resolution processes is available to all employees.
Examples of disputes that may be appropriate for these processes include:
- Disputes between colleagues stemming from differing personality types or work styles;
- Disputes related to perceived lack of clarity or consistency regarding work assignments, goals, or expectations;
- A belief that Institute policies, practices, rules, regulations, or procedures have been applied inconsistently;
- Conflicts related to conditions of employment such as scheduling, vacation, fringe benefits, holidays, performance reviews, salary, or seniority; and
- General communication breakdowns/barriers.
Participation in a dispute resolution process is voluntary. All parties to a dispute must agree to participate in such a process before arrangements will be made for a session. No presumption of fault is drawn from a party's decision to proceed with or to forego the opportunity to engage in a dispute resolution process.
Participants in dispute resolution processes do not forfeit the right or opportunity to participate in other appropriate procedures. Likewise, participants in other available procedures do not forfeit the right to participate in dispute resolution processes; however, participants may not use dispute resolution processes to revisit issues already resolved in a final decision or ruling on a grievance or complaint.
Time spent engaged in dispute resolution processes is considered part of an employee’s normal working time, and supervisors must make reasonable efforts to allow employees to participate in such processes. Employees are not required to take annual or other leave to participate in dispute resolution processes. Supervisors may authorize the use of overtime for such purposes only under extraordinary circumstances.
Both the neutral and the parties are to keep the statements made during the dispute resolution process confidential. However, all participants, including the neutral, are required to report statements that reveal conduct that is criminal or that poses a clear threat to the safety of others or the proper operation of the Institute.
The parties are encouraged to memorialize the resolution of their workplace dispute in writing whenever possible. The purpose of such a written document is to ensure that everyone involved in the dispute has a common understanding concerning the resolution of the dispute.
Dispute Resolution Limitations
The Dispute Resolution program is not available for:
- Disputes that have been the subject of a final ruling or decision according to other policies and procedures. For example, if someone’s employment has already been terminated, that person may not utilize dispute resolution processes to appeal or negotiate the termination decision;
- Disputes involving criminal charges or serious threats to persons or property;
- Disputes involving claims of sexual harassment or alleged discrimination because of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status; and
- Disputes that do not concern the official business of the Institute.
On-Campus Resources
Georgia Tech's Dispute Resolution Program is administered by OHR’s Talent Management Team who shall act as a first point of contact for any member of the Georgia Tech community who wishes to use this program. If the Talent Management Team determines that use of this program is appropriate given the specific nature of the dispute, the Talent Management Team will refer the parties to a designated neutral who will meet with the parties to the dispute and assist with appropriate dispute resolution processes. In addition, members of the Talent Management Team are available to work with employees, supervisors, and departments to facilitate informal discussions to clarify issues, improve communication, and repair working relationships.
The Faculty Ombuds Office is a confidential resource for all faculty members on campus. The Faculty Ombuds is a neutral that advocates not for a specific individual, but for the equitable resolution of work-related problems and concerns. http://www.policylibrary.gatech.edu/faculty-handbook/3.1.8-concerns-complaints-and-ombuds-office
Off-Campus Neutrals
At times, the Talent Management Team may deem it appropriate to obtain a neutral from off-campus. In these instances, the Talent Management Team will contact and retain an experienced neutral from outside of Georgia Tech to assist parties through dispute resolution processes.
The Classified Staff Ombuds is a neutral and confidential third-party resource who can assist staff in determining options to resolve conflicts and problematic concerns. http://www.ohr.gatech.edu/staffombuds.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with the Dispute Resolution Program are:
Party | Responsibility |
Talent Management, Office of Human Resources | Administer policy, ensure compliance, and offer assistance with policy interpretation |
Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, and Anti-Harassment Policy
Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, and Anti-Harassment PolicyThe Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is committed to equal opportunity, a culture of inclusion, and an environment free from discrimination and harassment in its educational programs and employment. Refer to Board of Regents Policy 8.2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity for the USG EEO policy statement and 6.6 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment.
Georgia Tech provides equal opportunity to all faculty, staff, students, and all other members of the Georgia Tech community, including applicants for admission and/or employment, contractors, volunteers, and participants in institutional programs, activities, or services. Georgia Tech complies with all applicable laws and regulations governing equal opportunity in the workplace and in educational activities.
Georgia Tech prohibits discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, on the basis of race, ethnicity, ancestry, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, genetics, or veteran status in its programs, activities, employment, and admissions. This prohibition applies to faculty, staff, students, and all other members of the Georgia Tech community, including affiliates, invitees, and guests.
Further, Georgia Tech prohibits citizenship status, immigration status, and national origin discrimination in hiring, firing, and recruitment, except where such restrictions are required in order to comply with law, regulation, executive order, or Attorney General directive, or where they are required by Federal, State, or local government contract.
As a federal contractor, it is also Georgia Tech’s policy to take affirmative actions to employ and to advance in employment all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, ancestry, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, marital status, disability, genetics, or protected veteran status, and to base all employment decisions only on valid job requirements. This policy shall apply to all employment actions, including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, recall, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship, at all levels of employment.
Georgia Tech makes reasonable accommodations for the disabilities of qualified employees, students, and applicants. Please see Georgia Tech’s Disability Services website below for student ADA accommodations; see also Employee Accommodations through Equal Opportunity, Compliance, and Conflict Management.
This policy outlines the process for reporting, investigating, and resolving claims of discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, and retaliation.
The Sexual Misconduct Policy governs allegations of sexual misconduct, which includes, but is not limited to, sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking. Pursuant to that policy, allegations of student sexual misconduct are investigated and resolved under USG Policy 6.7 (Sexual Misconduct) and USG Policy 4.6.5 (Standards for Institutional Student Conduct Investigation and Disciplinary Proceedings). All other complaints of sexual misconduct will be resolved as outlined in this policy.
All faculty, staff, students, and all other members of the Georgia Tech community, including applicants for admission and/or employment, contractors, volunteers, and participants in institutional programs, activities, or services are covered by this policy.
Discrimination | Decision-making based on protected categories of race, ethnicity, ancestry, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, veteran status, or any other category protected by law. |
Discriminatory Harassment | Unwelcome verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct directed against any person or group, based upon race, ethnicity, ancestry, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, veteran status, or any other category protected by law, that is so severe, pervasive, or persistent as to unreasonably interfere with or limit an individual’s employment or educational opportunities. |
Sexual/Gender Harassment | Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, gender-based denigration, and other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual or gender-based nature, when:
Retaliation | Any materially adverse action taken or threatened against an individual because the individual has, in good faith, filed a complaint or grievance; sought the aid of Human Resources or any other campus authority; testified or participated in investigations, compliance reviews, proceedings, or hearings; or opposed actual or perceived violations of policy or unlawful acts. Georgia Tech prohibits retaliation both under this policy and Georgia Tech’s Non-Retaliation Policy. |
Reporting Discrimination and/or Retaliation
Individuals who believe that they have been subjected to discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, and/or retaliation (the Complainant) should promptly report the matter to one of the following offices:
Complaints against non-faculty employees should be filed with Georgia Tech Human Resources Employee Relations or (404-894-4847).
Complaints against a faculty member should be filed with the Associate Vice Provost for Advocacy and Conflict Resolution in the Office of the Provost.
Complaints against a student should be filed with the Office of the Dean of Students or by filing an incident report with the Office of Student Integrity.
All complaints may also be filed with Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint website. If the Complainant does not know the status of the person who allegedly discriminated and/or retaliated, then the complaint should be filed with Georgia Tech Human Resources Employee Relations. Complaints against a Georgia Tech community member who is not a student, staff member, or faculty member, may be filed in EthicsPoint or with Georgia Tech Human Resources Employee Relations. If a complaint is filed with the incorrect office, that shall refer the complaint to the correct office and notify the Complainant of the referral.
Complaints of discrimination and/or retaliation should be brought as soon as reasonably possible so they may be addressed promptly.
Additional Reporting Options for Reporting Sexual Discrimination
In addition to the reporting options above, alleged sexual discrimination/sexual misconduct may be reported to the Title IX Coordinator or one of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators. See Georgia Tech’s Title IX website for more information on reporting and resources for victims of sexual misconduct.
Appeals of Employment Actions
If an employee raises a complaint of discrimination through the appeal of a termination, suspension without pay, or demotion, the discrimination complaint will be investigated before proceeding with the grievance process. See Impartial Board of Review Appeal Policy; Demotion Appeal Policy; and Suspension without Pay Appeal Policy. Only the appeal will be paused, and the adverse action will remain in effect.
Investigation/Resolution of a Complaint
Georgia Tech will diligently investigate and seek timely resolution of a complaint. Georgia Tech will take appropriate steps based on its findings.
Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to and including dismissal for employees, expulsion for students, and exclusion from the participation in programs and opportunities.
Additional Resources:
Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Age Act), 42 U.S.C. §§ 6101 et seq., and its implementing regulation, 34 C.F.R. Part 110, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of age by recipients of FFA from the Department.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, and its implementing regulation, 34 C.F.R. Part 104. Section 504 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by recipients of Federal financial assistance (FFA) from the Department.
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131 et seq., and its implementing regulation, 28 C.F.R. Part 35. Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, and its implementing regulation, 34 C.F.R. Part 100 which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin by recipients of FFA from the Department.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq., and its implementing regulation, 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity operated by a recipient of FFA from the Department.
The Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1324b, et seq., prohibits employment discrimination based on citizenship status, immigration status, and national origin. It also protects all work authorized individuals from unfair documentary practices relating to employment eligibility verification process, and from retaliation.
Fitness for Duty Policy
Fitness for Duty PolicyThe Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is committed to ensuring that Employees are Fit for Duty while also respecting Employee privacy. Georgia Tech is interested in the wellbeing of its employees and endeavors to provide a safe workplace for the benefit of all members of its community. This policy covers only those situations in which an employee is having observable difficulty performing assigned work duties in a manner that is safe for the employee and/or for the employee’s co-workers or is posing an imminent safety threat to self or others. This policy prescribes the circumstances under which an employee may be referred for a fitness for duty examination.
All Georgia Tech employees are expected to report to work fit for duty and able to perform their job duties in a safe, appropriate, and effective manner. Employees who have responsibility for on-call shifts must remain in a fit-for-duty condition for the entire on-call period. Employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor when they reasonably believe they are not fit for duty. In such instances, the employee should use available leave to seek proper medical or other attention and give proper notice regarding their absence.
A fit for duty determination process is initiated by the Institute when an employee’s behavior causes reasonable suspicion that an employee may not be able to safely perform the essential functions of their job, with or without reasonable accommodation. Employees who are not fit for duty may present a safety hazard to themselves, to other employees, to students, or to the public.
This policy applies to all Georgia Tech employees.
Direct Threat | A direct threat is a significant risk of substantial harm that cannot be eliminated or reduced by reasonable accommodation. |
Employee | All employees, including any faculty or staff member, whether part-time, full-time, or temporary, and students. |
Fitness for Duty | An employee is fit for duty when they are able to perform their essential job functions, with or without reasonable accommodation, in a manner that does not pose a direct threat to themselves, to other employees, to students, or to the public. For all jobs at the Institute, regular attendance, ability to work without disruption to the workplace, and ability to comply with applicable conduct standards are essential job functions. |
Employees are responsible for complying with all aspects of the fitness for duty and evaluation procedures. Non-compliance may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Employees should notify their supervisor(s) when they observe a coworker acting in a manner that indicates the coworker may not be fit for duty. If a supervisor’s behavior is of concern, an employee may inform the next level of management up to senior leadership and/or contact GTHR-Employee Relations or the Chief Human Resources Officer.
Supervisors are responsible for following this policy’s procedures when presented with circumstances or knowledge that indicate an employee may be unfit for duty. Supervisors are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of circumstance and protected health information.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
10.14.2024 | GTHR | New Policy |
Employment jgastley3Access to Medical Records
Access to Medical RecordsThe official personnel files are housed in the Office of Human Resources Records Department. Access to any medical records contained in personnel files is extremely limited. Medical information may be reviewed by 1) the employee, 2) Human Resources' staff members in the course of carrying out their job responsibilities, and 3) other individuals only if legally authorized to do so.
Georgia Open Records Act
An employee's medical records are removed prior to review of an employee's personnel file by his/her supervisor. The Georgia Open Records Act specifically excludes medical records from disclosure under the Act, as release of such information would constitute an invasion of personal privacy.
Approval of Resident Student Rates for Nonresident Employees
Approval of Resident Student Rates for Nonresident Employees jgastley3Georgia Tech follows BOR Policy 7.3.4 Out-of-State Tuition Waivers and Waiver of Mandatory Fees in approving resident student rates for non-resident employees.
Business Casual Dress Policy for Summer and Fridays
Business Casual Dress Policy for Summer and FridaysIt is the policy of the Georgia Institute of Technology that each employee's dress and grooming be appropriate for our work environment.
The normal dress code will be relaxed during the summer to provide a more practical and comfortable clothing standard. This policy will be in effect at the beginning of the summer semester and ending after the Labor Day holiday. Fridays throughout the year will be designated as Business Casual Dress Day. It is the intent that each employee may choose to wear less formal attire as long as clothing is in good taste and will not negatively affect the Institute's image.
Acceptable personal appearance is an ongoing responsibility of each employee. Specifically, "common sense" should be the basic guideline and employees should not wear suggestive attire, athletic clothing, shorts, T-shirts, novelty buttons, baseball hats, and similar items of casual attire that do not present a businesslike image.
As always, supervisors are responsible for determining appropriate dress for each specific work situation or environment. Radical departures from conventional dress or personal grooming standards will not be permitted. When dealing with customers and the public, your attire should be consistent with a positive business image.
Employees whose jobs require them to wear uniforms and/or whose attire must meet prescribed safety standards are not covered by this policy.
Business Ethics
Business EthicsGeorgia Tech policy is that the practice of accepting gifts or gratuities is unnecessary, undesirable, and contrary to the interest of the Institute.
The purpose of this policy is to recognize the Institute's responsibility to maintain good relations with its suppliers and others with whom Georgia Tech may have business dealings, and to prevent gift-bearing businesses from interfering with and/or influencing employees.
Exactly what constitutes a conflict of interest or an unethical business practice is both a moral and a legal question. Georgia Tech recognizes and respects the individual employee's right to engage in activities outside of his or her employment which are private in nature and do not in any way conflict with or reflect poorly on the Institute. Management reserves the right, however, to determine when an employee's activities represent a conflict with the Institute's interests and to take whatever action is necessary to resolve the situation - including termination of employment.
It isn't possible in a general policy statement of this sort to define all the various circumstances and relationships that would be considered "unethical." The list below suggests some of the types of activity that would reflect in a negative way on the employee's personal integrity or that would limit his or her ability to discharge job duties and responsibilities in an ethical manner:
- Simultaneous employment by another business/organization, particularly if the other is a competitor.
- Carrying on Institute business with a firm in which the employee, or a close relative of the employee, has a substantial ownership or interest.
- Holding a substantial interest in, or participating in the management of, a firm to which the Institute does business with or makes purchases.
- Borrowing money from customers or firms, other than recognized loan institutions, from which our Institute buys services, materials, equipment, or supplies.
- Accepting substantial gifts or excessive entertainment from an outside organization or agency.
- Speculating or dealing in materials, equipment, supplies, services, or property purchased by the Institute.
- Participating in civic or professional organization activities in a manner whereby confidential Institute information is divulged.
- Misusing privileged information or revealing confidential data to outsiders.
- Using one's position in the Institute or knowledge of its affairs for outside personal gains.
- Engaging in practices or procedures that violate Board of Regents, Institute, or other state and federal laws regulating the conduct of the Institute.
REMEMBER: Employment by the Institute carries with it a responsibility to be constantly aware of the importance of ethical conduct. Employees must refrain from taking part in, or exerting influence in, any transaction in which their own interests may conflict with the best interests of the Institute.
Campus Disability Compliance
Campus Disability ComplianceThe Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is the first comprehensive civil rights law to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities on the basis of disability. Georgia Tech supports and complies with the provisions of the ADA. If you believe you have a disability and need an accommodation, please contact Georgia Tech's Compliance Advisor at 404-218-9624.
You may also reference the HR Web site for additional information: Disability Services
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest jgastley3Conflict of Interest
Conflict of InterestThe purpose of this policy is:
- To set forth acceptable parameters relating to possible conflicts of interest which may arise from the outside professional activities of an Institute employee;
- To define and establish a mechanism to reduce, eliminate, or manage a situation that may pose a real or potential Conflict of Interest;
- To ensure the integrity of research, education or business transactions of the Institute and to identify real or potential Conflicts of Interest;
- To ensure that sponsored research at the Institute is conducted in compliance with regulations promulgated by the sponsor thereof including but not limited to the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health as appropriate [Ref. NSF - Investigator Financial Disclosure Policy: October 7, 1996 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/stis1996/iin117/iin117.txt, and NIH Guide – Objectivity in Research http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-25/pdf/2011-21633.pdf]; and
- To articulate activities that would be prohibited.
State laws governing ethics and conflicts of interest are based on the premise that public employees are acting on behalf of government for the benefit of the public. As public employees of an institute serving the educational and public purposes of teaching, research, and professional service, there is an obligation to conduct research and official duties on behalf of the Institute in such a manner consistent with statutes and regulations. The avoidance of conflict of interest is vital to ensuring the integrity and objectivity in conducting and reporting research.
Based on State and federal law and regulations, the following two rules will be followed as a matter of Institute policy:
- Activities which constitute a Conflict of Interest where there is Significant Financial Interest are prohibited unless a plan to reduce, eliminate or manage the Conflict of Interest has been expressly approved in accordance with the provisions of this policy; and
- Activities which constitute a Conflict of Interest where there is a Substantial Interest are unlawful.
If you are a faculty member, you are governed by Policy 5.6 Conflict of Interest and Outside Professional Activity as defined in the Faculty Handbook.
If you are an employee conducting research, you are governed by Policy 5.6.4 Disclosure of Real or Potential Conflicts of Interest as defined in the Faculty Handbook.
Only faculty who do not accrue annual leave may report consulting days for time spent consulting, as described in Section 5.6.5 of the Faculty Handbook.
All staff at the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
- Agency
any agency, authority, department, board, bureau, commission, committee, office or instrumentality of the State of Georgia. - Business
any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-employed individual, trust or other legal entity. - Conflict of Commitment
occurs when an Employee undertakes external commitments which burden or interfere with the Employee’s primary obligations to the Institute. Conflicts of Commitment may arise out of consulting arrangements or with an entrepreneurial interest when a faculty member is involved in a startup company. - Conflict of interest Illustrative examples of such situations include, without limitation, the following situations:
- It reasonably appears that a significant financial interest could affect the design, conduct, or reporting of activities funded or proposed for funding by a sponsor; or
- The personal interest of an Employee or his or her Family may prevent or appear to prevent the Employee from making an unbiased decision with respect to the Employee’s employment with the Institute.
- The Employee, or a member of his or her Family, has a significant financial interest in a business which transacts business with the Institute.
- The Employee, or a member of his or her Family, has a significant financial interest in an entity that competes or may compete with the Institute for sponsored activities.
- Conflict of Interest Review Committee
shall mean an advisory committee to the Executive Vice-President for Research that shall be composed of the Chief Legal Counsel, the Vice-President for Research, a representative for the student body, and a member of the general faculty appointed by the Executive Board of the Institute. In absence of a standing Committee the Executive Vice-President for Research shall appoint an ad hoc committee as dictated by the circumstance. - Conflict of Interest Management Office
(COI Office) shall mean the central office designated by the Institute to review all disclosures that present actual or perceived conflicts of interest. The COI Office works with the COI Review Committee and the Responsible Unit Official to ensure that any conflicts of interest are reduced, managed, or eliminated in conjunction with federal, state, and local regulations and Institute policy. - Consulting
any professional activity related to the person's field or discipline (e.g. consulting, speaking, scientific advisory boards, paid attendance at company meetings, expert witness services, etc), where a fee-for-service or equivalent relationship with a third party exists. Consulting includes organizing or operating any educational program outside Georgia Institute of Technology. - Employee
all Institute personnel who receive salary or wages from the Institute. Students and trainees are included if they receive pay from the Institute. Also included, by way of example without limitation, are Visiting Faculty and Scientists, Professors of the Practice, Adjunct Faculty, Emeritus Faculty (if they are engaged in part time work for pay), and Tech Temps. - Family
spouse or partner and dependent children [Georgia Official Code 45-10-20] and anyone who could reasonably be assumed to be family in the context of situations in which there may be the appearance of a Conflict of Interest stemming from an action of an Employee in combination with such persons. - Full-time
30 hours or more of work for the state per week for more than 26 weeks per calendar year. - Individual Conflicts
a Conflict of Interest that arises when an Employee has the opportunity to influence research, academic or Institute decisions in ways that could lead to personal financial gain. The financial gain may be derived from owning stock in a company that is sponsoring research, from ownership interest or employment in a company that may benefit as a licensee of an invention, or from the existence or expectation of entering into a consulting arrangement with a company sponsoring research. - Institute/Institution
the Georgia Institute of Technology. - Institutional Conflicts
occur when the Institute, or one of its affiliated entities such as the Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation, Georgia Tech Foundation or Georgia Advanced Technology Ventures, has a financial stake in the outcome of its research programs or licensed technology. The conflict may arise out of an equity interest in a start-up that licenses technology from the Institute or in the nature of royalties to be earned from licensing such technology. - Institutional Responsibilities/Institutional Obligations
Investigator’s professional responsibilities on behalf of the Institution, including for example, activities such as research, research consultation, teaching, professional practice, Institutional committee memberships, and service on panels such as Institutional Review Boards or Data and Safety Monitoring Boards. - Investigator
the project director or principal investigator and any other person, regardless of title or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research, which may include, for example, collaborators or consultants. If the research involves human subjects, it includes all personnel named in the protocol submitted to the Institutional Review Board. [NIH Guide - Financial Conflicts of Interest and Research Objectivity: Issues for Investigators and Institutional Review Boards, June 5, 2000 http://www.grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/coi/index.htm FDA "Guidance: Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators" (March 20, 2001) http://www.fda.gov/downloads/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM341008.pdf ]. - Part-time
any amount of work other than full-time work. - Public Official
any person elected to state office or any person appointed to a state office where, in the conduct of such office, the person so appointed has administrative and discretionary authority to receive and expend public funds and to perform certain functions concerning the public which are assigned to him or her by law. - Responsible Representative of the Institution
the person designated by the Institute to oversee the solicitation and review of financial reporting statements from any Investigators who will be participating in Research. For purposes of this Policy, the Responsible Representative of the Institution is the Vice-President for Research or his/her designee(s). - Responsible Unit Official
the supervisor of the school, laboratory, or department of the person making a disclosure. For such supervisors, the Responsible Unit Official will be the person he or she reports to at the next supervisory level. For any other cases, it will be an individual designated by the Executive Vice-President for Research. - Significant Financial Interest
as defined in current Federal Regulations, means:- A financial interest consisting of one or more of the following interests of the Investigator (and those of the Investigator’s spouse and dependent children) that reasonably appears to be related to the Investigator’s institutional responsibilities:
- With regard to any publicly traded entity, a significant financial interest exists if the value of any remuneration received from the entity in the twelve months preceding the disclosure and the value of any equity interest in the entity as of the date of disclosure, when aggregated, exceeds $5,000. For purposes of this definition, remuneration includes salary and any payment for services not otherwise identified as salary (e.g., consulting fees, honoraria, paid authorship); equity interest includes any stock, stock option, or other ownership interest, as determined through reference to public prices or other reasonable measures of fair market value;
- With regard to any non-publicly traded entity, a significant financial interest exists if the value of any remuneration received from the entity in the twelve months preceding the disclosure, when aggregated, exceeds $5,000, or when the Investigator (or the Investigator’s spouse and dependent children) holds any equity interest (e.g., stock, stock option, or other ownership interest); or
- Intellectual property rights and interests (e.g., patents, copyrights), upon receipt of income related to such rights and interests.
- The term significant financial interest does NOT include the following types of financial interests:
- salary, royalties, or other remuneration paid by the Institution to the Investigator if the Investigator is currently employed or otherwise appointed by the Institution;
- intellectual property rights assigned to the Institution and agreements to share in royalties related to such rights
- income from investment vehicles, such as mutual funds and retirement accounts, as long as the Investigator does not directly control the investment decisions made in these vehicles;
- income from seminars, lectures, or teaching engagements sponsored by a federal, state, or local government agency, an Institution of higher education as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1001(a), an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with an institution of higher education;
- income from service on advisory committees or review panels for a federal, state, or local government agency, or an Institution of higher education as defined at 20 U.S.C. 1001(a), an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with an institution of higher education.
- Investigators who receive US Public Health Service funding (e.g. NIH) or a subcontract from another entity that receives funds from a US Public Health Service funding agency, also must disclose the occurrence of any reimbursed or sponsored travel, related to their institutional responsibilities; provided, however, that this disclosure requirement does not apply to travel that is reimbursed or sponsored by a federal, state, or local government agency, an Institution of higher education as defined at 20 U.S.C. 1001(a), an academic teaching hospital, a medical center, or a research institute that is affiliated with an Institution of higher education. The disclosure must include the purpose of the trip, the identity of the sponsor/organizer, the destination, and the duration. Please refer to http://coi.research.gatech.edu/ for answers to frequently asked questions.
- A financial interest consisting of one or more of the following interests of the Investigator (and those of the Investigator’s spouse and dependent children) that reasonably appears to be related to the Investigator’s institutional responsibilities:
- Sponsored travel
travel expenses that are paid on behalf of the Investigator and not reimbursed to the Investigator so that the exact monetary value may not be readily available. - Substantial Interest
is “the direct or indirect ownership of more than 25 percent of the assets or stock of any business.” [Official Code of Georgia 45-10-20]. An Employee, alone or in combination with Family, may not have an ownership interest of more than 25% of the assets or stock in any business which Transacts Business with the State of Georgia including the Institute. Therefore caps of 24.9% are placed on the percentage of ownership an Employee, alone or in combination with Family, may have in any business which Transacts Business with the Institute. Ownership interests below this cap may be managed as provided in this policy. - Transact Business or Transact any Business
to sell or lease any personal property, real property, or services on behalf of oneself or on behalf of any third party as an agent, broker, dealer, or representative and means to purchase surplus real or personal property on behalf of oneself or on behalf of any third party as an agent, broker, dealer, or representative.
Activities Not Considered "Consulting"
- Publication
Scholarly communications in the form of books, movies, television productions, art works, etc. though frequently earning financial profit for a non-faculty member and for another party (e.g., publisher), are not viewed as consultation. - Professional Service
Service on national commissions, advisory bodies for governmental agencies and boards, granting agency peer review panels, visiting committees or advisory groups to other universities, and on analogous bodies is not considered to be Consulting. The fundamental distinction between these activities and consulting is that they are public or Institute service. Although participants may receive an honorarium or equivalent, these professional service activities are not undertaken for personal financial gain. - "Moonlighting"
Employee may pursue a variety of endeavors for financial profit that are not directly related to the person’s field or discipline. These efforts are part of the non-faculty member's private life and do not come under Institute regulation for this consulting policy. Such endeavors may be pursued only after the primary commitment to the Institute has been fulfilled and upon prior approval from a Responsible Unit Official of the Institute.
Use of Georgia Institute of Technology Facilities
In competing for consulting, employees are not to take advantage of their access to Institute facilities. State law precludes Institute employees from using State facilities or property for personal gain or benefit. The facilities and services of the Institute may not be used in connection with compensated outside work, except in a purely incidental way. This is not envisioned to exclude contracts with the Institute for the use of facilities or services such as the Computer Center or the Library or other facilities for which cost centers have been established.
Consulting Services for Other State Offices
As a general rule employees of the Institute may not receive compensation for services performed for other state offices. [Official Code of Georgia 45-10-20]
Employees of one State agency may teach or work as consultants for another state agency provided the work falls within one of the following classifications and provided the conditions stated below are met.
Employees of one state agency may teach or work as consultants for another state agency if the transaction involves part-time employment by the state agency seeking consulting services of a chaplain, fireman, any person holding a doctorate or master's degree from an accredited college or university, a licensed physician, dentist, psychologist, registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse, or veterinarian.
The chief executive officer of the department or agency desiring to obtain the services of a person falling within the class of exceptions shall certify in writing the need for the services and shall set forth why the best interest of the state will be served by obtaining the part-time services of such a person in lieu of obtaining such services from a person not presently employed by the State.
The chief executive officer of the department or agency employing the person in the class of exceptions shall certify in writing that the person whose services are desired is available to perform such services, that the performances of such services will not detract nor have a detrimental effect on the performance of the person's employment, and, where appropriate, that the part-time employment of this person will be in the best interest of the State.
The two departments or agencies involved will then agree on the procedures under which the employee shall perform the additional services. The agreement shall specify the means of employment, whether as a part-time employee or as a consultant, the compensation, and other pertinent details and conditions of the employment relationship. The agreement may be terminated at any time by either of the parties to the agreement.
Prohibited Activities
No employee shall undertake any activity which constitutes a conflict of interest except as may be expressly approved and/or managed pursuant to the provisions of this policy.
It shall be unlawful for any full-time employee, for himself or herself, or on behalf of any business, or for any business in which such employee or member of his or her family has a substantial interest to transact any business with the agency by which such employee is employed; provided, however, that neither this section nor any other provision of law shall prevent full-time employees of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia from serving as members of governing boards of private, nonprofit, educational, athletic, or research related foundations and associations which are organized for the purpose of supporting institutions of higher education in this state and which in furtherance of this purpose may transact business with such institutions or with the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
Except as expressly permitted by law, it shall be unlawful for any part-time employee, for himself or herself, or on behalf of any business, or for any business in which such employee or member of his or her family has a substantial interest to transact any business with the agency by which such employee is employed. See Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 45-10-20 et seq.
Disclosure to the State of Georgia
Except as provided in subsection (b) of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 45-10-26, any Public Official or Employee whether for himself or herself, or on behalf of any Business, or any Business in which such Public Official or Employee or any member of his Family has a Substantial Interest who transacts business with the state or any agency thereof, shall disclose such transactions. Such disclosure shall be submitted prior to January 31 each year to the Secretary of State on such forms as he or she shall prescribe and shall include an itemized list of the previous year's transactions with the dollar amount of each transaction reported and totaled. Such disclosure statements shall be public records. [Official Code of Georgia 45-10-26]
Disclosure to the Institute
Every employee of the Institute, including all who participate in outside professional activities and/or sponsored research must complete an annual disclosure using the online Conflict of Interest system. In answering the questions, if an employee has indicated an actual or potential conflict, the system will notify the COI Office for review. Employees must update their disclosures on an ongoing basis when circumstances change.
GT employees should adhere to USG HRAP on Gifts/Gratuities and Employee Expenses Paid by Vendors. Disclose the actual and reasonable expenses for food, beverages, travel, lodging and registration provided by a third-party via the Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
Disclosure to Sponsors
Any person involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of research (technical and financial) or educational activities proposed for funding by a sponsor must complete the Investigator Financial Interest In Research Report via the online Conflict of Interest System disclosing any potential or actual Significant or Substantial Financial interests of the employee (including those of the Employee’s Family). (See http://coi.research.gatech.edu/ for this system.) Disclosures should include, but is not limited to:
- Performance or business transactions related to the sponsored activity;
- Equity interests in or fees from either the sponsor of the research or a subcontractor;
- Intellectual property rights.
Each such Disclosure needs to be updated via the online system by the employee during the life of any award, as new Significant or Substantial Financial Interests are recognized.
In completing a disclosure on the Conflict of Interest Online System, the employee is certifying to the following:
"In submitting this form I affirm that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and I certify that I have read and understood the Conflict of Interest and Outside Professional Activity Policy as set forth in the Georgia Institute of Technology Faculty Handbook, that I have made all required disclosures, and that I will comply with any conditions or restrictions imposed by the Institute to manage, reduce or eliminate conflicts of interest."
In any proposal submitted to a potential sponsor, the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for certifying that the Institute has implemented a written and enforced conflict of interest policy that is consistent with the provisions of Grant Policy Manual Section 510 of the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health Guide for Objectivity in Research and other applicable sponsor regulations. In submitting the proposal, the Office of Sponsored Programs certifies that to the best of their knowledge all financial disclosures required by such conflict of interest policy have been made and that all identified conflicts of interest will have been satisfactorily managed, reduced or eliminated prior to the Institute’s expenditure of any funds under the award, in accordance with the Institute’s Conflict of Interest and Outside Professional Activity Policy.
Disclosure to the Institutional Review Board
Investigators submitting protocols to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the use of human subjects in research or other activities shall disclose any and all Significant Financial Interests that may appear to affect the design, conduct or reporting of such research. It is imperative that Investigators fully disclose to the IRB an ownership interest in any Business proposing to test any drug, device or other technology with human subjects or any potential financial interest in such technology that the Investigators, or the Investigators Family might have. The IRB, in collaboration with the COI Office, shall conduct an independent review and may or may not impose restrictions, including denial of approval for the protocol, as it deems is in the best interest of the subjects and the Institute.
Disclosure to Students
Special care needs to be taken when dealing with students involved in research so that a potential or actual Conflict of Interest does not adversely affect their education, i.e. their ability to graduate or publish. Prior to retaining students on research projects that may involve a potential or actual Conflict of Interest, the Investigator and senior personnel will disclose to the student as well as to the COI Office and Responsible Unit Official, any interests in outside companies that may be perceived to benefit from the student’s research. Should a conflict of interest exist, the COI Office, the Responsible Unit Official, the conflicted Investigator, and the Conflict of Interest Review Committee, will design a conflict management plan to manage, reduce or eliminate the conflict prior to the student’s involvement in the project pursuant to the procedure provided for in Section 5.6.4.
Review of Financial Disclosures and Resolution of Conflicts of Interest
When a financial disclosure or report of a conflict of interest is made via the online Conflict of Interest module and forwarded to the COI Office, the COI Office reviews the disclosure per the COI Office Procedures.
Should an actual or apparent conflict of interest exist, the COI Office and the Conflict of Interest Review Committee will design a conflict management plan to manage, reduce or eliminate the conflict prior to the Institute's expenditure of any such funds.
In developing a management plan, the COI Office and the Conflict of Interest Review Committee will work with the conflicted employee and with the Responsible Unit Official and will consider the relationships between the employee and the Institute to ensure adequate conditions or restrictions are in place to manage, reduce or eliminate the conflict(s).
Such conditions may include, without limitation:
- Public disclosure of significant financial interests;
- Monitoring of research by independent reviewers;
- Modification of the research plan;
- Disqualification from participation in the portion of the sponsor funded research that would be affected by the Significant or Substantial Financial Interests;
- Divestiture of Significant or Substantial Financial Interests; and/or
- Severance of relationships that create actual or potential conflicts.
Conflict management plans and/or restrictions must be in writing and forwarded to the conflicted employee and the Responsible Unit Official(s). The COI Office and the Responsible Unit Officials will monitor compliance with the plan. A copy of the plan and relevant documentation will be maintained in the COI Office.
Upon recommendation by a Responsible Unit Official, the Conflict of Interest Review Committee may determine a) that imposing conditions or restrictions would be ineffective or b) that any potential negative impacts which may arise from a Significant or Substantial Financial Interest is outweighed by interests of scientific progress, technology transfer, or the public health and welfare. In such cases, the Responsible Unit Official and the Conflict of Interest Review Committee may recommend to the Provost that the Institute allow research to go forward provided that any conflict management plan includes ongoing monthly review by the Responsible Unit Official and the Conflict of Interest Review Committee.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall permit the Institute to authorize an activity that is contrary to the laws of the State of Georgia, federal regulations, or other restrictions imposed by regulation or contract by research sponsors. Furthermore, no activity involving human subjects may be authorized that has not been approved by the Institutional Review Board which in compliance with 45CFR46 may, in its sole discretion, deny such approval.
Should the Responsible Representative of the Institution find that the Institute is unable to satisfactorily manage a conflict of interest prior to the Institute's expenditure of any such funds, the Responsible Representative of the Institution shall immediately notify the COI Office and the Office of Sponsored Programs.
All determinations made or actions taken by the COI Office, and/or the Conflict of Interest Review Committee shall be in writing and together with all financial disclosures made hereunder, be maintained until at least three years after the later of the termination or completion of the award to which they relate, or the resolution of any government action involving those records. If the Investigator is engaged in any research or other sponsored activity supported by the Department of Health and Human Services including but not limited to the National Institutes of Health, the Responsible Representative of the Institution shall forward this information to the sponsor in compliance with regulation.
Written management plans must be reviewed annually or upon a change in circumstances affecting the plan and appropriate disclosures should continue during the ongoing management of any conflict.
Conflict of Interest Training Requirements
Conflict of interest training is required for all Investigators before engaging in funded research and every four years thereafter.
Any employee who violates this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
There are also sanctions under State law [Official Code of Georgia Section 45-10-28] as described in the following paragraphs.
Any appointed public official or employee who violates Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 45-10-23 ("Full-time employees prohibited from transacting business with own state agency; exception to prohibition for Board of Regents employees"), Section 45-10-24 ("Part-time public officials with state-wide powers prohibited from transacting business with any state agency; part-time employees prohibited from transacting business with own state agency; exceptions to prohibitions"), or Section 45-10-26 ("Public officials and employees to file yearly disclosure statements concerning business transactions with state; statements to be public records") shall be subject to:
- Removal from office or employment;
- A civil fine not to exceed $10,000.00; and
- Restitution to the state of any pecuniary benefit received as a result of such violation.
Any business which violates Code Section 45-10-23, 45-10-24, or 45-10-26 shall be subject to:
- A civil fine not to exceed $10,000.00; and
- Restitution to the state of any pecuniary benefit received as a result of such violation.
Party | Responsibility |
Conflict of Interest Management Office | Ensure compliance with policy. |
Office of Legal Affairs | Offer assistance with policy interpretation. |
Consultant Services within the University System
Consultant Services within the University SystemRevision Date | Author | Description |
12-2012 | Legal Affairs and Risk Management | Update to policy |
Nepotism (Employment of Relatives)
Nepotism (Employment of Relatives)The basic criteria for hiring and promotion of faculty and staff at Georgia Tech shall be appropriate qualifications and performance as set forth in the policies of the Board of Regents, and incorporating certain requirements of the Institute. Relationship by family or marriage shall constitute neither an advantage nor a disadvantage, provided the individual meets and fulfills the appropriate University System/GIT hiring and promotion standards.
Regents' Policy 8.2.3--No individual shall be employed in a department or unit which will result in the existence of a subordinate-superior relationship between such individual and any relative of such individual through any line of authority. As used herein, "line of authority" shall mean authority extending vertically through one or more organizational levels of supervision or management.
Note: This policy does not apply to children working temporary or part-time under age 25; nor any individual as of February 14, 1990, then holding a superior position at least one level of supervision removed.
Relatives are defined as husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers, sisters, and any in-law of any of the foregoing.
Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Regents upon recommendation of the Chancellor as being clearly in the best interest of the Institute and the University System.
Political and Occupational Outside Activities
Political and Occupational Outside ActivitiesGeorgia Tech employees shall follow Board of Regents’ policies on Personnel Conduct, including BOR Policy Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment and BOR Policy Political Activities.
TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get the size of the image: http://www.policylibrary.gatech.edu/files/policyhistory1.png
Revision Date | Author | Description |
12-2012 | Legal Affairs and Risk Management | Update to policy |
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)To establish Institute policies and procedures that comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, which establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting full time and part-time workers in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments.
The FLSA establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments. Georgia Tech will provide compensation for the established workweek for employees covered by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Georgia Tech also reserves the right to institute any processes and procedures necessary for complying with relevant state law(s).
The policy applies to all departments, all faculty, staff, and student employees.
Exempt/Non-Exempt Status
Federal and state laws require that overtime must be paid for certain, but not all, jobs. The federal law is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The term “exempt” refers to jobs that are excluded from these overtime requirements. This means that employees are not entitled to (or exempt from) overtime pay, regardless of how many hours are worked.
The term “non-exempt” refers to jobs that are not exempt from legal overtime requirements. This means that employees in non-exempt jobs are entitled to overtime pay for all time worked beyond forty (40) hours in a work week.
In accordance with the FLSA, whether a job is classified as exempt or non-exempt depends on the content of the job. It does not depend on how the employee (or the manager) wants the job classified. Human Resources, with advice from the Office of Legal Affairs, makes the final determination as to whether a job is exempt or non-exempt, based on an evaluation of the job as compared to federal regulations.
Overtime Compensation
The overtime rate of compensation is 1.5 times the regular hourly rate for each hour worked over forty (40) hours in a “work week” or Regular Rate (RR) X 1.5 X Overtime hours (OT) = Overtime pay due. (Example: a non-exempt employee’s regular rate of pay is $10.00 per hour. He or she worked 10 hours of overtime in a regular work week. Thus, $10.00 x 1.5 x 10 = $150.00 (overtime pay due).) Georgia Tech defines the “work week” as beginning on Thursday at 12:01 a.m. and ending at midnight on the following Wednesday.
Departments at the Institute may grant compensatory time in lieu of payment for overtime, if the employee agrees to accept compensatory time. See the section below titled “Compensatory Time” for additional procedures in using this payment option.
Based on the needs of the department, some overtime may be a condition of employment or continued employment. It is to be expected that some departments may engage in temporary periods of mandatory overtime as a result of workload and in order to meet expected outcomes. In other situations, a job's work schedule may be different from the typical Institution workweek so that evening and weekend coverage can be provided without the Institution having to incur the expense of overtime pay. Managers are responsible for informing employees about the needs of the unit and each employee's expected schedule in a timely fashion.
Breaks and Meal Times
Both exempt and non-exempt employees are encouraged to take occasional breaks or a meal period as reasonable. Managers and supervisors will generally designate any authorized breaks and meal times for each employee’s position and schedule. Non-exempt employees are encouraged to take a daily meal period of thirty (30) minutes or more and are encouraged to use this time as personal time where work for the Institute is not expected.
Time spent working should be recorded as such even if worked during a designated meal time. Time spent not working for a period of approximately twenty (20) minutes or more, i.e., a “break” period, should not be recorded as time worked.
Note that state law varies as to meal and break time requirements and to the extent it is in conflict with the above, the Institute complies with state law.
Calculating Overtime
For purposes of calculating overtime, only hours actually worked will be considered. Vacation, holiday, sick, compensatory time and other leave times granted by the Institute will not factor into the overtime calculation.
Employees in non-exempt jobs are required to submit daily time records. Any employee or supervisor who falsifies any time record, application for leave, and the like, is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Travel Time
When a non-exempt employee is traveling, managers should meet with them to review and approve the travel itinerary (including, but not limited to, meeting schedule, route, and mode of transportation) and confirm what are considered working hours in accordance with University System of Georgia (USG) and Institute policies and Department of Labor (DOL) regulations. All compensable hours worked during the travel period must be recorded and reported to ensure an accurate calculation for payroll purposes.
For additional guidance, please see Compensation for Travel Time Guide for Overtime-Eligible Employees [Include Link].
Supervisors and managers are expected to monitor the use and impact of overtime on their department to ensure employees are consistently completing work in a reasonable amount of time, as well as ensure that employees are not working unauthorized overtime.
Overtime-eligible employees must obtain approval from their direct supervisor for overtime before it is actually worked. Non-exempt employees must be compensated for all overtime hours worked regardless of whether such time was requested in advance. Employees who work overtime without supervisor authorization or fail to report accurately all hours of work are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Compensatory Time
Compensatory time, or “comp time,” is an alternate way of paying for overtime worked. Instead of paying an employee overtime for work done over the time allotted in the normal work week, an employee’s department can allow one hour and a half of time off for each hour of overtime worked. This time may be used in emergencies, or scheduled and approved for personal use.
Comp time should not be confused with flexible working arrangements (including “flextime”) that allow employees to work a schedule with variable arrival, departure and/or lunch times (see Flexwork Arrangements, Policy 8.65). Flexible working arrangements (or “flexwork arrangements”), if approved, allow the Institute to enable employees to serve customers, meet Institute and departmental goals, and balance personal and professional responsibilities. Comp time strictly refers to compensation for overtime worked.
Supervisors, with departmental approval, may grant comp time instead of overtime pay to non-exempt employees. The choice of comp time must be made in advance and documented by an agreement between the supervisor and employee. (LINK to FORM.) Approved comp time is subject to a two hundred and forty (240)-hour maximum accumulation. Employees are required to use accrued comp time prior to using other earned/accrued leave.
Employees who have reached the comp time maximum must receive a cash payment for any additional overtime. Additionally, all comp time balances on record as of the last full pay period of the fiscal year must be paid out as well. Such payment shall be at the employee’s regular earnings rate at the time the payment is made.
Employees terminating from the Institution or transferring to a new department or other USG institution will receive a comp time payoff from the department in which they earned the compensatory time. The payoff will be calculated based on the employee's current rate of pay.
An employee’s request to use their comp time earned is approved utilizing the same process used for vacation.
Pay for All Time Worked
Institute policy and practice is to accurately compensate employees in compliance with state and federal laws. If an overtime eligible employee works more than forty (40) hours in a workweek, he or she will receive additional pay (or comp time as previously agreed upon with his or her supervisor). To ensure that employees are paid properly for all time worked, an overtime eligible employee must record correctly all work time and review his or her pay records to promptly identify and report errors. Employees also must not engage in off-the-clock or unrecorded work.
To Report Violations of This Policy, Communicate Concerns, or Obtain More Information
It is a violation of Institute policy for any employee, including management, to falsify a time record. It is also a serious violation of Institute policy for any employee or manager to instruct another employee to incorrectly or falsely report hours worked or alter another employee’s time record to under- or over-report hours worked.
Employees are prohibited from committing the following actions: (1) incorrectly or falsely under- or over-reporting hours worked, (2) altering another employee’s time record(s) to inaccurately or falsely reporting that employee’s hours worked, or (3) concealing any falsification of time records. If any employee is instructed or encouraged to violate this policy, he or she should report it immediately to the Sr. Director, HRBPs and Employee Relations or may submit his or her concern on an anonymous (or otherwise) basis through the Ethicspoint system at http://www.ethicspoint.com or call 1.866.294.5565.
Non-exempt employees should not work any hours outside of their scheduled work day unless their supervisor has authorized the unscheduled work in advance. Employees should not start work early, finish work late, work during a meal break or perform any other extra or overtime work unless authorized to do so and that time is recorded. Employees are prohibited from performing any “off-the-clock” work. “Off-the-clock” work means work performed but not recorded as time worked. Any employee who fails to report or inaccurately reports any hours worked will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
An employee with questions about pay deductions or the accuracy of his or her pay record should contact his or her supervisor immediately. If the employee’s supervisor is not available or the employee believes it would be inappropriate to contact that person (or if the employee has not received a prompt and fully acceptable reply within three business days), the employee should contact the Sr. Director, HRBPs and Employee Relations or may submit his or her concern on an anonymous (or otherwise) basis through the Ethicspoint system at http://www.ethicspoint.com or call 1.866.294.5565.
Every report will be fully investigated and corrective action will be taken, up to and including discharge of any employee(s) who violates this policy.
In addition, the Institute will not allow any form of retaliation against individuals who report alleged violations of this policy or who cooperate in the Institute’s investigation of such reports. Any form of retaliation in violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
Minimum Wage
Effective July 24, 2009, the FLSA requires a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour to be paid to all employees covered under the Act.
Child Labor
The FLSA prohibits the employment of children of certain ages and in certain hazardous occupations. It also establishes certain hours during which children may or may not work.
Exceptions to Policy
The policy outlined above applies to all units of the Institute. Any exceptions to policy must be approved by the AVP of Human Resources. Questions about the policy's administration can be directed to your Human Resources Representative/Contact.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
October 2016 | Human Resources | Revisions to procedures |
March 2017 | Human Resources | New Policy |
General Work Rules
General Work RulesIt is important that each employee's conduct and performance support and promote Institute and department goals. Review the following rules to serve as a guide in achieving these goals:
Major Rule Violations
Major offenses include any willful, deliberate violation of Institute or safety rules of such a degree that continued employment of the individual may not be desirable. The following are examples of some offenses that may subject an employee to immediate discharge without warning:
- Any negligent act that might endanger the safety or lives of others or that might result in damage to or destruction of Institute property.
- Insubordination or refusal to perform work assignments properly.
- Willful, deliberate, or repeated violations of safety rules.
- Willfully falsifying any Institution records.
- Leaving Georgia Tech premises during working hours without permission of a supervisor.
- Deliberately abusing, destroying, damaging, or defacing Institute property or the property of others on Georgia Tech premises.
- Gambling, possession or use of liquor or narcotics, or the unlawful possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons on Institute premises.
- Fighting on Georgia Tech premises.
- Failure to return to work on expiration of vacation or leave of absence.
- Disclosure of confidential Institute information to unauthorized persons.
- Taking Institute or other employee's property for one's own use.
- Repeated failure to meet financial obligations.
- Sexual misconduct.
- Failure to cooperate fully in an authorized internal investigation.
- Failure to meet the qualifications for the job or terms and conditions of employment (i.e. failure to complete I-9 compliance, or other criteria set for in USG General Criteria for Employment Policy).
- Failure to report being charged with a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) to GTHR within 72 hours of becoming aware of such a charge.
- Failure to report being convicted of a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) to GTHR within 24 hours of becoming aware of the conviction.
Minor Rule
Rule violations of a minor nature include violations that may affect the continuity, efficiency of safety or work and will not be tolerated if repeated. Minor rule violations may result in either verbal or written warnings to the employee; however, repeated violations could lead to suspension and possibly termination. The following are examples of minor rule violations that may result in either verbal or written warnings to the employee:
- Excessive tardiness or absenteeism.
- Failure to notify the supervisor within the first two hours after start of shift on first day of absence.
- Failure to observe department working-hour schedules.
- Unsatisfactory work performance.
- Loafing or other abuse of time during assigned working hours.
- Interfering with another employee's performance of duties.
- Leaving regularly assigned work location without notifying the immediate supervisor (personal needs excepted).
- Performing unauthorized personal work on Georgia Tech time.
- Defacing bulletin boards or notices posted thereon.
- Minor violations of safety rules.
- Using Institute resources for personal work.
- Using any tobacco product anywhere on the Institute’s property as prohibited by the Board of Regents’ Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy.
- Failure to complete mandatory and required Institutional training.
The above lists are not intended to be all inclusive.
Georgia is an employment at will state. Cause is not necessary to terminate employment.
Revision | Author | Description |
October 2023 | GTHR | Updated to conform with USG HRAP updates. |
July 2015 | Office of Human Resources | Policy update. |
June 2026 | Office of Human Resources | New Policy. |
Hiring jgastley3Background Investigations and Screening
Background Investigations and Screening jgastley3The Institute follows the University System of Georgia’s Human Resource Administrative Practice Manual (HRAP) for Background Investigations.
You can access the HRAP here: https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Background_Investigation_Employment.pdf
Intrasystem Recruitment
Intrasystem RecruitmentQuoted below is the Regents' policy on inter-institutional employment:
Faculty Members
“It is recognized as a good practice for USG institutions to employ principal administrators and faculty members from other USG institutions. When a president wishes to consider for employment a principal administrator or faculty member of another USG institution, he/she shall notify the president of the employing institution before an offer is made to the principal administrator or faculty member. When a formal offer is made, the letter shall include a statement to the effect that acceptance can be made only after all contractual obligations have been fulfilled.”
Transfer for Classified Personnel
The Office of Human Resources should be contacted in cases of transfer for classified personnel.
General Recruitment Reminders
Georgia Tech follows the University System of Georgia (USG) procedures USG HRAP General Criteria for Employment and Mandatory Employee Training, USG HRAP Employee Recruitment and Direct Appointment, and USG 6.5 Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom
Immigration jgastley3Employment of Foreign Nationals
Employment of Foreign NationalsThis policy informs units of the requirements for hiring foreign nationals (excluding student employees), nonimmigrant petitions for temporary employment of foreign nationals, and permanent residency requests for permanent employees.
Georgia Tech Human Resources is responsible for compliance with federal laws and regulations affecting the employment of foreign nationals. Global HR is authorized to file nonimmigrant petitions for the temporary employment of foreign nationals and immigrant petitions for the permanent employment of foreign nationals.
- Private attorneys are prohibited from filing petitions on behalf of Georgia Tech. Only the Global HR Manager may sign a G-28 (Notice of Appearance) allowing an attorney to represent Georgia Tech.
- A list of the categories of nonimmigrant petitions and immigrant petitions that Georgia Tech will file and additional information regarding those petitions can be found at https://hr.gatech.edu/global-human-resources.
- This policy applies to all foreign national employees (excluding students) and the units seeking to employ them. This policy does not apply to employees in J-1 status.
- Individuals in some nonimmigrant categories are not eligible for Georgia Tech appointment, employment, or payment under any circumstances. Georgia Tech appointment, employment, or payment is not permitted unless and until the individual obtains an immigration status permitting appointment, employment, or payment. Additional information regarding US visas can be found at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas.html.
- If a nonimmigrant or immigrant request requires expertise or resources not available in Global Human Resources, Global Human Resources may request that the designated Special Assistant Attorney General to the University System of Georgia file a nonimmigrant or immigrant petition at the expense of the employing unit.
- Foreign nationals who are awaiting the necessary employment authorization or whose work authorization has expired are not allowed to serve as volunteers. Note: Foreign nationals who are financially supported by a source other than the Institute are not considered volunteers.
- All requests to hire foreign nationals, and requests to file nonimmigrant or immigrant petitions must be submitted in iStart. Additional information regarding iStart and procedures can be found at https://gatech.service-now.com/asc.
This policy applies to all employees at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Foreign National
A person without U.S. citizenship or nationality (may include a stateless person). See the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Glossary for additional definitions: htts://www.uscis.gov/tools/glossary
Refers to a petition processed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or a visa issued by the Department of State to stay in the United States permanently.
Refers to a petition processed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or a visa issued by the Department of State for a temporary stay in the United States.
Office of International Education (International Student and Scholar Services)
Offers assistance with policy interpretation and administers policy pertaining to the J-1 Bridge USA Program.
Georgia Tech Human Resources – Global HR
Global HR is responsible for assisting with policy interpretation and administering policy pertaining to all foreign national employees and potential employees (excluding J-1s).
Units are responsible for timely submission of requests to, or requesting assistance from, Global HR.
Hiring Managers
Hiring managers are responsible for ensuring employees meet all requirements before beginning work.
Employees are responsible for complying with all terms and conditions of their visa status.
Failure to comply with federal regulations may lead to termination of employment, institutional ban on filing immigrant and nonimmigrant petitions, and/or possible consequences imposed by the federal government.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
6/26/2023 | Georgia Tech Human Resources | Updated policy to allow Global HR to file nonimmigrant petitions for eligible staff, remove procedures, and update outdated information. |
Payments to Non-U.S. Citizen Employees
Payments to Non-U.S. Citizen EmployeesThis policy provides guidance to those seeking information about payments made to Non-U.S. Citizen employees.
Georgia Tech will comply with all federal, state, and local tax laws and regulations regarding payments made to non-U.S. Citizens. As allowed by those laws and regulations, Georgia Tech will honor requests by foreign national employees for applicable tax treaty exemptions. For more information regarding tax compliance procedures see https://hr.gatech.edu/foreign-national-tax-compliance.
All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology are affected by, and should be aware of this policy.
Tax status and appropriate tax withholdings, including tax treaty determinations and implementations, will be determined and implemented by Georgia Tech Human Resources.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with Payments to Non-U.S. Citizen Employees are:
Party | Responsibility |
Human Resources (Global HR) | Offer assistance with policy interpretation and administer policy |
Change made | Date |
Policy statement, purpose, process/procedure, etc. | 10/6/2010 |
Joint Staffing
Joint StaffingThe following guidelines, issued by the University System's Board of Regents, pertain to recording personal services for personnel used by two or more units of the University System.
General Guidelines
- The faculty member, or other personnel, should receive full contract pay from the base institution. The employee thus should continue in "fully employed" status at the base institution.
- Each institution sharing the employee's time should budget its share of the employee's time (EFT) and dollars. Care should be taken to see that the EFT and dollars do not exceed the employee's contract.
- Upon making distributions of salary and wage costs from routine payroll records, the base institution would enter the personal service expenditures on its records in accordance with established procedures.
- Settlement of accounts may be effected by arrangements of several fiscal officers of the institutions involved. The timing and method shall be at the discretion of said officers.
- Staff Benefits related to the Personnel Service dollars involved may be transferred if the amount is deemed material by the fiscal officers involved.
- In instances where Sponsored Operations are involved, the overhead allowance in any given contract shall remain at the institution where the Sponsored Project is located. Exceptions to this rule may be made if the amount is material. An amount shall be considered material if it exceeds 50% of the total overhead allowance for that project.
This statement shall not apply to situations where Sponsored Projects are awarded jointly to two or more institutions. The arrangement as stipulated in the contract shall prevail in such instances.
Non-Retaliation Policy
Non-Retaliation PolicyGeorgia Tech has a responsibility to protect its employees from unlawful retaliation, and retaliation will not be tolerated at Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech has a strong interest in encouraging the reporting of misconduct and employees must be free from fear of retaliation to support that interest.
Retaliation against any employee, who, in good faith, files a complaint or grievance; seeks the aid of Human Resources; testifies or participates in investigations, compliance reviews, proceedings or hearings; or opposes actual or perceived violations of policy or unlawful acts is strictly forbidden. This policy does not protect an employee who provides information that she or he knows is false, files a bad faith retaliation claim, or participates in any illegal conduct. Georgia Tech will take timely and appropriate action, up to and including dismissal, against any employee who violates this non-retaliation policy.
This policy applies to all Georgia Tech employees, including student employees.
Retaliation | Retaliation is any materially adverse action taken or threatened against an employee because the employee has, in good faith, filed a complaint or grievance; sought the aid of Human Resources; testified or participated in investigations, compliance reviews, proceedings or hearings; or opposed actual or perceived violations of policy or unlawful acts. |
Good Faith Reporting | A reasonable and sincere belief that the information provided is true. |
Bad Faith Reporting |
If an employee believes that she or he has been retaliated against, the employee should contact one of the following resources to make a retaliation claim:
Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources (Staff Complaints) | employee-relations@ohr.gatech.edu or 404-894-4847 |
Georgia Tech Office of the Provost (Faculty Complaints) | vpgefd@gatech.edu or 404-385-5726 |
Georgia Tech Ethics Hotline (Faculty or Staff Complaints) | https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/7508/index.html or 1-866-294-5565 The Georgia Tech Ethics Hotline is managed by a third-party vendor, available 24/7, that allows for confidential or anonymous reporting. |
Georgia Tech takes retaliation very seriously. Reports of retaliation made to the Office of Human Resources, Office of the Provost, or the Georgia Tech Ethics Hotline will be investigated in a thorough and timely manner. Any employee who is found to have retaliated against another employee at Georgia Tech will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from Georgia Tech. Enforcement of any underlying policy violations by Georgia Tech employees will be referred to and handled through applicable individual policies.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
03-01-2018 | Human Resources | New Policy |
Performance Management Policy
Performance Management PolicyThe purpose of an effective performance management system is for employees to have a clear understanding of the work expected from them, to receive ongoing feedback regarding how they are performing relative to expectations, to distribute rewards accordingly, to identify development opportunities, and to address performance that does not meet expectations. A comprehensive performance management system empowers employees to have greater input to their personal career progression and will enable managers to better identify, recognize, and reward individuals based upon an agreed set of criteria.
Georgia Tech strives to provide an environment where all employees understand the impact their contributions have on the achievement of Institute goals and are provided the opportunity for ongoing personal growth. One way we can accomplish this goal is through a strong performance based management program that culminates in an annual performance review. The performance management process is continuous as we plan, manage, review, and reward performance.
This policy applies to all classified staff at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Performance Goals
Help to define what is expected of you in your current position in relation to the department and/or unit's overall goals.
Career Development Goals
Outline opportunities for professional development and/or career growth
Competencies are the key capabilities, characteristics, and behaviors that all Georgia Tech employees need to develop and demonstrate in order to drive superior work performance.
The Georgia Tech Performance Management Process consists of a four-phase cycle: planning, managing, reviewing, and rewarding performance.
The planning phase is the foundation of the entire Performance Management process. In this phase, individual goals and objectives are set for the performance period. Goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time based) increase employee motivation and commitment to goal attainment, leading to greater performance and productivity.
Regular communication between the manager and employee is critical during the managing phase of the performance management cycle. Through formal and informal conversations, both parties are kept abreast of progress towards the successful completion of goals and expectations. These discussions also enable the manager to provide timely feedback and coaching as the year unfolds. Because the performance cycle spans several months, it is important for managers and employees to keep track of key performance highlights and challenges that occur during the year. These notes will help immensely when it's time to prepare the annual review.
At the conclusion of the evaluation cycle, the manager meets with the employee to conduct the annual performance review. If SMART goals have been set (planning phase) and ongoing communication/feedback has taken place (managing phase), the overall outcome of the annual review should come as no surprise to the employee.
When merit increases are available, employees may receive an increase to their annual base pay as a reward for meritorious performance. It is important to remember that performance increases should be differentiated between employees based upon their overall performance ratings and, in general, top performers should receive higher pay increases.
Additional resources are available on the Human Resources website at https://hr.gatech.edu/performance-management.
The University System of Georgia prohibits employees grieving performance reviews (refer to the University System of Georgia’s Grievance Policy for more details).
Goal Setting
At least two performance goals are required for all employees with the recommended average being two to four goals.
All Georgia Tech employees who are considered classified staff will be rated on competencies that have been identified by GTHR and Executive Leadership, in compliance with USG Policies. For more information on GT competencies please visit: https://hr.gatech.edu/performance/faqs. Information related to these competencies can be found under the Competencies tab.
All classified staff managers/supervisors will also be rated on Leadership Competencies. For more information on leadership competencies, please visit: https://hr.gatech.edu/leader-competencies.
Additionally, employees will be provided feedback in the areas of Attendance & Punctuality and Honestly & Integrity.
The competencies and goals employees establish in the system will be rated on a new five point scale (Exceptional, Strong, Satisfactory, Needs Development, and Unsatisfactory).
Online System
Supervisors/Managers and employees will establish performance goals and enter them into the Performance Management @ Tech system. The Performance Management @ Tech system will allow both employees and their managers to update and track progress on the goals throughout the year. An employee's overall rating will be based both on progress on reaching established goals and performance in aforementioned competency areas.
Career Development Plan
Georgia Tech's culture promotes individuals owning their careers. Career planning and professional development activities are designed to further develop and maintain a high-performance workforce by providing targeted opportunities for learning and growth. Career planning allows employees to align their annual development goals with long-term career goals and organizational needs. Typically, the career development goals are drafted and revised during the first phase of the performance management cycle. These goals can be entered into the online performance management system.
Human Resources Representatives
Human Resources Representatives are responsible for offering assistance with policy interpretation and administering the policy.
GTHR is responsible for interpreting the policy, administering the policy, and ensuring compliance.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
March 2008 | Office of Human Resources | New policy. |
November 2010 | Office of Human Resources | Policy update. |
October 2023 | GTHR | Updated to conform with USG HRAP changes. |
Performance Review Following Probationary Period
Performance Review Following Probationary PeriodThe Performance Review is an opportunity for the supervisor to review the employee's performance from that period and advise the employee of his/her progress in meeting assigned job duties and responsibilities. Additionally, it provides the opportunity for the supervisor to review the employee's developmental needs and formulate and communicate a development plan designed to improve performance.
Board of Regents and Institute policy requires that all classified employees serve the first six months of employment on a provisional basis, which is designated as the employee's probationary period. If the employee completes this period, the supervisor should review the employee's performance from that period and advise the employee of his/her progress in meeting assigned job duties and responsibilities.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All classified employees of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Who Should Read This Policy
All employees of the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
With the exception of certain public safety personnel, all classified employees are required to serve the first six months (180 days) of employment with the Institute on a provisional basis. During this period, the new employee should receive an on-the-job orientation relative to the work environment and job expectations so that he or she can begin fulfilling job duties on a regular basis. The supervisor should monitor the new employee's performance in the job and take appropriate action as necessary to make sure that expectations are being met, such as providing on-going feedback to the new employee regarding his or her performance relative to job expectations.
Immediately following the completion of the probationary period, and if the services of the employee are still needed, then the employee's performance should be formally reviewed and documented. Should performance problems occur during the first six months of employment, the supervisor should contact the Performance and Talent Management unit of the Office of Human Resources.
Public safety employees are subject to the same provisional employment requirements as other classified employees, except that the six month (180 day) provisional period will not begin until any training mandated by the State of Georgia for certification as a police officer has been completed (if such training occurs after employment with the Institute begins).
The probationary review process involves assessing the employee's work performance during the first six months of employment relative to specific indicators and an overall rating. The following rating categories are employed:
- Meeting Expectations
- Needs Improvement
The University System of Georgia prohibits employees grieving performance reviews (refer to the University System of Georgia's Grievance Policy for more details).
Completing the Performance Review Form
The Performance Review Form should be completed by the employee's immediate supervisor within two weeks following completion of the first six months (180 days) of employment.
The supervisor should first complete the identifying information required in the heading (name, job title, unit, dates, etc.).
Next, the supervisor should assign a rating for each indicator by checking the appropriate block and entering comments as appropriate in the space provided at the end of the form. For any indicators rated as "Needs Improvement", the supervisor must enter in the Comments section specifically what causes justify the rating. Entries in the Comments section for "Meeting Expectations" are optional.
Following the rating of each indicator, the supervisor should formulate an overall rating reflective of those individual ratings and enter that information on the 3rd page of the form.
The Comments on Ratings section has been provided for noting clarifications or explanations regarding any aspects of the review. This section is intended to provide an opportunity for the supervisor to support the individual and overall ratings with narrative comments related to actual performance during the probationary period. Explanations should include references to actual incidences that support a given rating. Additional pages may be added to the form if needed.
Communicating Results of the Probationary Period Performance Review
Supervisors must inform employees through face-to-face communication as well as documentation of how their performance has been rated.
Prior to this meeting the supervisor should have:
- Completed and signed the Performance Review form.
- Reviewed the results with his or her immediate supervisor and obtained approval.
- Developed a discussion outline to follow during the interview.
- Reserved a location where the interview can be conducted in private without interruption.
The meeting should be structured as a two-way means of communication between the supervisor and employee. The employee should be encouraged throughout the meeting to participate in the discussion.
During the meeting, each performance indicator should be covered by reviewing the indicator and the rating that was assigned. Actual occurrences that influenced the rating should be offered.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the employee should sign the form in the space provided. The employee's signature verifies only that the employee and supervisor have participated in a formal review of performance. It should not be construed as either agreement with or objection to the results of the review. Should the employee refuse to sign, the supervisor should make a note on the Performance Review Form and notify the Performance and Talent Management unit of the Office of Human Resources.
The employee should be provided with a copy of the completed and signed Performance Review Form at the end of the meeting. The supervisor is encouraged to keep a copy of the form for his or her records. The reviewer should sign the form in the space provided and obtain the signatures of the next level supervisor. The completed form should be routed to the Office of Human Resources- 0685 for further processing and filing.
Probationary Period Review Notification
Each month the Performance and Talent Management unit of the Office of Human Resources will compile a list of classified employees by unit who are about to complete their first six months (180 days) of employment. The list will be sorted on an organizational basis and notifications sent to the appropriate Human Resources Representative. The Human Resources Representative will then be accountable for coordinating the probationary review process within his or her organization including review and return of completed forms to OHR.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with Performance Review Following Probationary Period are:
Party | Responsibility |
Office of Human Resources, Performance & Talent Management | Offer assistance with policy interpretation and administer policy. |
Personnel Records
Personnel RecordsDue to the confidential nature of certain information contained in the personnel files, access to these records is restricted to authorized personnel and to other individuals only in accordance with Institute policy and federal/state laws. Removing documents from a personnel file is prohibited and is a major rule violation.
The Human Resources Records Office maintains the official personnel record for all faculty, staff and student employees who are paid through the Institute’s Payroll Office. The personnel records consist of paper, digital, and microfiche and are stored in a restricted area within the Human Resources Office. These records are the property of The Georgia Institute of Technology.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All faculty, staff, and student employees at the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
Who Should Read This Policy
All faculty, staff, and student employees at the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
The personnel file may contain documents including, but not limited to, the following:
- Personal Services Form to hire, change status, retire, or terminate employment
- Personal Data Form listing personal, educational, and other information related to the employee
- Board of Regents Security Questionnaire/Loyalty Oath
- Employment Agreement
- Payroll Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits, pay increases
- Federal W-4 and State G-4 Withholding Forms
- Garnishments, Tax Levy, Subpoenas, court ordered documentation
- Benefits elections, retirement information, beneficiary information
- Recognition letters from the Institute’s President
- Award letters
- Letters of Offer, acceptance, commendation, resignation
- Performance Reviews, written reprimands
- Separation notices
- Certificate of Degree
- Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs)
- Flexwork agreements
- Employment application, resume/curriculum vitae
Placing Information into the Personnel File
Materials may be placed into the personnel files only in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Institute. Correspondence relating to job performance or other such matters between a supervisor and an employee may be placed into the employee’s file under the following conditions:
- Evidence that a copy has been provided to the supervisor and the employee.
- A signature or stamp from the Performance and Talent Management Unit of Human Resources confirming their review and approval for the document to be placed into the personnel file.
- The document clearly shows that a copy has been sent to the Performance and Talent Management Unit of Human Resources and to the employee’s personnel file in Human Resources.
This procedure ensures that all parties involved are appropriately informed of such matters, thereby fostering an open and constructive relationship between management and employees at Georgia Tech.
Note: Employees are not authorized to place information into their own personnel files.
Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
A Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Form must be completed by all employees’ citizens and noncitizens hired after November 6, 1986. The United States Department of Homeland Security requires employers to document each new employee hired after November 6, 1986, is authorized to work in the United States.
The Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification is maintained in the Office of Human Resources Records Department and is stored securely in a separate filing system. The Form I-9 is retained for three years after an employee is hired or for one year after an employee terminates his/her employment, whichever is longer.
File Review
File reviews are by appointment only and require a 24-hour advance notice. You may email your request to any staff member in the Records Department. File reviews can be initiated by an employee reviewing his/her personnel file. Department managers/supervisors are allowed to review the performance reviews of their direct reports. Department managers, supervisors and HR Representatives/Contacts are allowed to review the performance reviews of job applicants external to their department upon consideration of being hired. HR Representatives and Contacts are permitted to review files of the employees within their unit that they represent. In all cases, photo identification must be presented at the time of the review and a Records Office Staff member will monitor the review process to ensure the integrity of the file.
An employee may obtain copies of documents from his/her personnel file. There is no charge for the first ten pages, but there is a fee of $.25 per additional page, payable by check only made to the order of Georgia Tech.
Updating Personal Information
It is important to keep personal information up to date and employees are encouraged to use the Employee Self Service tool that is available to all Georgia Tech employees and which allows an employee to access and update their personal information such as name, home address, home telephone number, emergency contacts, etc. The Employee Self Service tool can be accessed by logging onto Techworks at:http://techworks.gatech.edu.
Employment Verification
The Records Office responds only to inquiries made in writing through fax or US mail. Standard information such as employment dates, job title, and work department are provided. Salary information requires a signed consent form from the employee and can be found online at: http://www.ohr.gatech.edu/records. Requests to verify employment should be faxed to: (404) 385-0765 or mailed to: Georgia Tech-Office of Human Resources Records Office, 500 Tech Parkway, Atlanta Georgia 30332-0435.
Legal Requests
All legal requests are coordinated through Georgia Tech’s Office of Legal Affairs; these requests include subpoenas, attorney requests, or Open Records Act requests. The Records Office complies with such requests as advised by the Office of Legal Affairs. The entire personnel file or limited information within the personnel file may be requested or subpoenaed through the courts and on the advisement of the Office of Legal Affairs, the relevant records are retrieved, assembled and forwarded to the Office of Legal Affairs for final handling.
Requests for legal assistance should be sent to: asklegal@gatech.edu. The Office of Legal Affairs is located at: 760 Spring Street, N.W., Suite 324; Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0495.
Georgia Open Records Act (ORA)
As a state university, Georgia Tech is subject to the provisions of The Georgia Open Records Act. The Open Records Act provides that all citizens are entitled to review the records of state agencies on request and to make copies for a fee. The Open Records Act requires that Georgia Tech produce public documents within three business days.
Georgia Tech’s Office of Legal Affairs has been designated by the President of the Institute to respond to ORA requests. Once the Records Office receives an ORA request, the Office of Legal Affairs is immediately notified. The Records Custodian coordinates with the appointed attorney and determines what information may or may not be released under the ORA and to ensure a response to the request within three business days as required by law.
The information listed below is excluded from the Act and will not be released:
- Social Security Numbers
- Birthdates
- Medical information
- Insurance information
- Bank account information
- Credit card and debit card account information
- Financial information
- Mother's birth name
- Home addresses
- Telephone numbers
Georgia Tech charges twenty-five cents ($0.10) per page for any copies in addition to the costs of search, retrieval, redaction, and re-filing.
Regulatory Agencies/Law Enforcement
Georgia Tech allows federal and state regulatory agencies to review employee personnel records. A few of the agencies that request services from the Human Records Office are:
- The Federal Bureau of Investigations
- The Georgia Bureau of Investigations
- The Office of Personnel Management
- The Department of Defense
- The Department of State
- The Georgia Department of Human Resources
- The Georgia Department of Corrections
- The Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles
- The Georgia Department of Labor
- Law Enforcement Officers from various Georgia counties
Typically an agent will arrive in person and request to review a record on a current or past employee. The employee may be a candidate for employment through a state or government agency or the individual’s employment may be contingent upon securing a security clearance. Inquiries may also be a result due to criminal investigations. Each agent is required by their agency to inform us each time they review a record of the Privacy Act of 1974 as mandated by the federal government. An agent may call or fax a request prior to arriving in person.
When a review is requested, the agent must:
Present ID upon arrival in the Customer Service Center (CSC) and inform the staff of the reason for the visit.
- The CSC staff reviews the ID and notifies the Records Office of the request and allows the agent access to proceed to the file room.
- The agent must present their ID and a signed release from the individual(s) whose file has been requested for review.
- The agent is required to complete an Employee File Review Log. The log lists the agent’s name, the employee’s name, and the reason for the review.
- The file is pulled for the agent’s review. The agent has full access to all information contained in the personnel file pertaining to the employee, the employee’s spouse, children, birthdates, social security numbers, addresses, beneficiary information, statements of health, garnishments, etc.
The Employee File Review Log and a copy of the signed release are maintained on file in the Records Office.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with Personnel Records are:
Party | Responsibility |
Office of Human Resources, Records | Offer assistance with policy interpretation, administer policy, and ensure compliance. |
Progressive Discipline
Progressive DisciplineTo improve performance, attendance, and/or behavior by coaching employees and encouraging ownership of their job and career
Progressive Discipline is a constructive and corrective approach to solving work related performance, attendance, and/or behavior concerns. Through this process, employees are provided with the information needed to understand what aspect of their work performance, attendance, and/or behavior is unacceptable and what improvements are needed to demonstrate success.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All staff at the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
Who Should Read This Policy
All staff at the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
It is the responsibility of all employees to adhere to the expectations outlined by their supervisor and to the standard of conduct at Georgia Tech. When employees fail to uphold these standards, the progressive disciplinary process may be utilized. However, there is no required number or sequence of warnings or reprimands that must take place before an employee is terminated. Further, some circumstances may warrant immediate termination.
If the progressive discipline process is used, managers must document the steps of the process as they occur. The steps involved in the process may include: verbal warning, written warning, final written warning, suspension, and termination. Performance and Talent Management (PTM) will review all supervisory recommendations involving disciplinary suspension, investigative suspension, demotion, or discharge and approve or deny such recommendations prior to actions being taken. As part of that process, PTM will review all disciplinary actions that have occurred to ensure they have been fairly administered and are consistent with policy and past practice.
For less severe infractions, the initial disciplinary action may be a verbal warning. The discussion between the employee and manager should be serious and professional in manner to ensure that the employee clearly understands the established standards and expectations with regard to his/her unacceptable performance or behavior. A written record of the date and content of the discussion should be maintained in the appropriate file.
A written warning may be issued if the unacceptable behavior is more severe or frequent in nature and/or a verbal warning has already been issued. The written warning should outline the undesirable behavior, state expectations, and indicate the consequences that will occur if there is no improvement in performance. Written warnings should be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources for placement in the employee’s official personnel file.
Suspension without pay may follow a verbal or written warning or may be the first disciplinary action taken if warranted by the circumstances. Prior to suspending an employee, managers must obtain approval from PTM in the Office of Human Resources and supply appropriate supporting documentation. The length of the suspension will depend on the facts of each case such as type and severity of the behavior, previous work performance of the employee, and prior disciplinary actions. The suspension letter should outline the undesirable behavior, state expectations, and indicate the consequences that will occur if there is not any improvement. A copy of the letter should be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources for placement in the employee’s official personnel file.
An employee may be suspended without pay for serious infractions of workplace conduct rules, including, but not limited to, rules prohibiting sexual harassment, workplace violence or drug or alcohol use, or for violations of state or federal laws. Exempt employees may be suspended without pay for serious misconduct, but may not be suspended for performance or attendance issues. Deductions from the pay of an exempt employee may be made for suspensions of one or more full days imposed for disciplinary reasons for infractions of workplace conduct rules, and such disciplinary deductions may only be made in full day increments.
An employee may be placed on an investigative suspension because of alleged serious misconduct. In these cases, the employee is removed from the workplace while the Office of Human Resources investigates the matter. Normally investigative suspension is leave with pay. The Office of Human Resources must approve any investigative suspension.
Termination may be advised when an employee has engaged in serious misconduct or has not corrected performance and/or behavior. Prior to dismissing an employee, managers must obtain approval from PTM in the Office of Human Resources and supply appropriate supporting documentation. If approved, the written letter of termination includes the reason for termination, effective date, and information regarding the appeal process.
Please refer to Progressive Discipline Procedures for additional information on documentation, counseling, and responsibilities for managers.
Party | Responsibility |
Performance and Talent Management | Offer assistance with policy interpretation. |
Change made | Date |
Policy streamlined, separated procedures; added and revised language regarding suspension of exempt employees | 07/05/2012 |
Promotion Guidelines for Professional Research Personnel
Promotion Guidelines for Professional Research Personnel jgastley3Please see the Faculty Handbook: 3.2.1 Research Faculty: Hiring and Promotion Guidelines
Provisional Employment (Probationary Period)
Provisional Employment (Probationary Period)Georgia Tech adheres to the University System of Georgia's policy on Provisional Employment.
Visit https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Provisional_Appointments_Employment.pdf to view the USG policy.
Purchase of Gifts for Employees/Students
Purchase of Gifts for Employees/StudentsThis policy provides guidance regarding items purchased with Institute resources and given as gifts to employees or students. This includes items given to employees and their families as expressions of sympathy. This policy pertains to purchases made with any Institute funding source, including state, GTF, GTRC, and sponsored funds. The policy establishes consistent, equitable treatment and prudent judgment for gift purchases. The policy also ensures compliance with university funding restrictions, state purchasing guidelines, IRS tax implications, and other applicable regulations. The policy also provides parameters for what constitutes a reasonable amount and type of gift.
Georgia Tech policy generally prohibits giving gifts to individual employees or students from Institute funding sources except for the following cases:
- length of service recognition gifts,
- retiring or separating employees,
- formal and announced employee recognition awards,
- sympathy gifts recognizing the loss of a close family member,
- gifts of support following significant illness of employee
- gifts given to groups of employees to recognize team performance
- gifts and prizes for participation in university events or activities.
Even in the cases above, which are allowable instances for gifts, Georgia Tech policy prohibits the use of most funding sources for gifts to employees except for GTF funds. No gift should ever be given to an employee under the premise that it is related to a specific performance event. It is not appropriate to use Institute funds for door prizes unless de minimis in nature, not to exceed $75, as determined by the USG. Gifts of technology and alcohol are generally not appropriate for purchase with Institute resources (of any type).
Gifts should generally be personal memorabilia. In most cases, gifts to employees or students of technology or alcohol are not appropriate for purchase with Institute resources (of any type).
Gifts and Events for Personal Events
The recognition of faculty, staff, or students for milestones not related to work or education, such as weddings, birthdays, and baby showers, should be paid for from personal funds. Non- work related events and gifts should not involve Georgia Tech business procedures for payment processing, even when personal contributions are collected for such an event or gift.
Length of Service Recognition
Gifts can be given to employees to recognize length of service if they are given to the employee as part of a meaningful ceremony. An awarding unit may develop programs to recognize employees for length of service. Appropriate awards denoting lengths of service are determined by the awarding unit. Length of service awards and awards recognizing employee safety milestones/goals, are not subject to tax withholding as long as it is tangible property.
Retirement or Separation Gifts
Gifts given to a retiring or separating employee should be given as part of a meaningful ceremony/reception and the value of the gift(s) should correspond to the length of service, but generally should not exceed $400. Gifts in excess of $400 should be approved through a Foundation Expenditure Exception Request Form, for GTF funds, or by e-mail to the GTRC Controller with an explanation, for GTRC Funds.
Employee Recognition Awards
Gifts may also be given to employees as part of an approved and established employee award program and based on announced objective criteria. Such awards should be presented to employees on a basis that does not discriminate and amounts of the awards should correspond to the rigor of receiving the award. Please see the “Awards and Recognition” site noted in the Related Information section of this policy for examples and amounts. Awards of cash that are given to recognize outstanding service, contributions to the Institute, or other criteria are taxable and should be processed through Georgia Tech Payroll Services. A gift of tangible property is generally not taxable.
Sympathy Gifts
Sympathy gifts are appropriate in cases of serious illness or death of an employee or immediate family member. Such sympathy acknowledgements are allowable because Georgia Tech recognizes the value of employees to the Institute and the working relationships developed during employment enrich the lives of all Institute employees. Gifts of sympathy generally should be tangible property such as flowers, fruit baskets, and meals generally under $100. Monetary contributions to charitable organizations in lieu of personal property may be given if consistent with the value of a traditional commemoration. These gifts are not taxable due to their nature and nominal value.
Recognition of Team Performance
Gifts may be given to groups of employees to show appreciation for their participation as part of a team, department, or Institute event. Gifts of this nature are typically one of a number of identical items (t-shirts, scarves, Georgia Tech spirit memorabilia, etc.). Gifts in this category should be de minimis, not occur frequently, and should not exceed $75, as determined by the USG.
Gifts and Prizes
Gifts and Prizes (non-cash) may be awarded to individuals for participation in games of chance or contests. Games of chance include raffles and door prize events. Raffles and games of chance should be approved in advance by the office of the EVPA&F. The amount of a prize should be limited to $100 in value. The department or unit sponsoring prizes must maintain detailed records of all receipts and expenditures associated with the event, including the names of winners and the value of the prize awarded. These gifts typically do not have tax consequences due to their nominal value and infrequent nature.
This policy applies to all Georgia Tech staff, faculty, researchers, and students. This policy does not preclude individuals from giving personal gifts to colleagues, students, and other individuals purchased with personal funds (i.e., no GT, GTRC, GTRI, GTF, or other Institute funding source is used). While this policy applies to GIT, any benefits provided to a GIT employee by an affiliated organization is subject to this policy and the same tax evaluation as if the benefit were provided by GIT. This policy does not apply to incentive gifts for survey participation or research participation, or to awards in student competitions paid as stipends to the recipients.
de minimis | In general, a de minimis benefit is one for which considering its value and frequency with which it is provided, is so small as to make accounting for it unreasonable or impractical. De minimis benefits are excluded under the Internal Revenue Code section 132(a) (4) and include items which are not specifically excluded under other sections of the Code. |
Office of Human Resources – Director, Payroll– Guidance and interpretation
To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please contact the Office of Human Resources or visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/report_custom.asp?clientid=7508
Revision Date | Author | Description |
August 2024 | Human Resources | Editorial Update |
June 2017 | Human Resources | New Policy |
Relocation jgastley3Relocation Expenses (Intrastate)
Relocation Expenses (Intrastate)The Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) 45-7-22 through 45-7-24 authorize the reimbursement of relocation expenses to State employees and State of Georgia, Office of Planning and Budget. Policy Memorandum, No. 2 Revision 6 sets forth the rules, regulations and policies for the reimbursement program. The regulations limit reimbursement of expenses incurred which are related to moves made within the State of Georgia at the request of a state agency. The move must be in the best interest of the State of Georgia. The regulations as revised, went into effect December 1, 1989. They are summarized below:
In order to be eligible for relocation expense reimbursement, the state employee must satisfy the following criteria:
- He or she must have been employed by the department ordering the transfer for at least six months prior to the date of transfer and must generally remain at his or her new duty station for at least one year following the effective date of move.
- The transfer must be the result of an action by a state department requiring the relocation and must be in the department's best interest.
- The relocation must be within the State of Georgia.
- The distance between old and new duty stations must exceed 50 miles and, the transfer must result in the employee having to drive at least 35 miles farther from his or her old residence to his or her new duty station than was driven from the old residence to the old duty station.
- The department must have sufficient operating expense funds within its budget to pay the reimbursement cost.
- No other member of the employee's family may be reimbursed for the same move.
- The move must be made within one calendar year of the employee's transfer.
- The costs to be reimbursed are reasonable and proper as determined by Accounts Payable. The employee shall have no right to any review or further appeal from the determination made by Accounts Payable.
Approval of Relocation Reimbursement
The employee being transferred must complete and submit to his or her school or laboratory director an Employee Application for Intrastate Relocation Expense Reimbursement. Cost estimates from three different firms must be submitted along with the application form. (The employee selects a firm which will provide a quality move within a reasonable time frame for a reasonable cost. The lowest bid does not have to be selected, but written justification must be given.)
The application must be reviewed and approved by the employee's supervisor. The employee's department head must sign the application, certifying that the transfer is in the best interest of the Institute. The department's fiscal officer must sign the application, certifying that sufficient funds are available within the department's budget to cover the relocation expenses estimated.
Expenses Authorized for Reimbursement
"Reasonable and proper" costs "incurred for transportation of household goods" or "incident to change of residence" are reimbursable, as follows:
- Looking for a New Residence - If the move to the new residence is greater than 100 miles, the statutory mileage rate for up to three trips to the new location, plus food and lodging for up to a total of three days and nights may be reimbursable (sum of all three trips cannot exceed three days and nights). Travel regulations are applicable with the exception that double occupancy rate for one room may be paid. If the move to a new residence is less than 100 miles, only mileage for up to three days spent at the location looking for a new residence may be reimbursed. No reimbursement of food or lodging expenses will be paid since a visit to the new location should not require any overnight trips.
- Transporting Household Goods - The cost of moving household furnishings, equipment and appliances, furniture, clothing, books and similar property may be reimbursable. Actual costs associated with moving up to 11,000 lbs. of the afore-noted types of household goods by (i) commercial moving van, (ii) employee-owned or rented vehicle, and (iii) within an employee-owned mobile home will be reimbursed. The regulations include a breakdown of limitations on reimbursable amounts relating to insurance costs, fuel and labor. (The parameters of what constitutes reasonable includable and excludable expenses are listed in the regulations for each method of moving employed.)
- Transporting Family to a New Location - Actual food and lodging expenses may be paid up to two days and nights for one room at the multiple occupancy rate, applying the maximum daily amounts established in the statewide travel regulations. Meals for children under 12 are reimbursable up to one half the adult maximum.
- Utility Reconnection - Reimbursement is limited to the costs associated with establishing utility accounts and initiating basic service.
Employee Liability
The transferred employee must sign an agreement that he or she will remain at the new location for at least one year from date of move except for reasons beyond the control of the employee and acceptable to the department, or be liable to the state for the amount of expenses reimbursed.
Payment of Reimbursement
Payment will be made on the basis of the Employee Intrastate Relocation Expense Vouchers which have been approved by the Manager of Accounts Payable, Georgia Institute of Technology. All relevant receipts, invoices and bills of lading must be presented with the relocation expense voucher. Payments may be made either following each trip or in one lump sum upon the completion of the move at the discretion of the Institute.
Internal Revenue Service Reporting
Reimbursements that are not deductible are reported to the IRS as "wages, tips and other compensation". However, there is no withholding made on these amounts. (See Regs. Sections 2.10 for details.)
Inter-departmental Transfers
Employee transfers between state departments are not reimbursable under the subject regulations, and if made within one year from a reimbursed relocation, will result in employee liability for paying back any amounts received under these regulations.
Contact Person
It should be noted that specific questions relating to allowability of expenses or particular procedures in processing relocation applications, should be directed to the Manager of Accounts Payable at (404) 894-0348. Prior to filling out any relocation expense application, specific limitations set forth in Policy Memorandum No. 2, Revision 6 should be reviewed. Copies are available from Accounts Payable.
Responding to Allegations of Scientific or Other Scholarly Misconduct
Responding to Allegations of Scientific or Other Scholarly Misconduct jgastley3Please see the Faculty Handbook: 5.7 Policy for Responding to Allegations of Scientific or Other Scholarly Misconduct
Student Employment
Student Employment jgastley3Eligibility for Student Employment
Eligibility for Student EmploymentIn support of the Institute’s strategic value Students are our Top Priority, this policy provides campus departments with employment guidance by detailing the eligibility parameters for students to be hired as student employees of the Institute.
Degree seeking students currently enrolled at Georgia Tech, and previously enrolled students taking only a one or two semester break from classes, are eligible for student employment at the Institute. In specific instances, a student enrolled at another University System of Georgia (USG) school may be eligible to be employed in a student position at Georgia Tech (see Student Assistant section below). The eligibility rules for specific student employee positions depend on the type of position and the student’s status as a graduate, undergraduate, Federal Work Study (“FWS”) student, Resident Assistant (“RA”), or President’s Undergraduate Research Award (“PURA”) recipient. Student employee positions are considered temporary and non-benefits eligible. Georgia Tech will comply with all federal, state, and local laws regarding the employment of USG students.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students are eligible for several types of student positions. Click here to view undergraduate job codes and associated pay groups.
Student Assistant
Students actively enrolled at Georgia Tech, or another University System of Georgia (USG) school, are eligible to be employed at Georgia Tech in a Student Assistant position. Previously enrolled Georgia Tech and USG students taking only a one or two semester break from classes are also eligible for Student Assistant positions.
Most Student Assistants are in a student pay group and employment is limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week. In certain situations, a student may be eligible to be hired as a Student Assistant in a temporary pay group for a maximum of 40 hours per week. Note: Student Assistant in temporary pay group 03C is the only student job-code/pay-group combination where a student may be employed more than 20 hours per week. For eligibility details see Registration, Courseload and Allowable Employment Hours section below.
Resident Assistant
Students in Resident Assistant (RA) positions must be full-time degree-seeking Georgia Tech students selected by the Department of Housing and Residence Life. Learn more here.
Student Assistant - PURA
Only Georgia Tech student recipients of President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) salary awards are eligible to be employed in Student Assistant- PURA positions. Learn more about PURA here.
Federal Work-Study (FWS)
Only Georgia Tech student recipients of a Federal Work-Study Award administered by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid are eligible to be employed in FWS positions. Learn more here.
Graduate Students
Graduate students are eligible for several types of student positions. Click here to view a list of graduate student job codes and associated pay groups.
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) and Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)
Only Georgia Tech graduate students registered for full-time coursework (12+ credit hours) are eligible for GRA and GTA positions. Eligible students must be hired in these roles for a 33-50% FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) workload. Refer to the Graduate Student Enrollment and Employment policy to learn more.
Graduate Assistant – Monthly
Only Georgia Tech graduate students concurrently employed as either a GRA or GTA are eligible for Graduate Assistant- Monthly positions. These positions are only used to facilitate additional Graduate Assistant workload on top of a GRA or GTA position (e.g., a second campus job with a different department).
Graduate Assistant – Hourly
Only enrolled Georgia Tech graduate students satisfying minimum enrollment requirements, and not concurrently employed in a monthly-paid position, are eligible to hold Graduate Assistant-Hourly positions.
International Students
International students with valid F-1 or J-1 student status issued by Georgia Tech are eligible to work on campus as student employees. F-1s must have a Georgia Tech I-20; J-1s must have a Georgia Tech DS-2019.
International Students in lawful F-1 and J-1 status may work more than 20 hours per week during school holidays and breaks. See Holidays and Short School Breaks section below.
New Students
New Georgia Tech students cannot begin working in a student job until the start of the pay period that includes the first day of classes during their first enrolled semester. Pay periods are monthly or biweekly depending on position. See GT Payroll for pay period dates.
Registration, Courseload and Allowable Employment Hours
Students who are registered for half-time or greater courseload are eligible to be employed for a maximum of 20 hours per week (all GT jobs combined) and must be employed in a student job code and in a student pay group. (This excludes students registered for only Co-Op/Internship credit hours with GT as the employer – see Co-Ops/Internships at Georgia Tech section.) A half-time courseload is considered 6 credit hours for undergraduates and 3 credit hours for graduate students.
Student who are registered for less than half-time credit load (or registered for only Co-Op or Internship credit hours) may be hired for up to 40 hours per week (all GT jobs combined). A less than half-time credit load is less than 6 credit hours for undergraduates and less than 3 credit hours for graduate students.
Previously enrolled students, who are temporarily not registered for any credit hours for only one or two semesters, may also be hired for up to 40 hours per week. However, any student employment exceeding 20 hours per week (up to a maximum of 40 hours per week) must be in a Student Assistant position and cannot be in a student pay group.
Co-Ops/Internships at Georgia Tech
An enrolled USG student in the designated work semester of a Co-Op or Internship program with Georgia Tech as the employer, and registered for only Co-op or Internship credit hours, is eligible to be employed for up to 40 hours per week. (The 40-hour per week employment cannot be in a student pay group; therefore, a Co-Op or Internship student working more than 20 hours per week should be employed as a Student Assistant in temporary pay group 03C.)
Holidays and Short School Breaks
Most student employees are eligible to be employed and continue working in their existing positions, with their supervisor’s approval, during school breaks of less than five weeks (e.g., winter break, spring break, campus holidays). Notable exceptions include Student Assistant-PURA and FWS employees. PURA recipients are only allowed to work during the semester of their award (not between semesters). FWS employees are only allowed to work when classes are in session (not during holidays or official school breaks).
While classes are not in session, during a school break less than 5 weeks, eligible hourly student employees (hired for 20 hours or less) are, with supervisor approval, allowed to work and report hours in excess of 20 hours per week (up to 40 hours per week) without the need to change their pay group or official employment hours. This applies to both US and International students.
Graduation Considerations
A student who has graduated and is not continuing enrollment toward another USG degree, is not eligible to continue working in a student position.
United States Citizen and Permanent Resident graduating students can work in student positions only until the last day of the pay period that includes their graduation (i.e., the last day of the month or the last day of the bi-weekly pay period depending on position pay frequency).
Graduating F-1 and J-1 student visa holders can work in a student position only until their SEVIS program end date. The end date is printed on the I-20 or DS-2019.
A student who is graduating and continuing toward another USG degree may be eligible to be hired as a Student Assistant in temporary pay group 03C during a semester break between degree programs. Contact the Student Employment team in GT Human Resources to determine eligibility (email student-employment@gatech.edu).
Employment Status
Student employees are considered "at-will" employees. Their employment is temporary and incidental to the pursuit of a degree. Student employees may be terminated at any time without the right to appeal.
Non-USG Students
Individuals enrolled at non-USG schools are not eligible to be hired into GT student employee positions.
This policy applies to all student employees and the GT departments that hire them.
Currently registered for one or more credit hours at Georgia Tech (or another USG school).
GT Human Resources – Student Employment
Student Employment is responsible for the overall administration of this policy, and for providing general student employment eligibility guidance. https://hr.gatech.edu/student-employment
Office of Graduate Education
Graduate Education is responsible for providing guidance specific to the employment eligibility of graduate students, including credit hours and FTE requirements. https://grad.gatech.edu/hiring-supervision
Office of International Education (OIE)
The International Students and Scholars Services (ISSS) unit in OIE is responsible for the issuance of F and J student status to international students attending Georgia Tech. https://isss.oie.gatech.edu/
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
The Federal Work Study unit within Scholarships and Financial Aid is responsible for administering Federal Work Study awards and determining student and job eligibility for Work Study positions. https://finaid.gatech.edu/undergraduate-types-aid/federal-work-study
The Office of Undergraduate Education - Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research is responsible for student eligibility, rules and application procedures for the President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) recipients. https://undergradresearch.gatech.edu/pura-salary
Department of Housing and Residence Life
Housing is responsible for determining the qualifications and application process to select students to be employed as Resident Assistants (RAs). https://housing.gatech.edu/reslife/employment
Individuals who are not eligible to be employed in student positions will be denied student employment – but may potentially be hired in other (non-student) positions. Any student employee who loses eligibility for their position, or who was hired in error (without eligibility), will have their employment terminated.
Temporary Staff (Tech Temp)
Temporary Staff (Tech Temp) jgastley3For more information on Temporary Staff (Tech Temp) go to the Administrative Services Center knowledge base article found here.
Terminations, Reorganizations, and Reassignments
Terminations, Reorganizations, and Reassignments jgastley3Exit Interview
Exit InterviewTo view the Board of Regents Policy on Exit Questionnaires, please visit: https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Exit_Questionnaires_Employment.pdf
To access the Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources exit survey, please visit: https://gatech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cj0GKBla09iqcC
For Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources Termination Procedures, please visit: https://hr.gatech.edu/boarding
Termination Procedures
Termination ProceduresTo view the Board of Regents Policy on Resignations addressing voluntary terminations, please visit: https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Resignations_Employment.pdf
To view the Board of Regents Policy on Dismissals, Demotions or Suspensions addressing involuntary terminations, please visit: https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Dismissal%2C_Demotions%2C_or_Suspensions_Employment.pdf
To view the Board of Regents Policy on Exit Questionnaires, please visit: https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Exit_Questionnaires_Employment.pdf
For Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources Termination Procedures, please visit: https://hr.gatech.edu/boarding
Unemployment Compensation
Unemployment Compensation jgastley3Upon termination from the Institute, Georgia Tech will issue the required Department of Labor Separation Notice. For more information about Georgia Unemployment Insurance visit https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/1696 .
Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual: Classification, Compensation, and Payroll
Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual: Classification, Compensation, and PayrollThis policy ensures consistency among institutions of the University System as necessary for hiring, extending benefits, applying policy, and meeting applicable reporting requirements while also affording the appropriate level of flexibility needed at the institutional level.
For additional information: https://www.usg.edu/hr/assets/hr/hrap_manual/HRAP_Employee_Categories_Classification%2C_Compensation%2C_and_Payroll.pdf
The University System of Georgia has established employee categories (types of employees and types of employment) to identify persons who are employed by the University System of Georgia. The types of employees and types of employment are used to determine benefits eligibility and applicability of Board of Regents policy, as well as ensure accuracy in reporting based on employee and employment type.
Safety & Security
Safety & Security jgastley3Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use
Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use jgastley3Drug and Alcohol Testing
Drug and Alcohol TestingTo establish policies and procedures for drug and alcohol testing in accordance with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991.
The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act requires alcohol and drug testing of safety sensitive employees in various fields of transportation including employees of the Board of Regents who hold commercial driver's licenses. Rules mandating implementation of the controlled substance (drug) abuse and alcohol misuse prevention programs were published by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) in February 1994.
In accordance with the federal law, Georgia Tech will conduct pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post accident, return to duty, and follow-up drug testing for employees in safety sensitive positions requiring a commercial driver's license.
Employee or applicant
Any individual who is employed or who has been offered employment in a safety sensitive position.
Safety sensitive position
Any position whose incumbent is required to undergo drug and alcohol testing by regulations of the United States Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 382.103). In general, such positions shall be those where the duties require possession of a valid Commercial Driver's License or other positions subject to drug and alcohol testing as required by federal law or regulation.
Established drug test, drug testing or drug test
The collection and testing of urine administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the regulations of the United States Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 40).
Illegal drug
Marijuana/cannabinoids (THC), cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamine, opiates or phencyclidine (PCP). The term illegal drug shall not include any drug when used pursuant to a valid prescription or when used as otherwise authorized by state or federal law.
Medical Review Officer
A properly licensed physician who reviews and interprets drug tests and evaluates those results together with medical history or any other relevant biomedical information to confirm positive results.
Alcohol testing or alcohol test
A breath test using an evidential breath testing device capable of printing results and approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and placed on their "Conforming Products List of Evidential Breath Measurement Devices". Such testing shall be performed only by a certified Breath Alcohol Technician.
Alcohol confirmation test
A second test following an alcohol test which indicated an alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent or greater.
Breath alcohol technician
An individual who instructs and assists individuals in the alcohol testing process and operates an evidential breath testing device in accordance with the regulations of the United States Department of Transportation.
The intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohol including methyl and isopropyl alcohol.
Alcohol concentration or alcohol content
The alcohol in a volume of breath expressed in terms of grams of alcohol per two hundred and ten (210) liters of breath as indicated by an alcohol test.
Substance abuse professional
A licensed physician (Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy), or a licensed or certified psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional, or addiction counselor (certified by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors Certification Commission) with knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and controlled substances related disorders.
Refuses testing or refused testing means:
- Expressly declining to submit to testing;
- Failure to appear for testing after proper notification;
- Failure to remain readily available for testing;
- Failure to provide adequate breath for alcohol testing without a valid medical explanation;
- Failure to provide adequate urine for drug testing without a valid medical explanation;
- Providing a urine sample determined by the testing laboratory and the Medical Review Officer to have been adulterated; or;
- Engaging in conduct that clearly obstructs the testing process.
All applicants for listed positions will be advised of Georgia Tech's commitment to a drug free workplace and that the position for which they are applying requires a pre-employment alcohol and drug test. In addition, applicants will be advised that if selected, they will be subject to random, reasonable suspicion, post accident, return to duty, and follow-up alcohol and drug testing.
Drug and alcohol testing shall be conducted in accordance with applicable federal law, regulations, and procedures. The Georgia Institute of Technology shall enter into such contracts as may be necessary to provide for testing and verification services. Such testing programs shall give due consideration to security of sample collection, chain of custody requirements, accuracy of testing and confidentiality of testing results.
All safety sensitive employees and applicants shall be subject to drug and alcohol testing for evidence of use of illegal drugs and/or misuse of alcohol. Prior to being placed in a position subject to testing, an employee or applicant shall be notified of the requirement for such testing and of the consequences of a positive result or having refused testing.
Expense of Drug Testing
The expense of drug and alcohol testing shall be the responsibility of the employer; provided, however, if an employee or applicant request that a split sample be submitted for separate analysis, the cost of such analysis shall be the responsibility of the employee or applicant.
Types of Testing:
Pre-employment Applicants for safety sensitive positions and employees who have not previously performed safety sensitive duties shall be required to successfully complete drug and alcohol testing prior to performing safety sensitive duties.
An employee selected for drug and alcohol testing shall be considered as being on duty for all time necessary to undergo the testing process including such time, if any, as may be required for transportation to and from the same collection facility. An applicant shall not be considered as being on duty for any time necessary to undergo drug and alcohol testing.
Random All affected employees shall be subject to random drug and alcohol testing. The numbers of employees to be tested and the scheduling of employee selection shall be determined by the Office of Human Resources in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
Post-Accident All affected employees shall be subject to post-accident drug and alcohol testing.
Return-to-Duty Any affected employee who has been subject to alcohol testing and whose test result indicates that the employee has misused alcohol, shall undergo a return-to-duty test. Such test must indicate an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 percent before the employee can be returned to safety sensitive duties.
Follow-Up Following a determination by a Substance Abuse Professional that an employee is in need of assistance in resolving problems associated with alcohol misuse, the appointing authority shall ensure that the employee is subject to unannounced follow-up alcohol testing. Follow-up testing shall be conducted only when the employee is scheduled to perform safety sensitive functions. Testing shall be conducted at least six (6) times in the first twelve (12) months following return to safety sensitive duty and may, upon the recommendation of the Substance Abuse Professional, be continued for up to sixty (60) months.
Reasonable Suspicion Any affected employee may be required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing when their supervisor has reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has used illegal drugs or has misused alcohol. The determination of reasonable suspicion shall be made by a supervisor or other official who is trained to make such determinations. Such training shall consist of one (1) hour of illegal drug training and one (1) hour of alcohol training which covers physical, behavioral, speech and performance indicators of probable illegal drug use or alcohol misuse. A written record, signed by the observing official, shall be made to document the observations. Alcohol testing may be conducted only when the employee is scheduled to perform safety sensitive duties.
Disciplinary Action
If an employee refuses testing or documentation from the Medical Review Officer indicates that an employee has used an illegal drug, the supervisor shall dismiss the employee. The notice of dismissal shall include the name, address and telephone number of at least one (1) Substance Abuse Professional or counseling and treatment program.
If an applicant refuses testing or documentation from the Medical Review Officer indicates that an applicant has used an illegal drug, the applicant shall not be permitted to report for duty and the offer of employment shall be withdrawn.
Alcohol Testing
If an employee refuses testing, the employee shall be dismissed.
If the results of an employee's alcohol confirmation test indicate an alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent or greater, the employee shall be immediately removed from safety sensitive duties. Any disciplinary or adverse action deemed appropriate by the supervisor may be imposed.
Random Testing
Random Sample Once each month, the Office of Human Resources shall select, at random, a sample of positions in the subject pool.
Notice of Selection The Office of Human Resources shall notify each employee, if any, that have been selected from the subject pool. The notice shall contain the effective date to be utilized for determining the commencement of testing.
Time Limits
Employees selected for random drug testing shall be notified of the selection by the supervisor. The supervisor shall specify a date and time by which each employee must report for testing. Such date and time shall be as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) business days following the date the employee is notified to report.
Employees selected for random alcohol testing shall be notified by the supervisor. The supervisor shall specify a date, time, and location to report for testing. The date and time must be during a workday on which the employee is scheduled to perform safety sensitive duties. The employee shall not be notified more than four (4) hours prior to the time of testing. In no case shall such testing be performed more than two (2) hours before or two (2) hours after the performance of the safety sensitive duties.
Employees on Leave
If an employee selected for drug or alcohol testing was on any form of paid or unpaid leave as of the date specified in the Notice of Selection and the incumbent returns to duty within thirty (30) calendar days of the effective date, the supervisor shall specify when the employee shall report for testing.
Post Accident Testing
Any employee performing safety sensitive duties who is involved in an on-the-job vehicular accident shall be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing as soon as possible following the accident. Such testing shall only be conducted if the employee is cited under state or local law with a moving violation or the accident involved the loss of human life.
If the accident involved the loss of human life, any employee present in the vehicle at the time of the accident shall be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing.
Under no circumstances shall an employee who may be subject to post-accident testing consume alcohol between the time of the accident and the administration of an alcohol test or until efforts to administer such test have been discontinued.
A drug test shall be administered as soon as possible following an accident, but not later than thirty-two (32) hours following an accident.
In any instance in which an employee is not tested within specified time limits, the supervisor shall prepare and maintain on file a record of the reasons the test was not promptly administered.
Alcohol Testing Results
Any employee whose test indicated an alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent or greater shall be given an alcohol confirmation test not less than fifteen (15) minutes nor more than twenty (20) minutes after the original test.
Any employee whose alcohol confirmation test indicated an alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent or greater shall be immediately removed from safety sensitive duties for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) hours.
Any employee whose alcohol confirmation test indicated an alcohol concentration of 0.04 percent or greater shall not be returned to safety sensitive duties until the employee has been evaluated by a Substance Abuse Professional and is able to provide documentation that the Substance Abuse Professional has certified that the employee is fit to return to duty.
Any employee whose alcohol confirmation test indicated an alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent or greater shall not be returned to safety sensitive duties until a subsequent test indicates an alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 percent.
Unsuitable Sample
If the testing laboratory and the Medical Review Officer determine that a urine sample is unsuitable for testing without legitimate medical explanation, the employee shall be directed to appear for retesting. Such retesting shall be conducted as an observed sample.
Rejected Sample
An employee whose sample is rejected by the testing laboratory or cancelled by the Medical Review Officer shall be directed to appear for retesting.
Insufficient Sample
If an employee, while at a collection facility, is unable to produce at least forty-five (45) milliliters of urine after following the procedures of the collection facility, the employee shall be directed to appear the next business day for retesting.
Positive Results From Testing
Any employee whose drug testing results indicate the use of illegal drugs shall be dismissed.
Confidentiality of Results
Results of drug testing shall be accessible only as is necessary to comply with state and federal laws.
Medical Review Officer - Drug Testing
Laboratory Reports
The testing laboratory shall forward the results of all drug testing to the Medical Review Officer who shall assure the security of such results.
Negative Results
The Medical Review Officer shall forward negative results of drug testing to the Office of Human Resources as soon as practical.
Positive Results
Laboratory reports indicating the presence of an illegal drug(s) shall be retained by the Medical Review Officer for five (5) years. Such information shall be confidential and shall only be available to the Medical Review Officer or designee and the affected employee. Positive laboratory reports shall be reviewed by the Medical Review Officer who shall make determination of legal or illegal usage.
Employee Contact Procedure
The Medical Review Officer or designee shall, upon receipt of a laboratory report indicating the presence of an illegal drug, attempt to contact the employee at the daytime or home phone number indicated on the drug testing form and shall attempt to establish a time at which a private discussion may be conducted regarding the results of the random drug testing.
If the employee expressly refuses to discuss with the Medical Review Officer the results of the random drug testing, declines the opportunity to provide an explanation of the results, or admits to the usage of an illegal drug(s), the Medical Review Officer, without further action or review, shall report to the Office of Human Resources that the results of the random drug testing indicate that the employee has used an illegal drug(s).
If the Medical Review Officer is, within two (2) business days of the initial attempt, unable to directly contact the employee, the Medical Review Officer or designee shall contact the Office of Human Resources, who shall contact the employee. The supervisor shall inform the employee that the employee must contact the Medical Review Officer by the end of the next business day, or the employee shall be considered to have refused to contact the Medical Review Officer and, to have used an illegal drug.
Reporting Determination of Illegal Drug Usage
If after appropriate review, the Medical Review Officer determines that the results of a random drug testing indicate that an employee has used an illegal drug, the Medical Review Officer shall, in writing, notify the Office of Human Resources. Such notification shall include the specific drug(s) the employee has been deemed to have illegally used.
Disqualification from Employment
Period of Disqualification
Applicant Any applicant who refuses drug or alcohol testing or whose testing results indicate the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of alcohol shall be disqualified from employment for a minimum of two years from the date of testing.
Employee Any employee whose employment is terminated due to refusing drug or alcohol testing or whose testing results indicate the use of illegal drugs, shall be disqualified from employment for a minimum of two years from the date of termination.
Positive Alcohol Or Drug Test Result
Employees who violate the alcohol misuse rules will be removed from safety sensitive duty, and be referred to a substance abuse professional for evaluation. Before being returned to a safety sensitive position, the employee must:
- be evaluated by a substance abuse professional;
- comply with any recommended treatment;
- have a negative result on a return-to-duty alcohol test;
- subject his/herself to unannounced follow up tests.
As with an alcohol misuse violation, an employee who has a positive test result will be removed from duty and be referred to a substance abuse professional for evaluation. The result is not considered positive until the Medical Review Officer has interviewed the employee and determined that the positive drug test resulted from the unauthorized use of a controlled substance. Before being returned to a safety sensitive position, an employee must:
- be evaluated by a substance abuse professional;
- comply with any recommended treatment;
- have a negative result on a return-to-duty alcohol test;
- subject his/herself to unannounced follow-up-drug tests.
The Institute will provide information on contacting substance abuse professionals, counseling and treatment programs. All employees who test positive for alcohol or drug misuse will be encouraged to fully participate in case management and treatment follow-up services available through the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. Participation is a voluntary adjunct to, not a replacement of rehabilitation. The employee assistance counselor may act as the substance abuse professional, or the counselor may refer the employee to a substance abuse professional appropriate to the employee's insurance plan.
Employee Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use
Employee Alcohol and Illegal Drug UseGeorgia Tech has a vital interest in maintaining safe and healthy working conditions for its employees. Being under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job may pose serious safety and health risks not only to the user and to those who work with the user, but also to the students and public we serve. In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Drug-Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Georgia Tech has established this policy on employee alcohol and illegal drug use.
Georgia Tech employees must not perform job duties while using any substance in any manner that has a negative effect on performance of assigned duties or adversely affects Georgia Tech business. In accordance with federal and state laws and because of the potential detriment to the health and well-being of Georgia Tech employees, all employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation, or sale of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances (including marijuana), or other dangerous drugs on the campus of Georgia Tech (including all property owned or leased by Georgia Tech) and at all Georgia Tech activities on or off campus.
Federal, state, and local sanctions for those convicted of violating laws prohibiting the unlawful use, sale, possession, or distribution of alcohol, controlled substances, or other dangerous drugs include heavy fines, incarceration for various periods of time including life, forfeiture of assets, and suspension or loss of driver, business, or professional licenses.
It is Georgia Tech’s policy to educate our employees about wellness and the hazards of alcohol and drug abuse and the impact this has on their health and well-being, and to provide appropriate referrals to health professionals when problems are reported. Georgia Tech operates an Employee Assistance Program that provides free information and referrals to professional services for its faculty and staff on matters related to the abuse of alcohol and drugs. For more information about the Employee Assistance Program, please visit https://benefits.usg.edu/work-life/employee-assistance-program.
This policy applies to all employees, both faculty and staff (including full-time, part-time, student, temporary, intermittent and contracted employees).
Subcontracts with other organizations may require additional procedures for Georgia Tech employees working under those contracts.
Alcohol | The intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohol including methyl and isopropyl alcohol. |
Controlled Substance | Any drug (including marijuana), substance, or immediate precursor in Schedules I through V of Official Code of Georgia Sections 16-13-25, 16-13-26, 16-13-27, 16-13-28, and 16-13-29 and Schedules I through V of 21 C.F.R. Part 1308 (see “controlled substance” definition in Official Code of Georgia Section 16-13-21 (4)), as well as Schedules I through V of the Federal Controlled Substances Act: 21 United States Code Section 812 et seq. |
Dangerous Drug | Prescription drugs as defined in the Official Code of Georgia Section 16-13-71. |
Illegal Drug | All controlled substances and the illegal use of dangerous drugs. The term illegal drug shall not include any drug when used pursuant to a valid prescription or when used as otherwise authorized by state or federal law. |
5.1 Annual Notice | |
Office of Human Resources | The Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that this policy is distributed annually to each employee of Georgia Tech. |
5.2 Drug & Alcohol Testing | |
Office of Human Resources | The Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources manages the process for pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty, and follow-up to rehabilitation drug and/or alcohol testing for employees per the Pre-Employment and Substance Abuse Screening Policy and Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy. |
5.3 Disclosure | |
Pre-Arrest Disclosure | Per the University System of Georgia Policy 8.2.17 Voluntary Disclosure of Drug Use, if prior to arrest for an offense involving a controlled substance, including marijuana, or a dangerous drug, an employee notifies his or her supervisor that he or she illegally uses a controlled substance, including marijuana, or a dangerous drug, and is receiving or agrees to receive treatment under a substance abuse and education program approved by Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources, such employee shall be eligible to retain their position for up to 1 year, provided such employee follows the treatment program and is subject to random drug testing. Retention of such employee is conditioned upon satisfactory job performance and does not affect any disciplinary action for criminal conviction or drug related misconduct on the job. The employee’s work activities may be restructured if in the opinion of the immediate supervisor it is deemed advisable. This option is available to employees only once during a 5 year period and shall not apply to any such employee who has refused to be tested or who has tested positive for a controlled substance, including marijuana, or dangerous drug. |
Criminal Charge Disclosure
| Pursuant to University System of Georgia General Criteria for Employment Policy, any current employee charged with a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) shall report being charged with such crime in writing to the Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources within 72 hours of becoming aware of such a charge. Failure to report being charged with such a crime may result in appropriate disciplinary action, including termination of employment. The Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources - Employee Relations will review the nature of the crime and determine what, if any, action should be taken regarding the employee’s employment status until resolution of the charge. |
5.4 Conviction Notice | |
All Convictions | Pursuant to University System of Georgia General Criteria for Employment Policy, any current employee convicted of a crime (other than a minor traffic offense) must report such conviction in writing to the Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources - Employee Relations within 24 hours of the conviction. Failure to report such conviction may result in appropriate disciplinary action, including termination of employment. The Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources - Employee Relations will review the nature of the crime and determine what, if any, action should be taken regarding the employee’s employment status. |
Employees Working under Federal Contracts | If the employee is working under a federal contract, Georgia Tech Office of Sponsored Programs will notify the federal contracting agency within 10 calendar days after receiving notice from the employee, or otherwise receiving notice, of drug convictions that occur in the workplace. |
5.5 Employee Assistance Program | |
Office of Human Resources - Employee Engagement & Well-Being Team | The Employee Assistance Program confidentially refers employees to resources such as clinics, physicians, and agencies. The Employee Assistance Program is provided at no cost to employees; however, the employee may be responsible for payment of services that are beyond the number of sessions provided by the Employee Assistance Program. For more information about the Employee Assistance Program, please visit the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Human Resources page. |
Employee misconduct related to alcohol or drug abuse in violation of this policy will not be tolerated. Any employee who violates this policy or any state or federal law regarding the unlawful use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation, and sale of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances (including marijuana), or other dangerous drugs shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions and penalties up to and including termination of employment and referral to appropriate federal, state, or local authorities for prosecution in the courts. Employees may be required, at the discretion of Georgia Tech, or as mandated by law, to participate satisfactorily in a substance abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please contact the Georgia Tech Office of Human Resources: employee-relations@ohr.gatech.edu or submit an Intake Form.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
October 2009 | Office of Human Resources | New Policy |
October 2011 | Office of Human Resources | Legal compliance update |
March 2018 | Office of Human Resources | Legal compliance update |
October 2023 | GTHR | Updated to conform with USG HRAP updates. |
September 2024 | GTHR | Editorial Updates |
Pre-employment and Substance Abuse Screening
Pre-employment and Substance Abuse ScreeningTo establish policies and procedures for pre-employment drug testing as required by O.C.G.A 45-20-111.
The Georgia Institute of Technology will conduct pre-employment screening examinations designed to prevent hiring individuals who use illegal drugs or individuals whose use of legal drugs indicate a potential for impaired or unsafe job performance.
Georgia Tech has vital interest in maintaining safe, healthful and efficient working conditions for its students and employees. Being under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job may pose serious safety and health risks not only to the user, and to those who work with the user, but also to the public we serve. The possession, use or sale of an illegal drug or alcohol in the workplace may also pose unacceptable risks for a safe, healthful and efficient operation.
Designated job applicants at Georgia Tech will undergo screening for the presence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs as a condition for employment. Applicants will be required to submit to a urinalysis test at a laboratory chosen by Georgia Tech.
Georgia Tech will not discriminate against applicants for employment because of past abuse of drugs or alcohol. It is the current abuse of drugs or alcohol which prevents employees from properly performing their jobs that the Institute will not tolerate.
a candidate who may be offered employment regular and/or temporary with Georgia Tech or has commenced employment but has not submitted to an established test for illegal drugs.
a defined set of key responsibilities and performance standards encompassing one or more positions sufficiently similar in responsibilities and performance standards to be grouped together.
a set of duties and responsibilities assigned or delegated by competent authority for performance by one person.
Illegal Drug
means marijuana/cannabinoids (THC), cocaine, amphetamines/methamphetamines, opiates, or phencyclidine (PCP). The term
illegal drug
shall not include any drug when used pursuant to a valid prescription or when used as otherwise authorized by state or federal law.
Establish Test
the collection and testing of bodily fluids administered in a manner equivalent to that required by the mandatory (Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (HHS) regulations 53 Fed. Reg. 11979, et seq., as amended).
Medical Review Officer/
a properly licensed physician who reviews and interprets results of drug testing and evaluates those results together with medical history or any other relevant biomedical information to confirm positive and negative results.
Positions to Be Tested
Positions to be tested
Fill out the Applicant's Disclosure and Consent Release of Information form.
An applicant who is offered employment in a position requiring a drug test shall, prior to commencing employment, submit to an established test for alcohol and/or illegal drugs.
Any applicant who declines an offer of employment for reasons not related to drug testing shall not be deemed to have refused drug testing.
Any applicant who expressly declines drug testing or engages in conduct that clearly obstructs the testing process shall be deemed to have refused drug testing.
Any applicant who fails to appear for drug testing after proper notification shall be deemed to have refused drug testing.
Any applicant who fails to provide adequate urine for testing without a valid medical reason shall be deemed to have refused testing.
Screening Results
Adulterated Sample: If the testing laboratory and the Medical Review Officer determine that the sample of an applicant has been adulterated, the applicant shall be deemed to have refused drug testing.
Rejected Sample: An applicant whose sample is rejected by the testing laboratory may, at the discretion of the Office of Human Resources, be directed to appear for retesting.
Unsuitable Sample: If the testing laboratory and the Medical Review Officer determine that the sample of an applicant is unsuitable for testing without legitimate medical explanation, the applicant may, at the discretion of the Office of Human Resources, be directed to appear for retesting. Such retesting shall be conducted as an observed sample.
Negative Results: An applicant whose results of drug testing do not indicate illegal drug usage may be considered as eligible for employment. Such negative results may be utilized by any other state employer for a period of thirty (30) calendar days after the date the test was administered.
Positive Results: An applicant whose results of drug testing indicate that the applicant has used an illegal drug(s) shall be disqualified from employment.
Non-Disclosure: The results of pre-employment drug testing shall remain confidential and shall not be a public record unless necessary for the administration of this rule or otherwise mandated by other state or federal law.
Laboratory Reports: The testing laboratory shall forward the results of all pre-employment drug tests to the Medical Review Officer who shall assure the security of such results.
Reporting Negative Results: The Medical Review Officer shall forward negative results of pre-employment drug tests to the Office of Human Resources as soon as practicable. The Office of Human Resources shall notify the appropriate personnel that the applicant is eligible for employment.
Reporting Positive Results: Laboratory reports indicating the presence of an illegal drug(s) shall be retained by the Medical Review Officer until a final determination is reached. Such information shall be confidential and shall only be available to the Medical Review Officer or designee and the affected applicant. Positive laboratory reports shall be reviewed and determinations of legal or illegal usage shall be made in accordance with procedures established by the Medical Review Officer.
Confirmatory Test
Any test which indicates the presence of illegal drugs shall be followed by a confirmatory test using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. If results of the confirmatory test indicate the presence of illegal drugs, such results shall be reviewed and interpreted by a Medical Review Officer (MRO) to determine if there is an alternative medical explanation. The testing facility will contact the individual directly if confirmatory test and medical review is necessary.If the applicant provides appropriate documentation and the Medical Review Officer determines that it is a legitimate usage of the substance, the results shall be reported as negative.
Applicant Contact Procedure
The Medical Review Officer shall, upon receipt of a positive laboratory report, attempt to contact the applicant at the daytime or home phone number indicated on the drug testing form. The Medical Review Officer shall attempt to determine if there is an alternative medical explanation for the positive report.
If the applicant expressly refuses to discuss with the Medical Review Officer the results of the pre-employment drug testing, declines the opportunity to provide an explanation of the results, or admits to the usage of an illegal drug(s), the Medical Review Officer, without further action or review, shall report to the Office of Human Resources that the results of the drug testing indicates that the employee has used an illegal drug(s). The Office of Human Resources shall report to the supervisor that the applicant is disqualified from employment.
If the Medical Review Officer is, within two (2) business days of the initial attempt, unable to directly contact the applicant, the Medical Review Officer shall contact the Employment or Tech Temp Supervisor in the Office of Human Resources, who shall attempt to contact the applicant and shall inform the applicant that the applicant must contact the Medical Review Officer by the end of the next business day, or the applicant shall be considered to have tested positive for the use of illegal drugs, and as specified, to have been disqualified from holding any position with the employer for a period of two (2) years from the date the test was administered.
If the Employment or Tech Temp Supervisor is unable to contact the applicant within two (2) business days of the initial attempt, the Supervisor shall so notify the Medical Review Officer. The Medical Review Officer shall then deem the applicant to have tested positive.
Reporting Determination of Illegal Drug Usage: If an applicant is unable or fails to provide an alternative medical explanation for the presence of an illegal drug(s), the Medical Review Officer, after appropriate review, shall notify the Employment or Tech Temp Supervisor that the applicant is disqualified from employment. The results of the test shall remain confidential and shall not be public record unless necessary for the administration of these provisions or otherwise mandated by other state or federal law.
Hiring Process
Advertisements for positions (117) listed in this document will include the following statement: "The Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to a drug free workplace. This position will require a pre-employment drug test." This statement will be included in every outside advertisement, i.e. Atlanta Journal/Constitution and Atlanta Daily World, etc..
Georgia Tech Job Bulletin
Positions requiring a pre-employment drug test will be advertised in the Internal and External Job Bulletins under the Qualifications section as follows: "The Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to a drug free workplace. This position will require a pre-employment drug test."
Job Request Form
The Office of Human Resources will be responsible for annotating on the Job Request Form when the position requires a pre-employment drug test.
Recruiting, Prescreening and Interviewing
All applicants for listed (117) positions will be advised of Georgia Tech's commitment to a drug free workplace and that the position for which they are applying requires a pre-employment drug test.
Former Employees Rehired at Georgia Tech
If an employee worked in one of the 117 safety sensitive positions, listed in this policy and terminates, the negative test results applied only to that position. If that individual is rehired in the same or another safety sensitive position listed in this policy, the candidate must be retested prior to reporting on the first day of work. Departments must not allow the selected candidate to start working until notification of a negative test result is verified by the Office of Human Resources.
Drug Testing Process:
- After the department interviews and selects the number one candidate, the paperwork will be returned to OHR/Employment. OHR will refer the candidate to the drug testing facility.
- The drug testing facility, upon completing the test, will notify the Employment or Tech Temp Supervisor (or a designee) of the test results.
- If the test is positive, the department will be notified by OHR that the candidate is disqualified for employment. The candidate will be notified by OHR regarding the disqualification.
- If the test is negative, the OHR Supervisor (or designee) will notify the hiring department to make the job offer to the candidate. Disqualification from Employment An applicant who refuses to submit to or fails to appear for an established test for alcohol or illegal drugs or whose test results are positive, shall be disqualified from employment by the state. Such disqualification shall not be removed for a period of two years from the date that such test was administered or offered, whichever is later.
Disqualification from Employment
An applicant who refuses to submit to or fails to appear for an established test for alcohol or illegal drugs or whose test results are positive, shall be disqualified from employment by the state. Such disqualification shall not be removed for a period of two years from the date that such test was administered or offered, whichever is later.
Modified Operations During Emergencies and Campus Interruptions
Modified Operations During Emergencies and Campus InterruptionsThis policy sets forth plans, procedures, responsibilities, and requirements related to modifying campus operations for emergency situations, including hazardous weather, where Georgia Tech can maintain business continuity in compliance with University System of Georgia and State of Georgia requirements. This policy allows the Institute to mitigate risk while maintaining essential functions. Employees and students can learn the status of campus operations here.
Institute departments with essential, on-premise services are required to identify minimum services required during Modified Operations; to identify how many and which personnel may be needed on campus during Modified Operations; to communicate with identified personnel who may be needed to perform essential, on premise services; and to develop plans and procedures of plan implementation including but not limited to the following: internal communication, activation of Modified Operations, schedule adjustments, and housing and feeding of personnel. Departments can access resources to meet these requirements here.
All Institute departments are required to identify employees who can work remotely, communicate the expectation of working remotely during an emergency with those employees, and develop plans and procedures for implementation.
This policy applies to the Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta campus.
A serious situation with inherent risk that requires immediate action.
Essential Service
Functions and activities that should continue during an emergency or interruption or be restarted quickly following an emergency or interruption.
Interruption: Any event, whether anticipated or unanticipated, which disrupts the normal course of operations.
Modified Operations
Temporary changes to Georgia Tech teaching, learning, research and business operations in response to a threat of an emergency, ongoing emergency, or any other interruption that requires Institute-level action.
On Premise
Physically present on the Georgia Tech Atlanta campus.
When an Emergency/Interruption is Imminent | |
President or Designee | Based upon a recommendation from the Director of Emergency Management, the Crisis Management Team, and/or the Chief of Police, the President or Designee may decide to declare Modified Operations for a specified period. |
When Modified Operations is Declared | |
Instructors | Instructors should follow the guidance from the Provost and the Digital Learning Days for Modified Campus Operations Policy. |
Students | Students should await communications from their instructors regarding delivery of their classes during that period based upon the Digital Learning Days for Modified Campus Operations Policy. Students should follow guidance and/or directions provided by the Office of the Vice President for Student Engagement and Well-Being regarding student activities, events, programs and services. |
Staff | Staff should await communication from their unit. |
All Departments
Educate personnel on expectations for on-premise or remote work during emergencies and interruptions.
Crisis Management Team (CMT)
Provide recommendations to the president or his designee during situations that may warrant Modified Operations. The Crisis Management Team is comprised of the executive leadership team and a rotating list of vice presidents who can provide valuable subject matter expertise to the situation at hand. This group is assembled at the discretion of the Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance to help make decisions regarding operational impact. Departments with Essential, On Premise Services Identify services that must be maintained, even in reduced capacities, during emergencies and interruptions. In addition, they shall identify personnel who may need to work on-premises during Modified Operations, including support for students and employees such as housing and dining.
Georgia Tech Human Resources
Support payroll and leave compliance with University System of Georgia HRAP Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies.
Follow the Digital Learning Day policy and if they supervise staff, enact their unit Modified Operations Plan.
Office of Emergency Management
Provide situational awareness to the CMT and prompt the President or Designee when situations may require the CMT to meet to discuss the use of Modified Operations.
President or Designee
Decide whether to implement Modified Operations with the guidance from the Crisis Management Team, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Director. Supervisors Communicate with their employees and enact their unit Modified Operations Plan.
August 15, 2023
Policy was updated to address hybrid work options and modified campus operations, and clarify roles and responsibilities.
Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy
Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus PolicyThe Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to taking all practical measures to create a safe and healthy work environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Georgia Tech complies with the Board of Regents Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus Policy (6.10).
Management is responsible for ensuring adherence to the policy. Violators of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. Questions or concerns regarding this policy or other related matters should be addressed to the appropriate department manager or to the Office of Human Resources.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
10-2015 | Policy Specialist | Policy Owner and contacts update |
10-2014 | Human Resources | Updates to verbiage |
Visitors in the Workplace
Visitors in the WorkplaceIt is the policy of Georgia Tech to provide a workplace for all employees that is professional and free from distraction.
Individual department managers may impose restrictions, which are considered appropriate to the successful operation of the individual unit, on visitors in the workplace.
Except when authorized by the department-head/manager, all visitors including relatives of employees, who do not have official business with the department may be restricted from prolonged visits to the workplace. Time spent attending to a personal visitor, especially a child, detracts from work production of not only the employee, but also co-workers. In no case should the work site become a substitute for a day care center.
Work areas, laboratories, closed stacks, trade shops, machine rooms, and other Institute work areas should be off limits to anyone but employees authorized access to minimize physical risk to the individual as well as risk to the Institute. However, if visitors must visit risk associated areas, they should be accompanied by an authorized employee.
Workplace Violence
Workplace ViolenceThe Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is committed to providing a workplace that is free from violence by establishing preventative measures, by holding perpetrators of violence accountable, and by providing assistance and support to victims. This procedure provides a collaborative, cross-functional approach to assessing and responding to individuals who might pose either an immediate threat to themselves or others or a less immediate threat, and establishes a Consultation and Assessment Team to evaluate and review workplace violence on campus.
A safe and secure environment is a fundamental prerequisite for effectiveness and innovation in teaching and learning, research advances, and entrepreneurship in all sectors of society. Georgia Tech reaffirms the basic right of students, faculty, staff and visitors to a safe campus work environment. Threatening behavior or violence on the campus of Georgia Tech, satellite locations, and sanctioned functions off campus are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Violence, for the purpose of this policy includes, but is not limited to: intimidation, bullying, stalking, threatening behavior, physical attack, property damage, or domestic and family violence.
This policy applies to Georgia Tech students, faculty, staff, vendors, clients, and visitors.
Bullying | Offensive and malicious behavior that undermines an individual or group through persistently negative attacks. The behavior may include an element of vindictiveness, and is intended to undermine, patronize, humiliate, intimidate or demean the recipient. |
Domestic, Relationship, and / or Family Violence | Abusive or violent behavior, including threats and intimidation, between people who have an ongoing or a prior intimate relationship (including people who are married, live together or date, or who have been married, lived together or dated) or between family members. |
Intimidation | Behavior intended to frighten, coerce, or induce duress. |
Physical Attack | Unwanted or hostile physical contact including, but not limited to, hitting, fighting with, shoving, restraining, or throwing objects at a person. |
Property Damage | Intentional damage to property, including property owned by Georgia Tech or by employees, students, clients, visitors, or vendors. |
Stalking | Following a person, placing a person under surveillance, or contacting a person for the purpose of harassment or intimidation. |
Threatening Behavior | The expression of intent to cause physical or mental harm. An expression constitutes a threat without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry out the threat and without regard to whether the expression is contingent, conditional, or future. |
Workplace Violence | Acts of violence committed by or against any individual on the campus of Georgia Tech, at satellite locations, or at sanctioned functions off campus that involve students, faculty, staff, vendors, clients, and/or visitors. |
5.1 The Consultation and Assessment Team | |
Facilitators | The Consultation and Assessment Team will be facilitated by:
Support Team Members | The threat of or act of violence being assessed may require varying expertise and /or perspectives. Only those needed to assess and manage a specific situation will need to be included in the Team. Those who might be called upon to participate in a threat assessment include the following or their designee:
5.2 Threats and Acts of Violence | |
Immediate Threats | Any member of the Georgia Tech community observing violent or threatening behavior is expected to first secure his/her own safety and then immediately contact the Georgia Tach Police Department. If the incident occurs off campus or at satellite locations, the observer should first call 911 or the emergency number of the facility at which he/she is located, then call the Georgia Tech Police Department. The Georgia Tech Police Department will notify the Consultation and Assessment Team (CAT) of the facts of the event. A facilitator with knowledge of the event(s) will determine which team members will be needed to investigate and assess the event to determine if preventive measures should be established, changed, or added. If necessary, counselors will be made available to provide stress debriefings for members of the Georgia Tech community affected by the incident. |
Less Immediate Threats | When a possible threat is identified, the person who is concerned will contact the appropriate facilitator (or his/her designee). If the incident arises during non-business hours, the person who is concerned will contact any other individuals who can assist in reporting to the appropriate facilitator. If the concerned person is unable to reach a facilitator directly, they can send an email to intel@police.gatech.edu. The facilitator will determine which team members are needed to assess and manage the situation, and convene those individuals. This group will assess the potential danger, explore possible outcomes of various approaches to managing the threat, and then implement a plan. Anyone with a follow-up assignment will update the team members involved via email, telephone, or in person. Personally identifiable information should be kept to a minimum on email (i.e., use initials or refer to "the person we discussed"). After the plan is implemented, the facilitator will be responsible for coordinating follow-up to ensure that the threat has been appropriately managed. Team members must recognize and respect that there are members of the campus community and visitors who will have legal and ethical limitations on information that may be shared when discussing a concern. It is the responsibility of each team member to exercise his or her best professional judgment in determining what information may be shared with the team. |
5.3 Training and Resources | |
Supervisory Training | Employees who have supervisory responsibilities should receive training in the identification of and how to deal with workplace violence. This training may include, but will not be limited to, conflict resolution, counseling and stress management. All training will emphasize the need to address workplace violence with professionalism, sensitivity, and respect for all individuals involved. |
Resource Coordination | Facilitators will work to develop relationships and coordinate their procedures with relevant off-campus resources (law enforcement, hospitals, etc.) to ensure the availability of these resources when needed. |
Policy Review | Facilitators will meet quarterly to review campus needs, and if indicated, facilitate the revision of policies and procedures to address workplace violence. |
Chief of Police
The Chief of Police is responsible for forming and facilitating Consultation and Assessment Teams to assess and/or manage workplace violence incidents involving individuals who are not Georgia Tech students, faculty or staff. As a designated facilitator the Police Chief is responsible for resource coordination, policy review and ensuring supervisory training for Police Department personnel. The Chief of Police may designate a member of the Police Department to perform the required tasks.
Vice President of Human Resources
The Vice President of Human Resources is responsible for forming and facilitating Consultation and Assessment Teams to assess and/or manage workplace violence incidents involving faculty or staff. As a designated facilitator the Associate Vice President is responsible for resource coordination, policy review and ensuring supervisory training for staff personnel. The Associate Vice President may designate a member of the Office of Human Resources to perform the required tasks.
The Dean of Students
The Dean of Students is responsible for forming and facilitating Consultation and Assessment Teams to assess and/or manage workplace violence incidents involving students. As a designated facilitator the Dean of Students is responsible for resource coordination and policy review. The Dean of Students may designate a member of the Dean’s Office to perform the required tasks.
To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/ or call 1-866-294-5565.
Time Away From Work
Time Away From WorkAbsenteeism and Lateness
Absenteeism and LatenessTo ensure adequate staffing, positive employee morale, and to meet expected productivity standards throughout the Institute, employees will be held accountable for adhering to their workplace schedules. This policy provides guidelines for employees regarding absenteeism and lateness. Absenteeism and lateness detract from our pursuit of service excellence and may impact those employees who must fill in for absent or tardy employees.
If an employee finds it necessary to be absent or tardy, they should immediately report such absence or tardiness to the supervisor. An excessive record of tardiness and absences may interfere with promotion and may result in loss of pay or disciplinary action. See Sick Leave Policy No. 2.13 and Vacation Policy No. 2.15.
Employees are expected to:
- Avoid coming to campus if infected with a contagious ailment or exhibiting symptoms of a contagious ailment which might have an adverse effect on other employees.
- Attend to personal affairs during nonworking hours.
The employee’s supervisor, delegate, or Time & Labor Practitioner is responsible for approving time away from work. All requests for time off from work should be submitted and approved through self-service within OneUSG Connect in advance. In emergency cases, the employee must update OneUSG Connect with the request for leave promptly upon their return to work. The employee, if possible, must still follow their unit’s regular call-out procedures. Although it is the employee's responsibility to correct problems and prevent absenteeism, the supervisor should communicate to employees the importance of maintaining good attendance. The supervisor should also monitor attendance habits and follow-up with the employee to make appropriate referrals and/or take corrective action if needed.
The primary approver (typically the employee’s supervisor, delegate, or Time & Labor Practitioner) is responsible for ensuring that all time and leave records are current and accurate for their areas of responsibility. Managers with timesheet approval responsibilities are required to approve. Primary approvers who do not review, correct, and approve timesheets by the deadlines may be subject to disciplinary action. Institutions may require a more rigorous process as deemed appropriate and documented in the institution’s time and leave approval procedures.
Supervisory Communication -- Excessive Absenteeism or Lateness
Early steps toward correcting excessive absenteeism should take the form of private, individual communication between supervisor and employee. In instances of potential excessive absenteeism and lateness, supervisors should consult with their unit HR Representative for assistance before taking any corrective action.
Misrepresenting working hours, falsifying signatures or timesheet information, recording time from a non-authorized USG device or location, and tampering with a USG time clock/kiosk or another employee’s timesheet are extremely serious offenses. Employees or time approvers found to have engaged in any of these prohibited activities are subject to disciplinary action.
Family and Medical Leave Act Policy
Family and Medical Leave Act PolicyThis policy ensures the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) complies with applicable law and University System of Georgia policy in providing leave to eligible employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Georgia Tech complies with the provisions of the FMLA. The FMLA allows employees to balance their work and family life using paid and unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons. Employees should refer to the related documents/resources cited in this policy as well as consult GTHR for additional information.
Job Restoration and Health Benefits
During FMLA leave, the Institute will maintain the employee’s health coverage under any group health plan on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work, provided the employee continues to pay their portion of the premium. Use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee leave.
An employee generally has a right to return to the same position or an equivalent position in terms of pay, benefits, and working conditions. Certain “key employees” may be denied job restoration if they are among the highest-paid 10% of employees and if such denial is necessary to prevent substantial and grievous injury to the operations of Georgia Tech.
Adverse action or discrimination is prohibited against an employee or prospective employee who has taken FMLA leave and interference with any rights provided by FMLA will not be tolerated, including:
- Refusing to authorize FMLA leave
- Discouraging an employee from using FMLA leave
- Changing the essential functions of the employee’s job to preclude the taking of FMLA leave
- Reducing hours of work to avoid employee eligibility
FMLA Leave Entitlement
The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave each year. An employee must be employed for at least one year and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months. Eligible employees may use FMLA leave intermittently or in one continuous block for the following reasons:
- Birth or placement of a child (for adoption or foster care)
- To bond with a newborn or a newly placed child (must be taken within the first 12 months of the child's birth or placement in the home)
- The employee’s own serious health condition or to provide care for the employee’s child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition
- Any period of incapacity or treatment connected with inpatient hospital care, hospice, or residential medical care facility
- Any period of incapacity, sporadic absence from work, school, or other regular daily activities that also involves continuing treatment by a health care provider.
- Continuing treatment by a health care provider for a chronic or long-term health condition that is incurable or so serious that if not treated, would likely result in a period of incapacity.
- Qualifying Exigency Leave: When a qualifying exigency arises because the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty, or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered active duty status. Qualifying exigencies leave may include: short-notice deployment (7 days notice or less and only available for 7 days total), military events and related activities (such as ceremonies and briefings), child care and school activities (for non-routine matters), financial and legal arrangements, counseling, rest and relaxation (up to 5 days), post-deployment activities (including debriefings or funeral services for up to 90 days following the termination of the covered military member’s active duty status), and any additional activities agreed upon by the Institute and employee.
- Military Caregiver Leave: Eligible employees who are the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member who is recovering from a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period to care for the service member. Military caregiver leave is available during a single 12-month period during which an eligible employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of FMLA leave. A single 12-month period begins on the 1st day the employee takes military leave and ends 12 months later.
- Covered Active Duty Leave: A member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard and Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness, OR a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness and who was a member of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, at any time during the five-year period preceding the date on which the veteran undergoes medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy.
Leave Entitlement When Multiple Events Occur
Employees may have one or more qualifying reason for leave during the year however the leave entitlement is limited to 12 weeks.
Paid Parental Leave when taken due to the birth or placement of a child (for adoption or foster care), will also count towards any available FMLA leave. In no case will the total amount of leave—whether paid or unpaid—granted to the employee under the FMLA exceed 12 weeks during the 12-month FMLA period. Learn more about Paid Parental Leave and associated processes at https://benefits.hr.gatech.edu/paid-parental-leave/.
Leave Entitlement When Spouses Work for the University System Of Georgia (USG)
If both the employee and the employee’s spouse work for the USG and are eligible for FMLA, then
they are limited to a combined total of:
- 12 workweeks of FMLA leave during any 12-month period for the birth of a child or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care; or to care for an employee’s parent with a serious health condition
- Each employee may use up to 12 workweeks of FMLA leave during any 12-month period if the leave is for the care of the employee’s spouse or child with a serious health condition or the employee’s own serious health condition
- 26 workweeks during the single 12-month period if the leave is Military Caregiver Leave or a combination of Military Caregiver Leave and Family Medical Leave, Employee Medical Leave, or Qualifying Exigency Leave
Determining Eligibility for Leave
The Institute uses a “rolling” 12-month period (rather than a fixed calendar, fiscal, or academic
year) to determine eligibility for, and availability of, leave time under FMLA. The 12-month period
is determined by reviewing the twelve months of employment prior to the date that the employee
requests FMLA leave to begin. If the employee has not utilized the equivalent of 12 weeks of
FMLA-qualifying leave during the 12 months prior to the designated date, then the employee is
eligible to take leave on that date, provided that all other eligibility criteria are met.
Determining Eligibility for Leave
For purposes of determining the amount of leave used by an employee, the fact that a holiday may
occur within the week taken as FMLA leave has no effect; the week is counted as a week of FMLA
leave. However, if an employee is using FMLA leave in increments of less than one week, the
holiday will not count against the employee’s FMLA entitlement unless the employee was
otherwise scheduled and expected to work during the holiday. Similarly, if the Institute’s business
operations have ceased and the employees are generally not expected to report for work for one
or more weeks (i.e. during winter holiday break), then those days do not count against the
employee’s FMLA entitlement.
Using Sick and Vacation Leave While on FMLA
FMLA leave is unpaid and the Institute requires that employees use their accrued paid sick leave
and/or vacation leave concurrently with FMLA leave before they go into unpaid status. If FMLA
leave is a result of an on-the-job injury however, you have the option of taking unpaid leave even if
you have sick leave and/or vacation available. Similarly, an employee on FMLA leave utilizing
short term disability (STD) insurance may go into an unpaid leave status when they begin
receiving STD benefits, reserving any remaining sick leave and/or vacation for use after the employee returns from leave. Employees must use their available accrued sick leave and/or vacation during the STD waiting period.
Please note that employees using FMLA to bond with a healthy newborn or newly adopted or placed child may use accrued vacation time or take time off without pay. Accrued sick leave however, may not be used for this purpose.
Intermittent and Reduced Schedules While on FMLA
If an employee is on intermittent or reduced schedule FMLA leave and would otherwise be required to work overtime hours, any overtime hours not worked during the leave period count as FMLA leave.
Although intermittent and reduced schedule leave are available for qualifying exigencies, Qualifying Exigency Leave counts against the employee’s total allotment of FMLA leave. The Institute may also request documentation of the need for qualifying exigency leave.
Employees who accept light duty positions in lieu of taking time off from work under FMLA leave cannot have the time spent on light duty counted against their FMLA entitlement.
Employees are expected to talk with their supervisors about their need for intermittent leave prior to scheduling treatment in order to work out a schedule that best suits the needs of the employee and the Institute. In order to better accommodate the employee’s intermittent leave or reduced work schedule the Institute may assign the employee to an alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits. The assignment of such an alternative position must be coordinated through the Employee Relations unit of the Office of Human Resources.
Providing Notice of Your Need for FMLA
When FMLA leave is needed the employee should make a request for leave in the Employee Self Service Portal and notice of the anticipated leave given by the employee to their supervisor (or HR representative).
When the need for FMLA leave is foreseeable , due to a planned medical treatment or other planned FMLA-qualifying event, a request for leave should be made at least 30 calendar days in advance of the start of leave, unless impracticable, in which case the employee must request leave as early as the circumstances permit. When possible employees should make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatments so that they do not disrupt the Institute’s operations.
When the need for leave is not foreseeable, an employee must comply with the Institute’s usual and customary notice and procedural requirements, which includes call-in procedures established by the employee’s department, absent unusual circumstances.
Call out Procedures While on FMLA
When an employee seeks leave due to a qualifying FMLA reason for which the Institute has previously provided the employee FMLA-protected leave, the employee must specifically reference the qualifying reason for leave. Calling in “sick” without providing more information will not be considered sufficient notice to trigger the Institute’s obligations under FMLA.
Medical Documentation Requirements
In the case of medical conditions, the Institute may find it necessary to inquire further to determine if the leave is because of a serious health condition and may request medical certification to support the need for such leave. The Institute may also request certification to support the need for leave for a qualifying exigency or for military caregiver leave. Employees must provide the requested certification to the Institute within the time frame requested, unless it is not practicable to do so despite the employee’s diligent, good-faith efforts. The Institute may request recertification at some later date if there is reason to question the appropriateness of the leave or its duration. Failure to provide the needed documentation may result in disapproval of the leave or a delay in its commencement.
If the validity of the medical certification is in doubt, GTHR may reach out to the provider. If there is a question regarding the medical opinion supporting the leave, a second opinion may be required with a health care provider chosen by GTHR at the Institute’s expense in order to support the need for leave. If the two opinions conflict, GTHR may request and pay for a third option. The third medical certification opinion will be final and binding.
Georgia Tech has the right to designate as FMLA leave any time off that qualifies as such, even if the time is not specifically requested as FMLA leave by the employee. In these instances a Designation Notice will be issued to the employee.
The Institute may request recertification documentation no more often than every 30 days (except as indicated below) and only in connection with an absence by the employee, unless the medical certification indicates that the minimum duration of the condition is more than 30 days, in which case the Institute must wait until that minimum duration expires before requesting recertification. For example, if the medical certification states that an employee will be unable to work, whether continuously or on an intermittent basis, for 40 days, the employer must wait 40 days before requesting recertification.
The Institute may request recertification in less than 30 days if:
- The employee requests an extension of leave.
- Circumstances described by the previous certification have changed significantly (i.e. the duration or frequency of the absence, the nature or severity of the illness, complications).
- The Institute receives information that casts doubt upon the employee’s stated reason for the absence or the continuing validity of the certification.
Working While on FMLA
It is presumed that employees on FMLA for their own serious health conditions are not working outside of the Institute while on FMLA leave. Consulting or outside activity agreements may still apply. The protections of the FMLA will not, however, cover situations where the reason for the leave no longer exists, where the employee has not provided required notices or certifications, or the employee has misrepresented the reason for leave.
Returning to Work
Employees are expected to return to work at the end of the approved FMLA leave. If the employee does not return, and if failure to return is not due to a continued or new documented qualifying serious health condition, then the employee may be required to reimburse the Institute for the employer portion of the health coverage premiums it paid on the employee’s behalf during the leave.
Employees are required to present a fitness-for-duty certification from their healthcare provider before being reinstated to active duty upon completion of FMLA leave for their own serious health condition. The Institute may require that the certification specifically address the employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the employee’s job. If reasonable job safety concerns exist, the Institute may require a fitness-for-duty certification before an employee may return to work when the employee takes intermittent leave.
If the employee is not able to return to work at the end of their approved FMLA leave, they may be eligible to request additional leave, as a work place accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The granting of such additional leave is at the discretion of the Institute or must meet the legal requirements for leave to be granted. In no case may all leaves combined exceed 12 months. If an employee does not return and is not granted additional leave, employment ends on the last day of the approved FMLA leave.
This policy applies to all faculty and staff of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Absence Plus Treatment | As defined under the FMLA, a period of incapacity of more than three full consecutive calendar days and any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition, that also involves (a) treatment two or more times by a health care provider or (b) treatment by a health care provider on at least one occasion which results in a regiment of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider. |
Child | The employee’s biological son or daughter under the age of 18; a legally-adopted son or daughter under the age of 18; a foster child, stepchild, or ward under the age of 18, legally placed with the employee; any such child over the age of 18 if the child is incapable of self-care due to a mental or physical disability; “incapable of self-care” means requiring active assistance or supervision to provide daily self-care in three or more basic instrumental “activities of daily living” such as grooming & hygiene, bathing, dressing, eating, cooking, taking public transportation, etc.; a “physical or mental disability” is one that substantially limits one or more major life functions as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). |
Chronic Conditions Requiring Treatment | A chronic condition which 1) requires treatment at least twice a year by a health care provider, or by a nurse or physician’s assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider; 2) continues over an extended period of time (including recurring episodes of a single underlying condition); and 3) may cause episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity (i.e. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.). |
Health Care Provider | Department of Labor regulations for the FMLA define a health care provider as a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, podiatrist, dentist, chiropractor (limited to treatment consisting of manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation as demonstrated by X-ray to exist), clinical psychologist, optometrist, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, or clinical social worker who is authorized to practice by the State and performing within the scope of their practice as defined by State law, or a Christian Scientist practitioner listed with the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. |
Injury or Illness in the Line of Duty | In the case of a current member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard and Reserves, this means an injury or illness incurred in the line of duty while on active duty, or which existed prior to active duty but was aggravated by service in line of duty while on active duty, that may render the member medically unfit to perform the duties of the member’s office, grade, rank, or rating. In the case of a veteran of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, this means an injury or illness incurred in the line of duty while on active duty, or which existed prior to active duty but was aggravated by service in line of duty while on active duty, and that manifested itself either before or after the covered service member became a veteran. |
Inpatient Care | As defined under the FMLA, Inpatient care means an overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity, or any subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care. |
Multiple Treatments of Non-chronic Conditions | Any period of absence to receive multiple treatments (including any period of recovery therefrom) by a health care provider or by a provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider, for: (1) Restorative surgery after an accident or other injury; or (2) A condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three consecutive, full calendar days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment, such as cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), severe arthritis (physical therapy), or kidney disease (dialysis). |
Parent | A biological parent of the employee; an individual who stands or stood “in loco parents” to an employee by providing primary day-to-day care and financial support when the employee was a child; Does not include “parents-in-law”. |
Permanent Long-term Conditions | A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective. The employee or family member must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider. Examples include Alzheimer's, a severe stroke, or the terminal stages of a disease. |
Pregnancy | Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy, or for prenatal care. |
Spouse | The employee’s legal husband or wife as defined or recognized under State law for purpose of marriage in the State where employee resides. |
See FMLA section on the GTHR website located at https://hr.gatech.edu/fmla
8.1. AVP-OHR
Ensure consistent administration of family leave as governed by the FMLA.
8.2 GTHR Employee Relations
Consults with Human Resources on the effective utilization of policy and monitors for compliance.
8.3. Supervisors
Works with GTHR Benefits to ensure that employees are aware of FMLA. Provides information to GTHR regarding employee requesting leave and returning to work.
8.4 Employees
Must notify their supervisor (or HR Representative) that they will need to take leave. While on FMLA leave employees should periodically check in with their supervisor or HR Representative regarding their status and intent to return to work.
8.5 GTHR Benefits
Works with employees and supervisors in the day to day administration of FMLA. Provides notification of eligibility, reviews medical certification and designates leave. FMLA paperwork is maintained in GTHR in a file (separate from employee’s personnel file) for no less than three years.
Revision Date | Author | Description |
9/22/2021 | GTHR Payroll and Total Rewards | Updated definitions, clarified procedures, updated intermittent leave applicability. |
10/2014 | GTHR Payroll and Total Rewards | New Policy |
Holiday Schedule for Employees
Holiday Schedule for EmployeesThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require payment for vacations or holidays (federal or otherwise). Paid holidays and vacations are generally a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee. Paid holidays shall be awarded in addition to earned vacation time and shall be observed in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the respective institutions.
In order to receive pay for the holidays, an employee must be in active pay status the day before and the day after the holiday. Active pay status is defined as working regularly scheduled hours immediately preceding and following the holiday. Employees receiving excused absences prior to and following the holiday will be eligible to receive the holiday pay provided. Excused absences include approved sick, vacation, bereavement, jury duty, and other FMLA related absences.
The Institute observes 13 official paid holidays each calendar year. A schedule of holidays is published each year by the Institute and can be found at https://hr.gatech.edu/payroll.
Holidays are not carried into another calendar year. If the holiday time is not taken by the end of the year, it must be forfeited.
Regular employees and faculty working one-half time or more
Non-Exempt full- and part-time employees: If a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday, the employee will be paid for their standard hours as holiday pay. Should an employee’s normal work schedule not include a holiday, that employee’s supervisor should schedule an alternate “holiday” to ensure the employee receives the “benefited” holiday time allowed by the University System of Georgia. When determining eligibility for overtime pay, holiday hours are not counted as hours worked.
Exempt part-time employees: If a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday, the employee will observe that holiday. Should an employee’s normal work schedule not include a holiday, that employee’s supervisor should schedule an alternate “holiday” to ensure the employee receives the “benefited” holiday time allowed by the University System of Georgia. Exempt employees are not paid hourly, and their monthly salary will remain the same as though there were no holiday hours.
Special conditions
Termination: A terminating employee shall not be paid for any official holidays occurring after the last working day of employment.
Retirement or inter-institutional transfer: Employees will receive pay for holidays occurring at the end of their final month of employment if they are in a paid status (work time, annual leave, sick leave, or other paid leave) on the last scheduled workday of the month.
Compressed Work Week Schedules: Holidays count as eight hours; therefore, if an employee is on a 10-hour a day schedule and one of their workdays fall on an Institute holiday, the employee must work an additional two hours another day of the work week. Otherwise, regular policies regarding holiday pay should be followed.
Remote Units & Police Department: Operating units that are physically remote from the main campus in Atlanta, the Police Department and staff supporting affiliated organizations may be permitted to observe a holiday schedule more consistent with that of the host organization. This schedule is not to exceed the number of holidays per year allowed for the University by the Board of Regents.
Partial Year Employees: Partial-year employees are not eligible for holiday pay for those holidays occurring during the designated leave period, nor are they eligible to receive unemployment compensation benefits during this period.
Part-time benefited employees: Employees who work part-time and receive benefits are eligible for holiday pay on a pro-rated basis.
Non-benefited employees: Regular employees and faculty working less than one-half time are not eligible for holiday pay.
Religious Observance
We consider each individual's decision to either engage in or refrain from religious worship to be worthy of respect and consideration, therefore, we encourage reasonable accommodations be provided for observance of religious holidays.
Employees should inform their supervisor in advance, specifically requesting an adjusted work schedule related to religious purposes. Depending upon business needs, you may be able to work on a day that is normally observed as a holiday and then take time off for another religious day. Also, planned absences for such requests may be taken as paid vacation leave (if applicable); as time off without pay; or be permitted as alternative work hours at a time and manner agreed upon by the employee and the responsible supervisor or manager. The hours worked in lieu of the normal work schedule may be scheduled before or after the religious observance within the workweek, so as not to create any entitlement to premium pay (including overtime pay). An employee’s request for time off should not be granted without simultaneously scheduling the hours the employee will work to make up the time, in order to provide a clear record of the employee’s adjusted work schedule. If an employee is absent when he or she is scheduled to perform work to make up for a planned absence for a religious observance, the employee must take paid leave, request leave without pay, or be charged absent without leave, if appropriate. These are the same options that apply to any other absence from an employee’s basic work schedule.
Alternative holidays for essential work: At times, the operating demands of a department make it necessary for all or a portion of the staff to work on a scheduled/official Institute holiday. If a non-exempt employee is designated as essential and is required to work on an official Institute holiday, the employee's supervisor may choose one of the following holiday pay options:
- Grant the employee another workday off with pay by designating that day as the employee's paid holiday.
- Pay the employee their holiday pay, plus pay the employee at their regular rate of pay for the additional time actually worked on the holiday. Under this option, the employee does not receive another day off with pay for having worked an official holiday.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with the Campus Holiday Policy are:
Party | Responsibility |
Institution Chief Human Resources Officers | Ensure compliance with policy. |
GTHR Payroll | Offer assistance with policy interpretation. |
Information for Campus Closed or Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies
Information for Campus Closed or Inclement Weather and Other Emergencies jgastley3Georgia Tech adopts the University System of Georgia (USG) Human Resources Administrative Manual for Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies. Additional Georgia Tech resources for timekeeping in these scenarios can be found in the section labelled GT Knowledge Base Article below.
Refer to USG's Policy: USG Inclement Weather or Other Emergencies
Refer to GT's Knowledge Base Article: Managing Employee Variant Time Worked (Please review the Campus Closures section of the Knowledge Base Article)
Refer to GT's Modified Campus Operations Policy
Learn more about GT Emergency Notification System
Leave of Absence
Leave of AbsenceThis policy ensures consistent application of leave at Georgia Tech.
This policy outlines the process for the granting and the use of a Leave of Absence at Georgia Tech.
All regular part-time or full-time classified or faculty employees within the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Personal Leaves of Absence without Pay
Due to unforeseen events or special circumstances, an employee may need time off for personal reasons. Such approved leaves shall allow the employee the right to elect to continue their group insurance benefits by making arrangements through the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department and paying the total amount of all premiums due. All other benefits for which the employee is eligible would not accrue during the unpaid leave. Employees requesting a personal leave of absence of more than 30 days must first exhaust accrued vacation before going into an unpaid status. Failure to return to work at the conclusion of the leave period constitutes grounds for termination of employment. Every effort will be made to place an employee in the same position or another of equal status upon return from an approved leave of absence. Temporary personnel may be employed to fill the vacancy during the approved leave period.
Educational Leave with and without Pay
Please refer to the USG Time Away from Work Educational Leave Policy for additional information.
Military Leave
Please refer to the USG Time Away from Work Military Leave Policy. A Military Leave Reporting Form should be completed and submitted along with the supporting orders to the Benefits Department in the Office of Human Resources prior to start of the military leave. Employees should also contact the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department prior to the start of an extended military leave to make arrangements with regards to their benefits.
Maternity Leave
Appropriate sick leave provisions shall apply. See 2.13 Sick Leave Policy and 2.12 Family and Medical Leave Policy for more details.
Family Leave
See 2.12 Family and Medical Leave Policy for more details.
Miscellaneous Leave
Bereavement Employees may take up to five accrued sick days due to the death of an employee’s immediate family member (employee’s spouse, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, children, brothers, sisters, and members of the employee’s household). Employees must notify his/her supervisor immediately if he/she needs to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member. If an employee does not have adequate sick days to cover the absence, then he/she must use vacation time.
Court Duty
Any employee summoned for court duty as a juror or witness must notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as official orders are received and provide a copy of the orders. Employees called for jury duty or witness duty will be paid at the normal rate of pay for any regularly scheduled time lost from the job. If the court duty is completed prior to the end of the employee’s normal work schedule, the employee must report to work for the remainder of his/her shift.
Voting Employees
are encouraged to exercise their constitutional right to vote in all federal, state, and location elections. Georgia Tech follows the procedures outlined in the USG HRAP on Voting Leave and Court Duty Leave.
Selective Service and Military Physical Examinations
Any employee required by Federal law to take a physical examination for Selective Service must notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as orders are received and provide a copy of such orders. The employee shall be paid for any time lost to take such an examination.
Leave for Blood Donations
An employee is allowed a leave of absence, without loss of pay, of not more than 8 hours in each calendar year for the purpose of donating blood with his/her supervisor’s approval. This absence shall be computed as 2 hours per donation, up to 4 times per year. Any employee who donates blood platelets or granulocytes through the plasmapheresis process shall be allowed a leave of absence, without loss of pay, of not more than 16 hours in each calendar year. This leave shall be computed as four hours per donation, up to four times per year. Tracking and monitoring of Blood Donation leave shall be done by the department.
Leave for Organ and Marrow Donation
Each employee who serves as an organ donor for the purpose of transplantation shall receive a leave of absence, with pay, of 30 days. Each employee who serves as a bone marrow donor for the purpose of transplantation shall receive a leave of absence, with pay, of 7 days. Leave taken under this provision shall not be charged against or deducted from an employee’s accrued vacation or sick leave. Such leave shall be included as service in computing any retirement or pension benefits. This provision shall apply only to an employee who actually donated an organ or marrow and who presents his/her supervisor with a statement from a licensed medical practitioner or hospital administrator that the employee is making an organ or marrow donation. Leave for the purpose of organ or marrow donation may qualify under the Family and Medical Leave Act (see 2.12 Family and Medical Leave Policy for more details). Tracking and monitoring of Organ and Marrow Donation leave shall be done by the department.
Requesting Leave
Personal or educational leaves must be approved by the supervisor and department/unit head via the Leave of Absence request form.
Leave of Absence Request Form
If the request is for a Classified employee, the form must be submitted to the AVP of Human Resources for approval.
If the request is for an Academic Faculty member, the form must be submitted to the Office of the Provost for approval.
If the request is for a Research Faculty member, the form must be submitted to the Office of the Executive Vice President- Research for approval.
Requests for military leave and supporting orders must be submitted to the Benefits Department in the Office of Human Resources via the Military Leave Reporting Form. After receiving approval for any of the above requests, the originating department would then submit an ePersonal Services Form (ePSF) when the person begins his/her leave.
Reporting Leaves of Absence
Time granted for leaves of absence without pay will not be reported on time sheets/documents, etc. Court duty and military leave with pay will be reported.
Exempt Employees with Insufficient Accrued Leave
When an exempt employee is absent from work for less than one scheduled workday and his/her accumulated leave is insufficient to cover the partial day of absence, the employer will deduct the cost for such leave in hourly increments from an exempt employee’s salary.
8.1. AVP-OHR
Ensure appropriate utilization of leave
8.2. OHR-Consultancy
Provide guidance to institution human resources officers on effective utilization of policy and monitor for compliance.
To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Helpline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/report_custom.asp?clientid=7508
Shared Sick Leave
Shared Sick LeaveThis policy ensures alignment between University System of Georgia (USG) requirements for and Georgia Tech’s administration of the USG Shared Sick Leave Program. Shared Sick Leave allows member employees that have exhausted their sick leave to request donations from a shared pool when the employee or their immediate family member is experiencing a serious health condition as defined by FMLA.
Eligibility & Membership
Employees that are eligible to enroll in the Shared Sick Leave program annually during the USG Open Enrollment period after they have been employed by Georgia Tech for at least six months. Employees must be on an approved leave of absence to receive donations from the pool. Only employees that are members of the pool are eligible to receive donations.
See Shared Sick Leave GTHR website for instructions on how to enroll, donating leave and requesting leave from the Shared Sick Leave Pool.
This policy applies to regular, benefits eligible employees within the Georgia Institute of Technology.
GTHR Benefits
GTHR Benefits is responsible for serving as the Shared Sick Leave Program Administrator, processing requests for membership received during Open Enrollment, and processing Shared Sick Leave Program requests for donations. GTHR Benefits is responsible for serving as the Shared Sick Leave program administrators, including processing requests for membership, requests for use of shared sick leave, and program communication.
Georgia Tech Chief HR Officer
Responsible for supporting compliance to this Policy and reviewing appeal requests
Sick Leave
Sick Leave
**This policy is currently being updated in alignment with the transition to OneUSG. For questions related to this policy, please visit services.gatech.edu to browse job aides and submit inquiries.**
This policy ensures consistency in the administration of sick leave with or without pay as well as sick leave transfer between Institutions and State of Georgia Agencies. The Institute recognizes that employees may experience catastrophic life events.
For all regular full-time exempt employees, sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of one working day per calendar month of service. Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accumulate sick leave in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time employed. Non exempt employees will accrue vacation based on a percentage of the time worked during the pay period.
Entities Affected By This Policy
All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology
Who Should Read This Policy
All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
Classified Employees
Regular full-time exempt classified employees accrue twelve sick leave days per year at the rate of one working day per month. Regular full-time non-exempt classified employees accrue twelve sick days per year based upon the number of compensable hours recorded each pay period. In all cases, a day of sick leave for purposes of pay and time off will be computed on the basis of an employee’s regular workday.
For nonexempt employees, all sick leave will be earned by the compensable hour and will be credited to each employee’s record at the end of each pay period. Accruals for a pay period will not be posted to an employee’s record until the pay period has ended, which will prohibit charging sick leave against accruals earned in the same period in which the leave is taken. Accrual will be based on factors which were computed by dividing the number of sick leave hours accrued per year by the number of working hours in the year (2080). Non-exempt employees will accrue sick leave at the rate of .046154 per compensable hour. (12x8 = 96 / 2080 =.046154)
For regular full-time exempt employees, all sick leave is accrued on a monthly basis at a rate of one day per month. During the first month of employment, the employee must be on the payroll on or before the 15th of the month and work (or be in a paid status) through the end of the month in order to accrue sick leave. No time will accrue for a month in which employment begins on or after the 16th day. Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accrue sick leave in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time worked.
For nonexempt employees, all sick leave will be earned by the compensable hour and will be credited to each employee’s record at the end of each pay period. Accruals for a pay period will not be posted to an employee’s record until the pay period has ended, which will prohibit charging sick leave against accruals earned in the same period in which the leave is taken. Accrual will be based on factors which were computed by dividing the number of sick leave hours accrued per year by the number of working hours in the year (2080). Non-exempt employees will accrue sick leave at the rate of .046154 per compensable hour. (12x8 = 96 / 2080 =.046154)
For regular full-time exempt employees, all sick leave is accrued on a monthly basis at a rate of one day per month. During the first month of employment, the employee must be on the payroll on or before the 15th of the month and work (or be in a paid status) through the end of the month in order to accrue sick leave. No time will accrue for a month in which employment begins on or after the 16th day. Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accrue sick leave in an equivalent ratio to their percentage of time worked.
Faculty Employees
General faculty employees accrue sick leave at the rate of one day (8 hours) per month. Nine-month faculty members accrue nine days of sick leave each academic year and an additional three days if they teach in the summer session, which will be prorated based on the number of months worked.
This accrual is based on continuous employment at one-half (.50 EFT) time or more and earned in a ratio equivalent to the percentage of time worked. For example, a regular faculty member working one-half time earns four hours of sick leave per month. Faculty members working less than one-half time and temporary faculty members do not accrue sick leave.
Faculty Sick Leave Reporting
The following provisions for the reporting of sick leave shall apply to all faculty who serve primarily in assignments defined by faculty roles in instruction, research and scholarly activity, and service.
- Faculty is responsible for informing their unit head of any illness that prohibits them from meeting their assigned responsibilities in instruction, research, and service.
- In reporting sick leave, academic year faculty will report leave based on the number of whole hours sick (see BOR Policy Manual regarding Leave Policy), with a full day being eight (8) hours, a half day being four (4) hours, and less than a half day based on whole hours missed, with a full week being the equivalent of a forty (40) hour workweek.
- Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to indicate or require that faculty work on a standardized schedule.
- Each month, faculty members must also report if they did not take any sick leave.
All Employees
There is no limit as to the total amount of sick leave which may be accrued. Sick leave may be granted at the discretion of the Institute and upon approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor for any of the following reasons:
- Illness or injury of the employee
- Medical or dental treatment or consultation
- Quarantine due to a contagious illness in the employee’s household
- Illness, injury, or death (See Bereavement leave under 2.11 Leave of Absence) in the employee’s immediate family requiring the employee’s presence. Immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, children, brothers, sisters, and members of the employee’s household.
- Inability to report to work due to pregnancy or other disability
Accrued sick leave may not be used to make adoption arrangements or to “bond” with a healthy newborn or newly-adopted or placed child. However, either parent may use accrued vacation time or take time off without pay if no vacation time is available for such a purpose. Please refer to Policy 2.12 Family and Medical Leave for more information.
Sick leave in excess of five consecutive work days requested or taken for health reasons requires a physician’s statement clarifying the need for the employee’s absence from work and in order for future sick leave with pay to be taken. The statement should include: date of onset of illness, the date upon which the employee will be able to return to work, what percentage of time he/she will be able to work, and whether or not any restrictions are imposed on the employee’s daily work activities.
Employees should complete the GT Vacation and Sick Leave Request Form or follow his/her department’s procedure for requesting sick leave. Whether or not an employee used sick leave must be reported on time sheets, time documents, or other forms provided by the department no later than the pay period following the pay period in which the sick leave was taken. Departments may establish other deadline dates for reporting sick leave. Even if no sick leave was taken, that information must be reported. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. It is the responsibility of the department to certify sick time reported and to ensure that sick leave balance(s) are accurate.
When sick leave has been reported incorrectly in a prior pay period, the department’s administrator must send an email to payroll’s customer service desk: pay.ask@ohr.gatech.edu. The adjustments must be made to time reported and current balance(s) on the Georgia Tech Vacation & Sick Adjustment Form; a scanned copy of the form should be included with the email. Sick leave documentation must be maintained by the department for a period of five years after the last date of the leave.
If an employee overdraws his/her sick leave, any accrued vacation leave will be used to pay the employee. If there is insufficient vacation, the overdrawn amount will be deducted from the employee’s next check.
Employees must immediately notify their supervisor if they are leaving sick from work. Please see 2.1 Absenteeism and Lateness Policy for more details.
A terminating employee will not accrue sick leave or be entitled to receive paid sick leave after the last working day of employment.
Workers’ Compensation
If sick leave is the result of an on-the-job injury, you have the option of using unpaid leave even if you have paid leave available. Under the Workers’ Compensation Act, an employee injured on the job and unable to work may elect in writing not to use accrued leave. Under these conditions, the employee may be granted sick leave without pay in keeping with the provisions of the leave without pay policy (see 2.11 Leave of Absence Policy for more details). The employee is required to submit medical verification from their physician to verify inability to perform their normal job duties. Failure to return to work at the conclusion of the leave period constitutes grounds for termination of employment.
Sick Leave without Pay
Any regular employee who is unable to work due to his/her own injury or illness after exhausting all accrued sick leave and vacation leave may be granted sick leave without pay for a period not to exceed one year. The total amount of leave taken, including both paid and unpaid time, shall not exceed one year. Employees should complete the GT Vacation and Sick Leave Request Form or follow his/her department’s procedure for requesting unpaid sick leave. The employee’s department must approve a sick leave without pay and submit the required information through an Electronic Personal Services form (ePSF). Approvals based on factors such as performance, length of service, and business needs of the department. Such approved leaves shall allow the employee the right to continue his/her group insurance benefits by making arrangements through the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department to pay his/her portion of premiums due and the Institute will continue its share of the cost for such period. All other benefits for which the employee is eligible would not accrue. Failure to return to work at the conclusion of the approved leave period constitutes grounds for termination of employment.
Note: Employees should contact the Office of Human Resources Benefits Department to see if they may be eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Please see 2.12 Family and Medical Leave policy for additional information.
**This policy is currently being updated in alignment with the transition to OneUSG. For questions related to this policy, please visit services.gatech.edu to browse job aides and submit inquiries.**
This policy ensures consistency in the administration of vacation as well as vacation transfer between Institutions.
This policy addresses vacation as well as vacation transfer between Institutions.
Who Should Read This Policy
All faculty and staff within the Georgia Institute of Technology should be aware of this policy.
During the first month of employment, an employee must begin working on or before the 15th and must work (or be in a paid status) through the end of the month in order to accrue any vacation for the month. No time will accrue for a month in which employment begins on the 16th or later. For persons terminating before the 15th, vacation does not accrue for that month. It will accrue if the employee’s last working day is on or after the 15th. No vacation time is accrued by an employee during a nonpaid leave of absence. Vacation time does not accrue past the last working day.
It is the responsibility of the employee’s home department to ensure that vacation balance(s) are accurate. When vacation has been reported incorrectly in a prior pay period, the department’s administrator must send an email to payroll’s customer service desk: pay.ask@ohr.gatech.edu. The adjustments must be made to time reported and current balance(s) on the Georgia Tech Vacation & Sick Adjustment Request Form (scanned copy of the form should be included with email).
All regular employees working half-time or more, but less than full-time shall accrue vacation in a ratio to his/her percentage of time worked.
Up to 45 days (360 hours) earned vacation may be carried over each calendar year. Once time taken through December 31st has been posted, individual vacation records are adjusted to show no more than 45 days of vacation time. Vacation time may be taken as accrued upon the consent of the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Vacation time may not be taken in excess of the amount accrued. To do so places the employee in a nonpay status for the overdrawn hours. The department’s administrator must send an email to pay.ask@ohr.gatech.edu to request that future pay be docked for the overdrawn hours.
Employees should complete the GT Vacation and Sick Leave Request Form or follow his/her department’s procedure for requesting vacation time. An employee’s immediate supervisor must approve all requests for taking vacation time in advance so that proper provision can be made for absences. Reasonable effort will be made to accommodate the employee’s wishes in this matter, but the time selected for vacation must be mutually acceptable to the employee and to the supervisor. Taking of vacation time must not be allowed to interfere with essential work. Vacation time must be reported on time sheets/time documents or forms specified by each department. Employees will be instructed by their respective department on reporting vacation time according to the department’s specifications.
Upon termination of employment, payment shall be made for accrued vacation time (up to a maximum of 45 working days) that has not been used by the employee. Such compensation shall be based on information derived from vacation leave records.
Classified Non-exempt Employees
Full-time regular non-exempt employees who are not members of the general faculty shall accrue vacation according to his/her length of service and they begin accruing vacation from the first day worked. Accruals for a pay period will not be posted to an employee’s record until the pay period has ended, which will prohibit charging vacation against accruals earned in the same period in which the leave is taken. Accruals will be based on factors which were computed by dividing the number of vacation hours accrued per year by the number of working hours in the fiscal year (2080). Ex.15 days = 120/2080 = .057692
Years of Service | Accrual Rate (per compensable hour) | Vacation Days (per year) Working at 100% time |
Less than 5 years | .057692 | 15 |
5 but less than 10 years | .069231 | 18 |
10 or more years | .080769 | 21 |
Classified Exempt Employees
Full-time regular exempt employees who are not members of the general faculty shall accrue vacation as follows, according to his/her length of service.
Years of Service | Accrual Rate (hours per month) | Vacation Days (per year) Working at 100% time |
Less than 5 years | 10 | 15 |
5 but less than 10 years | 12 | 18 |
10 or more years | 14 | 21 |
Research Faculty, Academic Faculty, General Faculty, and Post Doctoral Fellows
Full-time, regular fiscal year employees who are members of the research and general faculty, as well as post-doctoral fellows, shall earn 21 working days vacation per year, accrued at the rate of 14 hours per month.
A regular employee who accrues vacation while working on sponsored research within instructional units is encouraged to take all vacation accrued prior to the expiration of the sponsored research.
Research faculty who are working shared time with another Georgia Tech department shall also accrue vacation time in an equivalent ratio to his/her percentage of time worked within the home department and the shared department. Prior to the end of the shared period, the employee must take all vacation accrued in the shared unit. The employee is responsible for reporting vacation time accurately.
Academic faculty from an academic unit who are appointed on a nine-month basis do not accrue vacation during the academic year.
Twelve-month academic faculty (working under a fiscal contract) who are working shared time with another department shall accrue vacation time in a ratio to his/her percentage of time worked with the shared department. Prior to the end of the shared period, the employee must take all vacation accrued within that unit. The employee is responsible for reporting vacation time accurately.
When research faculty members transfer to other Georgia Tech units, the liability for accrued vacation will normally be transferred along with the faculty member to his/her new administrative unit. Faculty members changing from a fiscal year contract to an academic year contract shall be paid their accrued vacation time subject to the 45-day maximum payment restriction upon termination of the fiscal year contract.
Vacation: Transfer between Institutions
Upon a move between University System institutions, with no break in service, an employee must transfer accrued vacation leave of between 1 and 20 days (160 hours). For employees with accrued vacation leave of greater than 20 days (160 hours), the employee may elect one of the following options:
- Transfer of the total accrued vacation balance, not to exceed 45 days (360 hours)
- Transfer of 20 days (160 hours) accrued vacation and payment by the Institution from which the employee is moving of accrued vacation greater than 20 days (160 hours). The total accrued vacation for which the employee may be paid shall not exceed 25 days (200 hours).
Vacation hours will not be accepted for an employee who moves from a State of Georgia agency to the University System of Georgia.
The responsibilities each party has in connection with Vacation are:
Party | Responsibility |
AVP-OHR | Ensure compliance with policy. |
Payroll | Offer assistance with policy interpretation and administer policy. |
OHR Consultancy | Offer assistance with policy interpretation. |