Expenditure of GTF Funds

Expenditure of GTF Funds
Type of Policy
Policy No
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Georgia Tech Foundation
Contact Name
Mark DeLorenzo
Contact Title
GTF Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
Contact Email

As with the use of any Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) funds, faculty and staff are to use prudence and good business judgment with the use of Georgia Tech Foundation (GTF) funds. Unit management is responsible for assuring the funds are used properly and has the responsibility and accountability for the use of funds consistent with all gift requirements, GIT and GTF policies and procedures, and applicable state and federal laws.

Approval of financial documents (purchase orders, travel requests, and direct pay vouchers, etc.) is necessary to indicate that an expenditure of GTF funds is consistent with any applicable restrictions imposed on the specific funds being used and with the purpose and mission of the Institute, and that adequate funds are available in the designated account(s). The approver must be an authorized individual who is knowledgeable of account restrictions, GTF and GIT Gift Accounting procedures.

Expenditures Processed through GIT
Business transactions financed by GTF funds are to be processed through GIT in accordance with general business practices and processes. GIT purchasing and expenditure policies and procedures are generally to be used for these purposes. Certain expenditures supporting Institute activities that are not permitted with the use of State funds (as identified in the Allowable Cost Matrix), may be paid directly by GTF. 

Exceptions to this policy may be requested by the unit’s school chair, dean or vice provost, with the pre-approval of the provost, executive vice president for administration and finance or the president (or their authorized delegates) necessary in some instances, as outlined on the GTF Reimbursement/Payment Request Form embedded within the electronic process (see links below). Documentation for these expenses are to be submitted directly to the Foundation for processing via the approved system.

Expenditures Processed through GTF
Requests for direct expenditures to be made by the Foundation are to be submitted via the GTF Reimbursement/Payment Request Form and process and should be supported with appropriate documentation, including itemized receipts and invoices that include sales tax, if relevant.

Approval will include a certification by the approver that the expenditure is consistent with any applicable restrictions imposed on the funds and within the purpose and mission of the Institute. The approval will also certify that the payment request complies with all GIT and GTF policies and procedures and any required reports of the use of funds have been or will be provided in a timely manner.

Invoices and requests for reimbursement should be submitted on a timely basis and in accordance with GIT expenditure policies.