Student/Student Organization Alcohol and Other Drug Policy

Student/Student Organization Alcohol and Other Drug Policy rrotoloni3
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Student Life
Contact Name
John Stein
Contact Title
AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Dean of Students
Contact Email

The purpose of this policy is to promote and educate about the lawful and responsible use of alcohol by students, and to educate about illegal drugs in order to maintain an environment that is consistent with the educational focus of Georgia Tech.

Georgia Tech will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and policies, including the policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, on the abuse of alcohol and other drugs by its students. The legal drinking age in the State of Georgia is 21.

Each member of the Georgia Tech community should be involved in the implementation of, and compliance with this policy. Unless otherwise stated by law, each individual retains responsibility for their actions at all times regardless of his or her mental state, even if altered by alcohol or other drugs.

Campus organizations may develop and enforce additional group/individual standards which are more restrictive than those established in this policy.

In accordance with federal and state laws and because of the potential detriment to the health and well-being of its students, all students are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful use, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation, and sale of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances (including marijuana), and other drugs. The term “dangerous drug” is defined in the Official Code of Georgia Section 16-13-71.

A. Alcohol
The sale, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in or on all Georgia Tech owned or leased (by) property, or on sidewalks/streets are specifically prohibited, with the exception of those approved by the Office of the President or designee. This policy does not prohibit the lawful use of alcohol in Institute-owned residences.

Individual possession and/or consumption of alcohol is acceptable, provided individuals DO NOT:

a. Possess or consume alcohol if under 21 years of age.
b. Furnish, or cause to be furnished, any alcohol to persons under 21 years of age.
c. Conspicuously display open containers of alcohol in any public location, including, but not limited to, grounds, sidewalks, and streets within campus boundaries (but not the public sidewalks and streets, or privately owned or leased property).
d. Sell alcoholic beverages.
e. Misrepresent one's age or identity in any manner for the purpose of obtaining or possessing alcohol.
f. Serve or make available alcohol to intoxicated persons.

Alcoholic beverages may be served and/or consumed by individuals 21 and older at advertised events and activities that are promoted, sponsored, or supervised by a chartered Georgia Tech organization, providing the organization shall:

a. Be responsible for enforcing the entire Student Policy on Alcohol and Illegal Drugs.
b. Completed and confirmed review of the “Acknowledgement of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Policy.” This form will remain on file with the Center for Student Engagement. Acknowledgment of Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Policy Forms are provided by the Center for Student Engagement. This must be signed with every officer transition.
c. Ensure that alcohol is not the focal point, the reason for, or the drawing card for an event.
d. Submit, and have approved, a completed Alcohol Event Planning Form. Alcohol Event Planning Forms are also available in the Center for Student Engagement.
e. Not advertise the service or availability of alcoholic beverages at functions.
f. Ensure that alcoholic beverages are not consumed by any individual under the legal drinking age of 21.
g. Provide non-alcoholic beverages and food in reasonable quantity, in the same general area, and for the same time period, as the alcoholic beverages are accessible.
h. Control access to the alcoholic beverages through a central point of distribution by a designated server within a designated area at the event (e.g. beer garden) and through the use of sober monitors. Only students who have shown proper proof of age may enter the designated area where alcohol is being served. All alcohol must be distributed and consumed within the designated area. Control is for the purpose of restricting use by those under 21 and/or who are obviously intoxicated.
i. Not use organizational funds to purchase alcohol. Any funds used to pay for alcohol must be taken from personal/private sources and paid to a properly licensed third party vendor. Alcohol may not be paid for by the student organization via a sale at the activity or by charging an admission fee either in advance or at the door (as stated in the Georgia Code of Law, 1981 Section 3-3-21).
j. Not use kegs, champagne/punch fountains, or other common usage containers (such as punch bowls or frozen drink machines) for alcoholic beverages.
k. In the absence of a third-party vendor, designate or hire a TIPS (Training Intervention Procedures for Servers) trained server to monitor the service and consumption of alcohol. It is unlawful to serve or make available alcohol to intoxicated persons (as stated in the Georgia Code of Law, Section 3-3-22).
l. Require a full-time Institute employee, who must not be a minor, to be present for the duration of functions hosted by student organizations where alcohol is served or made available. Advisers are encouraged to attend such functions.

Promotional activities regarding alcohol are as follows:

a. The posted advertisement of alcoholic beverages on campus is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to: chalking, electronic communications, bulletins, flyers, and social media sites.
b. Campus publications are encouraged to minimize/eliminate all advertisement of alcoholic beverages.
c. No promotion or advertising on campus of incentive drinking (“happy hours”, “2-for-1 specials”, unlimited quantities of alcohol available at reduced prices or free, events focusing on the consumption of alcohol, etc.) is permitted.
d. Chartered student organizations and student groups may not seek or accept sponsorship or support from companies/vendors whose main focus of business is the manufacture, distribution, or sale of alcohol, other drugs or related paraphernalia.

Participants in Study Abroad programs are bound by the legal drinking age of the respective countries in which they are traveling and in all other respects this policy applies.

Sanctions for Violation of Standards:
Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action and penalties in accordance with the Georgia Tech Student Code of Conduct.

Attempts to circumvent the provisions in this policy in any way are an infraction of this policy.

B. Possession and/or Use of Illegal Drugs
Georgia Tech does not permit or condone the illegal possession and/or use of controlled substances. Controlled substances means any drug, substance, or immediate precursor included in the definition of controlled substance in the Official Code of Georgia Section 16-13-21 (4) or Schedule I through V of Section 202 of the Federal Controlled Substance Act [21 United States Code 812]. The term “dangerous drug” is defined in the Official Code of Georgia Section 16-13-71.

Sanctions for Violation of Standards:
Any student who violates this policy or any federal or state law or policy regarding the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of controlled substances or other dangerous drugs shall be subject to disciplinary actions and penalties in accordance with the Georgia Tech Student Code of Conduct.

Additionally, in accordance with Georgia law, any student convicted of a felony that involves the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of controlled substances or other illegal drug, or chartered student organizations and student groups involved in these activities may be subject to specific penalties required by state law.

Further information regarding the effects of drug abuse and penalties for manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of controlled substances or other illegal drugs is available in the Counseling Center, Stamps Health Services and the Office of the Dean of Students.

Participants in Study Abroad programs are bound by the policies of the Georgia Institute of Technology regarding the possession and/or use of controlled substances or other illegal drugs.

The Good Samaritan/Medical Amnesty Provision ensures that students do not delay seeking medical assistance for fear of disciplinary action by the Institute. Students are expected to inform Institute offices, Georgia Tech Police, or local/law enforcement/first responders when someone’s health or safety is at risk. No formal Institute disciplinary actions or sanctions will be imposed for violations of Institute rules regarding alcohol or drug use by the reporting student(s). However, individuals may be provided with resources on drug and alcohol counseling and/or education, as appropriate. This Good Samaritan/Medical Amnesty Provision applies to: Any student or student organization who, in good faith, seeks medical assistance from appropriate Institute personnel, local law enforcement, or first responders for another individual whose health or safety is at risk; and Any student whose health or safety is at risk, and who in good faith, seeks medical assistance for themselves.

Students with alcohol- or drug-related concerns may be referred to, or seek assistance from the Division of Student Life. The Division of Student Affairs provides trained professional and paraprofessional counselors in the Counseling Center for drug and alcohol abuse prevention, education, and counseling.

This policy shall be reviewed by a Task Force which includes student representation and is appointed by the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Dean of Students or their designee, to determine its effectiveness, to ensure that policies are enforced and the disciplinary sanctions are consistently applied, to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational component of the policy, and to recommend and implement changes as appropriate.

The AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Dean of Students , or their designee, shall oversee the annual distribution of this Policy to every Georgia Tech student. Additional copies of the Policy on Student Alcohol and Illegal Drugs may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Students.