Evaluation Rubrics, Scales, and Criteria Evaluation Rubrics, Scales, and Criteria Rhett Mayor

USG ASAH 4.4 Faculty Evaluation Systems: 

  • Both qualitative and quantitative assessments are acceptable; however, all methods of evaluation should strive for objectivity and reduce subjectivity as much as possible. 

  • The measure of “Effectiveness in Academic Assigned Duties” should include assessments of both instructional quality and quality learning. Criteria should include measures such as an assessment of student perception, evidence of effective student learning, the use of continuous improvement methodologies, peer assessment of pedagogy, an evaluation of curricular design, quality of assessment and course construction, and the use of established learning science methodologies. 

Each unit will develop its own rubrics for the evaluation of instruction, student success activities, research/scholarship, and service using the unit faculty’s governance procedures. Units are encouraged to evaluate a faculty member’s student success activities within the context of the rubrics of instruction, research/scholarship, and service. The Provost’s office will review unit criteria and rubrics and provide feedback to ensure consistency of expectations across the Institute and alignment with the Institute’s mission. 

The rubrics will provide sufficient guidance to assess whether a faculty member’s performance is appropriate to their rank and stage of professional career development at Georgia Tech and their unit.