3.3.1 Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments

3.3.1 Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments abruneau3


Recommendations on appointment of a Faculty member having professorial rank shall ordinarily originate within the relevant Instructional Units and shall be presented through the prescribed channels to the President.  Appointments shall become final upon approval by the President.

Procedures for recommending reappointment, promotion, or tenure of Faculty members shall adhere to the following criteria:

  • Recommendations by the Unit Head, Dean of the College, and the Provost shall be essential elements.
  • Recommendations by Faculty committees at the School and College levels are essential elements.  They shall elect their own Chairs and shall function in a manner that allows independent judgment.  Written committee recommendations shall be transmitted to the appropriate administrative officials.
  • The Provost shall consult with selected senior Faculty members before making recommendations to the President.


Board of Regents Policy Manual, Sections and

Minimum employment qualifications for all academic ranks within the Institute shall be: 

  • Consistent with the applicable requirements for institutional accreditation, 

  • Evidence of ability as a teacher, 

  • Evidence of ability and activity as a scholar in all other aspects of duties assigned, 

  • Successful experience (this must necessarily be waived in the case of those just entering the academic profession who meet all other requirements), 

  • Desirable personal qualities judged on the basis of personal interview, complete biographical data, and recommendations, and 

  • Consistent with Board of Regents policy for Research Universities, initial appointees to the associate or full professorial rank should have the terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or equivalent in training, ability, or experience. 

Evidence of current academic credentials (or equivalents) shall be maintained by the Institute for all Faculty members, including any part time, temporary, or visiting instructors. 

Hiring with Probationary Credit 

A maximum of three years of probationary credit towards promotion may be awarded for service at other institutions or service in a faculty rank within the Institute can be established only at the time of the individual’s initial appointment. In extraordinary cases, more than three years of probationary credit towards promotion at initial faculty appointment may be awarded, but such awards require approval by the President and written notification to the USG Chief Academic Officer. Without the approval of the President, faculty given probationary credit towards promotion may not use their years of credit towards consideration for early promotion. 

Individuals serving in part-time, limited term, or full-time temporary positions are not eligible for probationary credit toward tenure or probationary credit towards promotion. 

Hiring with Tenure 

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Handbook, in exceptional cases the Georgia Institute of Technology may recommend to the Board of Regents that an outstanding distinguished senior Faculty member be awarded tenure upon the Faculty member’s initial appointment. Each such recommendation shall be considered by the Board individually and shall be granted only in cases in which the Faculty member, at a minimum, is appointed as an Associate or Professor, was already tenured at a prior institution, and brings a demonstrably national or international reputation to Georgia Tech. 


In cases where an Instructional Unit of Georgia Tech wishes to pursue hiring with tenure, the following procedures should be followed: 

  • The Academic Head (Dean/Chair) responsible for the hire should prepare a written letter making the case for hiring with tenure. This letter, along with a complete Biographical Sketch or curriculum vitae detailing the relevant career activities of the individual should be forwarded to a committee of the Faculty for review. 

  • A committee of the Faculty should review the qualifications of the candidate and render a consultative vote as to whether the candidate should be hired with tenure. This committee may be a standing Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) committee within the unit or an ad hoc committee of the Faculty organized to review the case for tenure upon appointment. Members of an ad hoc committee must meet the Instructional Unit’s qualifications to sit on an RPT committee in that Unit. In any case, the committee members should be elected by the Unit’s faculty. The committee should review all of the application materials submitted by the candidate, and may request additional materials (e.g., written letters of reference). 

  • The Faculty committee should use the appropriate criteria for appointment and tenure at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor as established in this Handbook and as may be further specified within the unit considering the candidate. 

  • The committee should prepare a written letter to the Academic Head of the Instructional Unit and record its vote on the case for tenure on appointment. 

  • The letter from the Academic Head (Dean/Chair) and the letter from the Faculty committee should be forwarded to the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs for their review and final determination whether the Institute will petition the Board of Regents for tenure upon appointment. 

Joint Appointments 

Joint appointments must involve a budgetary commitment to the individual by each Unit. Normally, this would involve teaching and/or research activity. Each Faculty member with a joint appointment should have a Home Unit which has responsibility for administrative activity for the individual. Promotion, tenure, and reappointment decisions should involve all affected Units. 

Instances may arise where it is appropriate for a research titled Faculty member who is not in an Instructional Unit to have a joint appointment in an Instructional Unit. Such arrangements are to be encouraged where they work to the advantage of all parties concerned. The head of the Instructional Unit in which the joint appointment is held will be expected to supply letters of evaluation for all promotion/salary decisions. Tenure is not awarded to persons whose home unit is not an Instructional Unit.