2.6.4 Statutes Committee

2.6.4 Statutes Committee abruneau3

The Statutes Committee shall consist of:

  • Five (5) Faculty members elected by the Faculty, including at least one member each from tenured/tenure-track, non-tenure-track academic, and research faculty.
  • One (1) Undergraduate Student with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association; and 
  • One (1) Graduate Student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association.

The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from the elected Faculty members.

The Committee shall:

  • Originate, or receive and consider, all proposed amendments to this Handbook.
  • Ensure that copies of previous editions of this Handbook are kept in the archives of the Institute.
  • Review this Handbook to ensure it is consistent with institutional documents such as administrative manuals, regulations, and catalogs, and with policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
  • The Chair of the Committee or designee shall serve on the Institute's Policy Steering Committee and as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Faculty Executive Board.