2.1 Faculty Executive Board

2.1 Faculty Executive Board abruneau3



  • The Faculty Executive Board shall consist of representatives of the Administration, the Faculty as defined below, the Students and the Classified Employees. (See a list of members at www.facultygovernance.gatech.edu).
  • The representatives of the Administration shall be the President, the Provost, and the Executive Vice-President for Research.
  • Representatives of the Faculty shall be elected for terms of three (3) years. Representatives may not be elected to serve consecutive terms. 
  • Members shall be elected by the following units from their elected representatives in the Academic Faculty Senate and the Research Faculty Senate: each College, the Georgia Tech Research Institute, and a composite unit of Services and Central Administration:
  • From the Academic Faculty Senate: Academic Faculty members from each of the above Units shall elect one (1) member to the Faculty Executive Board for each one hundred fifty (150) Academic Faculty (rounded) employed in that Unit. A member chosen for the Faculty Executive Board may not be an administrator. No more than four (4) members per Unit from the Academic Faculty Senate may be elected to the Faculty Executive Board. Each College will be allocated at least one (1) member on the Faculty Executive Board. 
  • From the Research Faculty Senate: Research Faculty members from each of the above Units shall elect one (1) member to the Faculty Executive Board for each one hundred fifty (150) Research Faculty (rounded) employed in that Unit. A member chosen for the Faculty Executive Board may not be an administrator. No more than four (4) members per Unit from the Research Faculty Senate may be elected to the Faculty Executive Board.  If a unit has too few Research Faculty members to result in at least one representative, the Faculty Executive Board will supervise creating an aggregate with one or more other units to provide an opportunity for members from such units to be elected to the Faculty Executive Board.
  • Unit representation shall be based on data compiled from the Fall semester preceding the election. 
  • On election to the Faculty Executive Board, Faculty vacate their membership in the Academic or Research Faculty Senate  as an elected representative of their unit. They shall also vacate any position on a Standing Committee of the Faculty.
  • The representatives of the Students shall be the President of the Undergraduate Student Body and President of the Graduate Student Body. Neither shall have the right to vote. 
  • Three representatives of the Classified Employees shall be designated by the Staff Council. These representatives shall not have the right to vote. 
  • Additional non-voting ex-officio members shall include the Chair of the Statutes Committee, the Georgia Tech Representative to the University System of Georgia Faculty Council, and the President of the Georgia Tech Chapter of the American Association of the University Professors (AAUP).
  • The Chair of the Faculty Executive Board shall be elected annually by the Board from among its elected members.   
  • A quorum of the Board shall be a majority of its elected members. 



  • Function as the executive body of the Faculty and guide the activities of the Faculty, their representative bodies, and their committees; develop ways of communicating and implementing decisions; formulate plans for consideration of both immediate issues and continuing concerns; and serve, through its Chair, as official spokesperson on actions taken by the Faculty. 
  • Coordinate the activities of all Standing Committees, receive their reports, transmit them with recommendations to the appropriate body for action, and then forward the results of actions through administrative channels for implementation. 
  • Take whatever action is deemed necessary between meetings of the Academic Faculty, the Research Faculty, or their representative bodies on time-sensitive matters within the jurisdiction of these bodies. If the action is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Academic Faculty or of the Research Faculty, then only members of the Faculty Executive Board from that Faculty are eligible to vote in considering that action, and a quorum for that vote is a majority of the elected members of that component of the Faculty.
  • Plan the programs for the Faculty bodies, and establish the agenda for each meeting. The agenda shall include Standing Committee reports, presentation of issues for consideration and possible action, items suggested by the President, and items raised from the floor. 
  • Determine whether to add or subtract from the list of job titles designated as members of the Academic Faculty or the Research Faculty.
  • Actions taken by the Faculty Executive Board shall be posted online for viewing by the Faculty of the Institute. 


Replacement of Members

If an elected member of the Faculty Executive Board resigns, takes a leave of absence, or undergoes a change of assignment so that he/she no longer qualifies as a member of the unit he/she was elected to represent, the Faculty Executive Board shall designate the first runner-up from the most recent election for that position to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. If the first runner-up is unable or unwilling to serve, the position goes to the second runner-up, etc. If the entire slate of nominees for that position is unable or unwilling to serve, the Faculty Executive Board shall appoint an appropriate replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term upon recommendation of the Faculty Executive Board’s Nominating Committee. 


Georgia Tech Representative to the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC)

The Faculty Executive Board (FEB) shall select the Georgia Tech Representative to the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC). The representative shall also serve as a non-voting exofficio member of the FEB.

The USGFC (https://www.usg.edu/faculty_council/) is an advisory body to the Chancellor, created in May 2010, that includes representatives of all USG institutions and holds two meetings a year. Each institution's representative must be a faculty member selected by a process determined by the institution's faculty.

During spring semester of years in which a USGFC representative is to be selected, the FEB shall solicit nominations and volunteers for the position, including announcements to the FEB and Faculty Senate. Candidates must be faculty members and should have significant experience with academic matters, prior service in faculty governance, and historical knowledge of the Institute.

The USGFC representative will be selected by the FEB for a three-year term, with the possibility of a second term. If a vacancy occurs during a term, the FEB shall select a new representative to serve the remainder of the current year followed by a full three-year term.


At the end of each Fall semester, the Faculty Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee.

  • The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three (3) members of the Academic Faculty, as defined in Section 2.2.1, three (3) members of the Research Faculty, as defined in Section 2.3.1, and one (1) Student. Of these, one (1) each of the Academic and Research Faculty members shall also be members of the Faculty Executive Board. The Student shall be named jointly by the Student representatives to the Faculty Executive Board. The Chair of the Committee shall be named by the Faculty Executive Board from among the Faculty members of the Committee. 
  • The Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees to fill positions becoming vacant in the membership of each Standing Committee, the Faculty Executive Board, and such other elections designated for supervision by the Faculty Executive Board. Reports covering each position shall be presented to the Faculty Executive Board. The slate of nominees, when approved by the Faculty Executive Board, will have at least 50% more candidates than positions to be filled in the election for each office. Exceptions can be made when insufficient qualified candidates are available.