Campus Use

Campus Use agarton3

Disability and Campus Accessibility

Disability and Campus Accessibility agarton3


Type of Policy
Policy No
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this document is to outline the procedures associated with Facility Planning. The Director of Facility Planning is responsible for the orderly planning for the long-range development of the campus. The Office of Facility Planning makes continuous studies of the physical needs of the Institute and coordinates the planning and construction of physical facilities. Present and future facility needs are determined by working closely with the various instructional and administrative departments. The office assembles all requests for and analyzes all plans for expansion of facilities and changes which affect the physical appearance of the campus.

Policy Statement

Listed below are the General Scope of Duties associated with the Facility Planning Department:
Master Planning
Develop long-range plans which will guide the physical growth and development of the main campus in Atlanta and other large areas of development which come under the administrative control of the University. Plan development includes analyzing projections of future growth needs; establishing planning policies that outline standards of development consistent with the goal of a pedestrian oriented campus; and determining building locations, traffic patterns, open spaces and landscape development as a guide for future change.
Area Planning
Whenever a major change is scheduled, an analysis is made of the immediate area to insure that the change will be consistent with current and future considerations and with the Campus Master Plan Policies. Involvement of departments which occupy neighboring buildings is encouraged during this planning phase. Pedestrian routes, parking, traffic patterns, open space, primary building scale and material, and landscape features will be considered. The new building or addition will be planned to fit and work effectively as a part of the area.
Schematic Building Planning
In response to schools and departmental requests, design studies of small projects, feasibility studies for authorization and funding, and visual presentations are done by the Office of Facility Planning. These studies may be incorporated into requests for funding, into programs for new or expanded space, and as assistance to the user in conceptualizing the alternative for change.


Requests for New Construction
In preparation for the yearly Capital Outlay Request to be submitted to the Board of Regents, the Office of Facility Planning invites requests for new construction from all colleges, schools, and departments. The request includes a name and purpose for the new facility, an approximate size and the number of types of spaces desired. The deans and vice presidents will receive these requests from their units and arrange them in order of their priority of need. Facility Planning will then present a list of these requests to the President and to IRRAC for final determination of priority. The requests which are to be submitted to the Regents are put in final form by Facility Planning for the President's approval and submitted to the Board of Regents. Periodically, especially when site locations for a new building are being considered, Facility Planning will present proposed changes to the campus to the Campus Planning Committee for review.

Procedures for Planning a Project
Once a project has been authorized for planning, assistance is given to the using agency in preparing a written program of requirements for use by the administration, the funding agency and the architects. This document will contain a brief statement of concept, a list of the spaces required and the size needed for each space type, an explanation of how the spaces will relate to each other and to the building's function, the degree of flexibility required and future trends which might affect the need for expansion. This document will form a basis for preliminary estimation of cost and conceptual design of the project. Additional information concerning operation and maintenance will be obtained from Plant Operations and be included in the building program statement.

Coordination of Building Design
The actual planning of a project through the award of a construction contract is a primary responsibility of the Office of Facility Planning. The steps involved in this process, in chronological order, include the following:

Coordination of Building Design
The actual planning of a project through the award of a construction contract is a primary responsibility of the Office of Facility Planning. The steps involved in this process, in chronological order, include the following:

  1. Selection of the Architect
    For all projects with an estimated construction cost in excess of $500,000, a selection process established by the Board of Regents is used to give qualified design professionals an equal opportunity to be considered for the design services required. This process includes a public notice soliciting design services from throughout the state of Georgia, a selection committee which will review all responses, selection of a maximum of eight finalists, interviews of each firm and establishment of a ranked listing in order of choice. The finalists are selected based on their experience and performance with projects of similar requirements to the specific project being planned. The top three firms listed will be recommended for submission to the Regents for approval. An architectural contract is then prepared and signed by the Board of Regents.
  2. Selection of the Site
    From a number of available sites which have been determined in master and area planning phases the building committee, consisting of representative of the using agency, the Office of Facility Planning, Plant Operations Division, and others with specific interests in the project, will meet to select the preferred site. Departments in buildings adjacent to the site and administrators of facilities occupying the site such as existing buildings, parking lots or open spaces are to be advised of the possible placement of the new building and their comments are to be included in the committee's report. The consideration of need and cost of reallocation of existing facilities and/or programs which will be affected by new construction will be included in planning and selecting a site. The committee's recommendation will be submitted by the Director of Facility Planning to the Associate Vice President for Facilities and the President for approval. A location plan showing the boundaries of the approved project site is prepared by Facility Planning and presented to the architect.
  3. Obtaining the topographical survey and subsurface investigation
    The architect arranges for this information and the Office of Facility Planning coordinates access to the site.
  4. Obtaining complete information concerning utilities
    The architect will secure all information on available utilities to serve the project. While Plant Operations, City of Atlanta and private utilities companies are used as sources, the architect is solely responsible for securing this information and providing proper extension and connection of utilities to the building.
  5. Preliminary Design
    The coordination of assistance and advice between the using department, Institute service departments and the architect during the preliminary design phase of the project is done by the Office of Facility Planning. Reviews, budget preparation and program changes are handled by the office. Information requested by the architect may be obtained either through Facility Planning or directly from the using department in meetings and correspondence during this design phase. The architect is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals from State agencies. A preliminary list of loose equipment needs is made in conjunction with the using department. Facility Planning will coordinate preliminary document review with the using department, Plant Operations, and the dean of the school or college involved. After obtaining signatures of approval from the dean and Director of Plant Operations, the documents are approved by the President and transmitted to the Regents Office for final approval.
  6. Contract Documents
    During the preparation of working drawings and specifications the Office of Facility Planning coordinates the many items of information, meetings and details needed to enable the architect and his engineers to complete the work to the Institute's satisfaction. Again, detailed reviews in the documents are made by all parties involved and final approvals and submissions are coordinated by Facility Planning. Specification sheets for loose equipment items are prepared by Facility Planning and the using department. The project is approved by the President, forwarded to the Board of Regents, and advertised for bids either by the Regents Office, by the Georgia State Finance and Investment Commission Office (GSFIC) or by the Plant Operations Division.
  7. Bidding of a Project
    The bid date is set by the Regents Office, the architect handles the bidding process and Facility Planning coordinates any actions required of the Institute during the bidding period. In the event of an unacceptable bid, Facility Planning will assist the using department and the architect with an analysis of alternative means for bringing the project scope into line with the funds available. This action is done in conjunction with the Regents Office and, when all parties concur, a construction contract is awarded by the Regents Office, the GSFIC, or the Institute.
  8. Supervision of Construction
    The architect supervises the construction as the Institute's consultant. Projects administered by the GSFIC do not come under the Institute's jurisdiction, but information needed from the Institute during construction is handled by Facility Planning. All other projects are administered by Facility Planning, including the following procedures:
    • Providing a Resident Engineer Inspector who will make daily visits to the job site, will keep a daily log and a weekly written report of the job progress, and will report any variance by the contractor from the contract documents to the architect.
    • Processing all payment requests from the contractor; including checking the figures, insuring all signatures are obtained, preparing the check request and forwarding the request to the Regents Office for approval.
    • Processing all change orders for approval.
    • Coordinating with the appropriate campus agencies the interruptions of utilities and other actions of the contractor which will affect operations, parking, traffic, safety and activity on adjacent Institute property.
  9. Final Acceptance
    When the architect has determined that the project is completed, a final inspection is scheduled by the Regents or the GSFIC. Facility Planning notifies all Institute departments which have a direct interest in the operation and maintenance of the new facility, including:
    1. the using departments
    2. the appropriate Dean
    3. Plant Operations Division

The Associate Vice President for Facilities attends the final inspection, verifies the work has been completed, and signs all acceptance papers as the President's representative. All operations and maintenance manuals, keys and other materials to be turned over to the Institute are signed for by the Associate Vice President of Facilities and distributed to the proper campus agencies. Coordination of loose equipment placement is done by Facility Planning. Final payments and any other completion matters are administered by Facility Planning. Maintenance and operations of the new facility, including the register of complaint items, become the responsibilities of the Director of Plant Operations in conjunction with the using department, the Regents Office and the GSFIC.
See Section 9.0, Facility Planning/Plant Operations, Maintenance and Construction for New Building Construction and Acceptance.

Procedures for Animal Exhibit/Petting Zoos for Georgia Tech Events- On or Off campus

Procedures for Animal Exhibit/Petting Zoos for Georgia Tech Events- On or Off campus
Type of Policy
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Insurance and Claims Management
Contact Name
Frederick Trotter
Contact Title
Director of Insurance Claims & Property Control & Assets
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This document provides guidelines and standardized procedures for minimizing risk associated with animals on campus. Human contact with live animals at petting zoos creates the potential for disease transmission such as E coli and other zoonotic diseases so risk should be minimized. Risk of transmission can be reduced by (i) avoiding direct contact with animals or surfaces in which animals have had contact and (ii) allowing only supervised contact with animals followed by hand washing.

Generally, only non-dangerous, mature domestic animals with the required documentation are allowed. Inherently dangerous or wild animals as defined in Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 27-5-5, shall not be permitted in any animal exhibit or petting zoo on campus. However, rare exceptions may be made, subject to providing documentation required by the Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 27-5-5 and receiving approval by the Georgia Tech Director of Insurance.


Required documentation:
Owners and/or providers of animals to be exhibited and/or part of a petting zoo must provide:

  • Documented proof that all animals have had their required shots including but not limited to vaccinations, such shots are up to date, and the animals are free of rabies.
  • Evidence of liability insurance coverage with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence with an insurance company with at least an A- / VII rating by A.M. Best Company must be provided by the owner and/or provider of the animals. Georgia Tech, its officers and employees must be named as additional insureds on the liability insurance policy.
  • A Certificate of Insurance, evidencing the required coverage must be submitted to
    Georgia Tech Insurance & Claims Management, 711 Marietta St., N.W.
    Atlanta, GA 30332-0300, prior to the date of the event.


  • During public exhibition, any animal which may have physical contact with the public must be handled so there is minimal risk of harm to the animal and to the public. The owner and/or provider must ensure that there is sufficient distance and/or barriers between the animal and the general viewing public so as to assure the safety of both.
  • An appropriate number of adequately trained employees shall be utilized to maintain the exhibit. A responsible, knowledgeable and readily-identifiable employee or attendant must be present at all times during the public exhibition.


  • Animals in exhibit shall be kept in appropriate cages or behind appropriate fencing with the trained animal handlers present at all times to manage appropriate human-animal interaction.
  • Access to the animal areas should be clearly defined and controlled (barriers, fencing, signage, etc.) from non-animal areas.
  • No smoking, food or beverage shall be allowed in the animal area. Signage stating such prohibition shall be clearly posted throughout the exhibit and at the entrance.
  • If public feeding of the animals is permitted, the food must be provided by the animal facility/owner and shall be appropriate for the type of animal and its nutritional needs and diet.
  • Adequate potable water for the animals shall be available on the premises.
  • Manure and soiled animal bedding shall be removed promptly. Animal waste and waste removal tools must be confined to areas restricted from public access.
  • The provider of the animals shall be required to haul off the animal waste from campus in their own containers.
  • The Exhibitor will be required to pay a cleaning fee to the Georgia Tech Facilities Dept. to sanitize the animal exhibit area after the event. Please contact the Georgia Tech Facilities Dept. at 404-894-3969 for details.
  • To reduce the chance of disease transmission, hand washing stations sufficient to accommodate the maximum anticipated attendance must be provided. The stations will include the appropriate number of anti-bacterial liquid soap dispensers and a water source or anti-bacterial hand-wipes. If soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers [or anti-bacterial hand wipes] may be provided but this is a less preferable option. Signage which clearly explains the safety reasons for hand washing shall be clearly posted near the hand washing stations and near the exit.
  • In case of an animal bite, or other emergency, campus police should be contacted at: (404-894-2500).




*Sources: University of Texas EHS Animal Exhibit Policy, National Assoc. of State Public Health Veterinarians-Compendium of Measures to Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in Public Settings, 2011, Iowa State University Petting Zoo Policy.